Hello everyone!
Wow, November already? The month I volunteered to be an IWSG co-host and help Alex J Cavanaugh with the commenting. I'm #16 on the list so I go way back with IWSG! Please enjoy reading the posts from far and wide across the globe, and comment in a helpful, supportive, empathetic way. My other co-hosts are:
Tyrean Martinson , Karen Walker and Stephen Tremp.
I hope, unlike me, you're not insecure about anything this month, although most writers I meet have some form of insecurity, particularly about their published works. And IWSG is the forum to chat about what's getting you down, or contrarily, what's gee-ing you up!
I'm going to keep this post blissfully short--in respect of those of you who should be writing their NaNo novels rather than blogging...and well, I should be doing the same.
So...my insecurity today--well, I finally self-published my paranormal romance in time for Halloween. I did not submit to traditional publishers as I wanted to experience the self-publishing model myself and learned...it's damned hard work. I ended up doing most of the work myself even though I hadn't planned on it! Oh boy, I really did find out what those formatters and cover artists get paid for! So, okay, now it's up...and I may submit traditionally after all.
Amazon publishes 1,000,000 books a year, so how do you get noticed? You can't unless you find a way to shoot to the first few pages. I've got a few creative ideas I'm going to try to do just that. We're all looking for something new, aren't we?
I've been blogging since 2007. I've hosted bloghops to encourage writers, I've bought blogger books, reviewed blogger books, hosted bloggers on my blog (can you believe I hosted Alex as part of my Publication Party series before he released his first novel, CassaStar?) Whoa, takes me back. But in this cover-reveal-book-launch-guest-post-weary environment, it will become increasingly difficult to find bloggers to host new authors. We need new promo ideas, don't you agree?
My novella is Book One in a series. I'll be using NaNoWriMo to complete the next book...and maybe the third as well. High hopes! No harm in being an optimist!
And I've gone over to the dark side in more ways than one. After deleting 3 Word Press blogs due to the level of difficulty in building them, I've finally persevered due to the large influx of WP bloggers to WEP. So my new WP blog is up and limping along. More to do yet. But if you're a WP blogger and have trouble commenting on my blogspot blog, go to: Denise Covey, Cafe Writer.
Some IWSG notes:
If you'd like to read my novella for FREE and review it, please leave a comment with your email address or email me and a copy will wing its way to you.
If you'd like to host me on your blog, please tell me in the comments or email me.
Go HERE to read more IWSG posts.
MINI BLURB (courtesy of Michael di Gesu, that man with a golden pen!)

Tyrean Martinson , Karen Walker and Stephen Tremp.
I hope, unlike me, you're not insecure about anything this month, although most writers I meet have some form of insecurity, particularly about their published works. And IWSG is the forum to chat about what's getting you down, or contrarily, what's gee-ing you up!
I'm going to keep this post blissfully short--in respect of those of you who should be writing their NaNo novels rather than blogging...and well, I should be doing the same.
So...my insecurity today--well, I finally self-published my paranormal romance in time for Halloween. I did not submit to traditional publishers as I wanted to experience the self-publishing model myself and learned...it's damned hard work. I ended up doing most of the work myself even though I hadn't planned on it! Oh boy, I really did find out what those formatters and cover artists get paid for! So, okay, now it's up...and I may submit traditionally after all.
Amazon publishes 1,000,000 books a year, so how do you get noticed? You can't unless you find a way to shoot to the first few pages. I've got a few creative ideas I'm going to try to do just that. We're all looking for something new, aren't we?
I've been blogging since 2007. I've hosted bloghops to encourage writers, I've bought blogger books, reviewed blogger books, hosted bloggers on my blog (can you believe I hosted Alex as part of my Publication Party series before he released his first novel, CassaStar?) Whoa, takes me back. But in this cover-reveal-book-launch-guest-post-weary environment, it will become increasingly difficult to find bloggers to host new authors. We need new promo ideas, don't you agree?
My novella is Book One in a series. I'll be using NaNoWriMo to complete the next book...and maybe the third as well. High hopes! No harm in being an optimist!
And I've gone over to the dark side in more ways than one. After deleting 3 Word Press blogs due to the level of difficulty in building them, I've finally persevered due to the large influx of WP bloggers to WEP. So my new WP blog is up and limping along. More to do yet. But if you're a WP blogger and have trouble commenting on my blogspot blog, go to: Denise Covey, Cafe Writer.
Some IWSG notes:
We are still trying to get the IWSG site listed as one of Writers’ Digest’s Top 100 Best Websites for Writers! Please email them atwritersdigest@fwmedia.com, subject line 101 Websites, and suggest the IWSG - http://www. insecurewriterssupportgroup. com/
Don’t forget we have a Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/ groups/IWSG13/
If you'd like to host me on your blog, please tell me in the comments or email me.
Go HERE to read more IWSG posts.
- Are you a published writer, either traditional or self published?
- Have you been inspired or disappointed with the publishing experience?
- Have you any tips for newbie published writers?
- What, in particular, are you insecure about with your published books? Or are you blissfully secure?
Within the velvety Tuscan sky, a harvest moon glows
like liquid amber. Mysterious shadows seep noxiously through the unsuspecting
forest, preying on the vulnerable, whose blinded gaze mocks their senses.
A man.
A woman.
Forever locked in a sensual embrace...

I've been a contributor awhile too, being #22 on the list. I am like you -- you and I will never get noticed with so many self-pubbed novels out there UNLESS we find a new way to garner attention.
People are weary of cover reveals, book tours, and mailing lists -- how many of those fill your inbox each week?
I am still looking with you. Lots of luck with your search. So I will have to go to your new blog to see new material? Wish you luck with it. :-)
Thanks again for co-hosting! If you are number sixteen on the list, that is really impressive. Promise though, the best you will ever get is number two...
I can't imagine the work that goes into preparing a book for publication, so my hat's off to you.
And you did help me when I was a new author! Wow, so many years ago...
Write your heart out this month! After today, of course.
IT's always a pleasure Alex! Self-publishing isn't for wimps that's for sure! Now I really appreciate the hard work!
We'll find a way Roland. I've come up with something and will run it by you soon!
Probably only a repeat of what you see on my blogger blog at WP at the moment. We'll see. I can hardly find the time to keep up with one, let alone two!
Hey Denise, I can't believe you've taken on the role of co-host this month, you are one ambitious lady! Good for you though! I hope you're glad you tackled the job of self-publishing. It is a job and a great learning experience, I think, for two reasons, first because learning is always a good thing, but secondly because the experience will make you better prepared when you find a publisher. It pays to know all the ropes! Your story is amazing, find your audience and it'll take off like gangbusters I'm sure. Good luck! & Happy NaNo - ing!
Thanks Yolanda! You're pretty amazing yourself. And you know what I think about having a good procrastinating activity during NaNo...I"ve just limped past 5,000! You're on a roll!
Denise!! Congrats!! I haven't been around much so I hadn't realised you've travelled the self-pub route. I'm impressed. I'm currently in the throes of formatting one of my projects, so I feel your pain. I'm happy to host you in December if you still want the coverage by then. Let me know.
That's cool, Lyn. I'll be in contact! I so appreciate it. And hey formatting was cruel, but not as bad as I expected! Hope that game building goes well! :-)
I don't mean to brag, but I'm number four on the IWSG right behind none other than Karen Walker, also a co-host of IWSG this month. Denise, I see you're number 16. We don;t want to lose our spots and have to start over.
Denise, good luck with NaNo. I'll be joining this week and hope to complete 10,000 words.
Good luck to you too Stephen, although it's hard work rather than luck!
Hi Denise - keeping one's name out front of a few is great, then cascading our books is a difficult one. I think this group is amazing with the ideas, help etc that keeps you all going and me tagging along, til my time comes. Congratulations on the self-publishing route - we learn as we go.
The WP thing is a pain ... those of us in the blogging world seem to understand we can access both blogs and comment ... it's surprisingly easy. Just open a WP account. Well done on mastering WP though .. cheers Hilary
I can't even imagine self-publishing a book, it must be so hard! I bet it will be worth it in the end, though :)
It's not that bad once you've done it Laura! Great to learn.
I'll be happy to help if I can Hilary. Yep. The comment thing isn't rocket science, but I'm glad I mastered WP!
2007? You have been blogging a long time! I guess the Ninja Captain, you and a few others are considered the 'old school' bloggers. :) I know self-pubbing must have been a nightmare. Congrats on getting it done! Thanks for co-hosting this month. Eva
Hi Denise, Best of luck with 'Under the Tuscan Moon', the cover looks gorgeous. I've had second draft insecurities this month, but I think I've finally given myself a kick in the pants and started to write my way through them.
Thanks for co-hosting,
Thanks for hosting Denise!! I hear you on trying to get noticed - like yelling down a well - along with 28,000 of your close personal friends. Here's to keeping our voices strong!
Good luck with NaNo and yay!! congratulations on your release!!
Self-publishing it a load of work! Good for you. You made it to the other side!
Good luck with NaNo! And if you don't mind a late review, give me a shout. Might not be able to read it before the holidays, but I'll do my best. No promises, though.
Good luck using NaNo to complete the next two books! How cool would that be if you could get both drafted. Best of luck and thanks for co-hosting!
I'm overwhelmed just thinking about all the work in self-publishing. You could probably teach a class by now. Congrats on doing all that!
I switched to a WP blog when I got a website. I had the web designer set it up for me. I liked many features of blogger, but WP was the way to go.
I'll read your book mary.aalgaard at yahoo dot com.
Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG this month!
Play off the Page
I feel you on the marketing thing. We do need a new approach. I think one thing I need to think about is audience. I don't expect other authors to necessarily flock to my book when they've got their own to promote. I should be connecting more with readers via my blog and blog hops, not just writers.
You are a huge inspiration, Denise. I'm sorry I don't get to read your blog as often as I'd like. Thanks for co-hosting today. Thanks for inspiring.
Self-publishing is very hard work, even if you hire a cover artist and formatter. Congrats on the debut!
I've found book ads to be helpful. I usually at least earn my fee back if not more. Try places like Digital Book Today and The Kindle Book (or Romance) Review. I believe all three have a 'new release' option that doesn't require the book to have reviews. The Fussy Librarian is another book advertiser to check.
Thanks for co-hosting. :)
IWSG #115 until Alex culls the list again
Thanks for co-hosting Denise. And Congrats on self-pubbing!!! I love the cover and Michael's a genius with blurbs!!!!
There's a lot more work in publishing a book than most people realize.
Marketing constantly shifts and we have to b willing to try new things. Doing the same things over and over while expecting different results is called insanity.
Congrats on self-publishing. It isn't for the faint of heart. Thanks for cohosting this month.
Best wishes,
Diane IWSG #92
I have a WP site but never did more than open it. Maybe one of these days I'll do something with it. And good luck with the self publishing and all!
Congrats Denise on your self-published book. I've been excited, inspired and disappointed in the publishing process, but it's a journey I am grateful for partaking. I am a bit insecure as I get ready to release my first anthology as an editor later this month! Yikes. thanks for co-hosting this awesome group.
I want to self-pub an unofficial sequel I wrote. Waiting on permissions from the owners of the author's rights. It seems like an interesting process, and I've always been interested in it. Thanks for co-hosting!
Congrats on your new release! Yeah, I totally feel you on getting notice in self-publishing. I did everything myself too (except editing) and it is a lot of work. I wish you a lot of luck! I won't be reading anything in November because of NaNo, but I'll look up your book in Dec!
Yes, self-publishing is so much work. And yes, it is hard to get attention, reviews, buzz about your book. But, it is satisfying to know the profits will all come to you and the book will stay published as long as you choose. Pros and cons to everything. I too have traditionally pubbed and self-pubbed work. I like having different revenue streams. Congrats and best of luck to your book. Thanks for co-hosting this month.
I've self-pubbed quite a few books. It's a lot of work, but now that I have my template, much easier. And, the money is much better. Done right, it's worth the effort.
That's what scares me with self-pubbing - all that work that's all on me. And it's like, do I have the time? Can I do all this on my own? I know a few of my books aren't very marketable to the trad right now, so I'll likely have to self-pub, but I'm still hoping to submit some just to see if I can. :/
Yay for your novella! You've definitely made a huge leap with this one. I think formatting a book for publication would kill me. Yup.
I'm thinmking of starting a WP site, but I haven't had time for it. Maybe next year, but we'll see. Thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG!
Congrats on the book Denise, and good luck with it!
Congratulations on your book release, and yes, I believe it was hard work the entire way, but you did it.
You're doing NaNo. I am too. I'm trying to write the first draft for the fourth book of my series.
And thank you for co-hosting. Great Job.
Congratulations, Denise. Yes, I'd love to read and post a review of Under the Tuscan Moon. My email is: featherstone.author@gmail.com
I'm considering self publishing Forbidden. There is one thing for certain. I have no idea if I'm up to the task. But then, I figure writing and perfecting Forbidden was a huge challenge. Given I've managed that, perhaps I can survive the self-publishing challenge. I'd like to hear more about your experience.
Congratulations, Denise. Yes, I'd love to read and post a review of Under the Tuscan Moon. My email is: featherstone.author@gmail.com
I'm considering self publishing Forbidden. There is one thing for certain. I have no idea if I'm up to the task. But then, I figure writing and perfecting Forbidden was a huge challenge. Given I've managed that, perhaps I can survive the self-publishing challenge. I'd like to hear more about your experience.
Cheers to your new indie release! Under the Tuscan Moon: Ciassia sounds awesome, and that blurb guy *wink* did a fine job tempting readers! Having self-published five books, I can safely say, the process never seems to get easier. Marketing, on the other hand, is the fun part!!
Congratulations on finishing Under the Tuscan Moon! That is a beautiful image on the cover! And thank you for co-hosting. You folks make it really good.
It's encouraging to hear of so many writers getting their books published, Denise! Good luck with your self-publishing adventure! And thanks for co-hosting the ISWG! Blissfully secure? LOL! Right now I'm reasonably secure, and that's as good as it gets for me; so I'm grateful! Have a good one!
Congratulations on self-publishing! :)
Great news about your new release. And thanks for co-hosting. Finding the time for that in your busy schedule is an accomplishment in itself.
I've never been blissfully secure. I consider myself a newbie writer, even though I've been writing for fun for nearly 30 years. I have an 8-part YA series I've written, but never been tempted (or brave) to try and get it published. That's pretty much what I'm insecure about.
I bought your book Denise after Michael wrote about it. I am sorry I haven't yet had time to read it.
Nice to meet you, Denise! I also write a paranormal romance series (timetravel) as well as the usual crime. Thanks for cohosting.
So nice to be visiting your blog again! Thanks for cohosting this month. I love cohosting on IWSG! I can't work with WP either and have given up, for now... Congratulations on the novella and good luck with NaNo this month!
Being a IWSG co host is a perfect way to get lots of book notice without having to do a tour :) See, you're creative already. The book is next up on my reading list, after I finish beta reading Michael DiGesu. Now that the holidays are here and my blogging is trickling, and I've missed the IWSG anthology deadline, I can settle in for some leisure reading.
Self publishing is still too scary, and too much work, for me to take on right now. Some day maybe.
Good luck Denise.
Congratulations on the novella and good luck with NaNo this month!
Looking forward to reading all your new promo ideas.
Thanks for co-hosting this month. I am also reading trying to learn about self-publishing and getting noticed. Wishing you the best of luck,
Juneta Writer's Gambit
Yep, self publishing requires a lot of time and effort if we're to make a decent job of it.
Thanks for co-hosting today, Denise. It's kinda funny to me how people react differently to things. I know some bloggers who think Blogger is hard and some who think Wordpress is hard. I'm glad you're sticking with it. I had to give up my Blogger blog because I couldn't maintain both, but for the next project I'm planning, Blogger will be my go to.
As far as reaching readers, we just have to keep trying and never give up.
Yep, the game building is coming along. I recently went down to Melbourne for a couple of gaming conferences. I showed a few people my demo and it seemed to go down well.
I'm sticking with blogger for now. Wordpress does give a website look so good luck with that and NaNo.
Susan Says
Thanks for co-hosting this month. Congratulations on your book release. Blessings for your continued success. I used blogger since I started blogging in 2007 and I'm pretty happy with it.
Hey Donna, so am I. I prefer it, but it was good to branch out! Thanks for your good wishes!
Thanks Susan. Yes, I've had some nice comments about how clean it looks.
So right, Toi! The WP/Blogger debate is interesting. I've pretty much got WP how I want it now.
So right Patsy.
We can never stop learning Juneta.
You'll be one of the first to know!
Self-publishing isn't for wimps, Donna, but you can do it if you just take it slowly and have about 6 Amazon how-to pages open, lol!
That's such good news! And what fun it must be!
Yay! Love that you're using NaNoWriMo to write a second book! That's a fantastic idea. Good luck! And congrats on getting a wordpress blog together. Even at limping status, that's quite an accomplishment! :)
Hooray for a new NaNo book! Great idea!!!
Hello fellow NaNoWriMo warrior! Thanks for dropping by. I was waaaay too busy at work yesterday to get around but hope this will be a lighter day. I've done a few nanos but my favorite is Hart's (the watery tart) BuNoWriMo that happens in June. I do love the fever of it. Good for you for trying different approaches in publishing.
Hello fellow NaNoWriMo warrior! Thanks for dropping by. I was waaaay too busy at work yesterday to get around but hope this will be a lighter day. I've done a few nanos but my favorite is Hart's (the watery tart) BuNoWriMo that happens in June. I do love the fever of it. Good for you for trying different approaches in publishing.
Thank you so much for co-hosting. Self-publishing is definitely hard work. Wishing you much success with your latest release:)
Thanks Murees. Hope you're going well.
I must check out Hart's.
Congratulations on self-publishing, and yes, it is a lot of work, but it's all rewarding! :-) Love the Tuscan connection, LOL, I grew up in Tuscany so it's my favorite place in the world. ;-)
I never believe anyone who says self-publishing is easy, not if it’s done right. It’s even more of a challenge now with so many books being published each year. I certainly don’t have the courage.
Thanks for co-hosting this month, Denise, and during NaNo too! And congratulations on the release of Under the Tuscan Moon!
VR Barkowski
Denise, I'm really eager to see what new marketing ideas you have up your sleeve. I'll be watching this space closely...
I have my own domain with Wordpress, though I have somebody hosting for me. If there are any problems... then off to the techie guy. I've been known to phone him at unearthly hours... LOL
I'm also a IWSG contributor for quite a while. I'm no#27 on the linky.
Thank you for co-hosting this month.
Lucky you to grow up there!
Thanks V R!
Well we go way back don't we Michelle? I'll keep you posted on my new idea. I think it's a goer!
I think you're very brave to self publish. It seems complicated to me.
Thank you for co-hosting this month. Good luck with NaNo.
Thank you so much for your kind purchase. You'll get around to reading it I"m sure. :-)
I still have so much to learn about effective marketing for self-publishing, since I think I sold maybe two or three copies of each book I released last year, and haven't sold a thing in an entire year now. I failed at generating my own buzz, and now haven't even heard back from the cover artist I contacted in August about revamps. To date, I've gotten far more congratulations and comments along the lines of "That sounds like an interesting story" than I've gotten sales. Hopefully it'll get better with a lot more books out there.
It's great that you struck out and published on your own and experienced all that. Thanks for co-hosting!
Thanks for co-hosting! And congrats on your book! :) I have the same worries with every book I put out. Good luck!
Best of luck with your book! I hope your ideas work out and you sell loads of books.
Congrats on the release of your new book! How does one get books noticed? I don't know. I'm still trying to figure that one out. Good luck!! Thanks for co-hosting!
Yes writing is the easy part, really. Marketing is the hard part.
Congrats on getting that new book out all by yourself! It IS awfully difficult, isn't t? But on the other hand, you now have control of the price, etc. and if you want to change price, cover, narrative, or back matter -- you're the BOSS! :)
That's the upside definitely Lexa!
Thanks Lori! We'll get there.
Congratulations on self-publishing your book. It sounds like you learned a lot and it definitely shows how much work it is. Good luck with NaNoWriMo and book 2! :)
So do I Patricia. And I hope I can help others do the same.
Congratulations on your novella. I hope November's work is fruitful, too.
Thank you AS. You too.
Thanks Christine. Yep. I'm sure you do.
Great or mad. Not sure yet.
It isn't that complicated just tedious!
My WP is not so bad. If I say so myself.
Thank you Lisa. I think I pretty much have WP worked out for now.
Will be over to visit Melodie.
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