Hello all!
Well, I'm a bit under the weather in more ways than one. I've just been visiting in Northern Queensland and boyohboy is it hot already, then there were huge thunderstorms in Brisbane last night, so my flight home from Townsville was delayed. Got home at 4am!! So, lack of sleep and a good dose of heat exhaustion, and here I am...to tell you I'm over at my mate Yolanda Renee's today, talking about the Seven Deadly Sins of Writing Paranormal Romance.
Please click the link to Yolanda's blog and check out what I've dredged up over the past year or so as I wrote my paranormal, Under the Tuscan Moon.
Once I get a few chores done, I'll be over. Then at 6 in the morning I fly to Melbourne for a few days R&R...and cooler climes I hope (usually is!).
See you for the IWSG!
Then tomorrow, the InLinkz list goes up at Write...Edit...Publish (WEP) for the science-fiction challenge...Holiday Celebrations that are out of this world (literally). Soon I will add the link to my sidebar.
Currently, we have the awesome Alex J Cavanaugh guest posting at WEP, giving us a few pointers for writing science fiction. Please hop on over there if you'd like a little sciency help. You might join us for our December challenge. Postings begin on Dec 16th and continue to the 19th.
Thanks for coming by...

Well, I'm a bit under the weather in more ways than one. I've just been visiting in Northern Queensland and boyohboy is it hot already, then there were huge thunderstorms in Brisbane last night, so my flight home from Townsville was delayed. Got home at 4am!! So, lack of sleep and a good dose of heat exhaustion, and here I am...to tell you I'm over at my mate Yolanda Renee's today, talking about the Seven Deadly Sins of Writing Paranormal Romance.
Please click the link to Yolanda's blog and check out what I've dredged up over the past year or so as I wrote my paranormal, Under the Tuscan Moon.
Once I get a few chores done, I'll be over. Then at 6 in the morning I fly to Melbourne for a few days R&R...and cooler climes I hope (usually is!).
See you for the IWSG!
Then tomorrow, the InLinkz list goes up at Write...Edit...Publish (WEP) for the science-fiction challenge...Holiday Celebrations that are out of this world (literally). Soon I will add the link to my sidebar.
Currently, we have the awesome Alex J Cavanaugh guest posting at WEP, giving us a few pointers for writing science fiction. Please hop on over there if you'd like a little sciency help. You might join us for our December challenge. Postings begin on Dec 16th and continue to the 19th.
Thanks for coming by...

I'll be here posting my sci fi for your WEP. Have to be there for my friend. Pace yourself and try to enjoy this season -- though it is hot -- so is Louisiana. Sigh. I want snow! :-)
Wouldn't snow be a dream?? Not going to happen. We have hail instead! Looking forward to your WEP posting, friend. :-)
Hot and delayed by storms. Hope you catch up on your sleep, is that ever possible? We'll it's late here so I'm off for a few hours and then back to the Monday grind - although you're already well into your day. Hope it's a good one!
Thanks for visiting! I really can't believe it's already time for the December challenge! Wow - time does fly!
Ridiculous, innit?
Ooh, that sounds painful. Hope you get the required dose of R&R...off to Yolanda's now....
I'm sure I will Nilanjana!
Just seen a segment on GMA saying how important it is to sleep properly and get enough of it. So I hope you can get some ZZZZZ.
Hope you feel better soon. Travel safely.
Yes, Jo. I hate the jet lagged feeling but it's the price of travelling so much. :-)
Here I am at the airport at 5am waiting to fly to Melbourne. NIce time to catch up on comments! And my first Uber ride was awesomeness! Thanks for visiting at Yolanda's. :-)
Whew! Sounds like you've been keeping busy. I hope everything is going well! :)
Since I'm getting caught up, I know you recovered and are well on your way to new adventures. But you did a lot in a short period of time.
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