Today Belongs to Her - Friday Flash
Gone in 60 Seconds - Beach Scene Blogfest
Lost Treasures - Bad Boy Blogfest
Bickering Blogfest - Cassie and Michael
Sharing Your Darlings blogfest - Ruby beginning
Wired - Friday Flash
Blogfest of Death - Real Gone Surfer Girl
Share Your Darlings Blogfest - Ruby, the Beginning
Bad Boy Blogfest -
High Drama Blogfest - Where are the fire trucks?
Dreams - Milestone blogfest
Down by the Billabong
The Perfect Silence of the Night - Part 1
The Perfect Silence of the Night - Part 2
Weather Blogfest Weather BlogfestAugust 14
Milestones Blogfest - July 31
Milestones Blogfest - July 31
Funniest Blogfest Ever - Sept 1
Blog Take over Day - August 11
Word Painting - August 27