What is a Liebster Award?
The Liebster Blog Award is an exciting opportunity to develop relationships with our fellow bloggers from different domains. This is a peer nominated award, which acts as a chain blog post. And is mainly intended to connect with new bloggers while building your email list.
Thank you, Yolanda!

Who is Yolanda? She's a sassy lady who writes very scary murder thrillers and zombie stories, and that's just for starters. She works with me at Write...Edit...Publish (WEP) which feeds her passion for flash fiction. Yolanda is a special blogging friend with something to say (she's started a political blog so she can say some more!) and she doesn't mince words there. Her blog is fun, full of variety, and so is Yolanda!
If you don't already follow her, please click HERE and follow her right now!

Here are the questions Yolanda posted for her nominated bloggers to answer.
1. What WIP are you working on now or tell us about another hobby you have?
I have several WIPs on the go, but the one I'm currently giving most attention to is my chick-lit novel, Carpe Diem, about the agony and the ecstasy of an Australian girl and a French artist in Paris.
2. Do you find subjects for blogging difficult or overflowing?
Overflowing. I get ideas when I read blogs, newspapers, watch telly, read books. I think--I want to know more about that, so I research it and post about it.
3. Your favorite fictional character, why?
Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With the Wind, proving how trials and tribulations can change someone for the better. Such an inspirational character. Who thought a spoiled, beautiful, selfish girl could find the grit to care for her family in the midst of terrible suffering. Her relationship with Rhett Butler is a whole other story...I'll think about it tomorrow...
4. Your favorite author, why?
This is very difficult. I am an avid reader and have several favourites so I must at least tell you about two. I love Pat Conroy for his utterly beautiful descriptions of settings, especially in Beach Music and South of Broad. And Anita Shreve for her captivating stories told in lyrical language, often very suspenseful.
5. Your favorite genre, why?
Once again, I don't have just one favourite genre. I am very eclectic in my tastes. I love romance in most of its forms--paranormal/suspense/chick lit/literary fiction (erotica, not so much) and I always look for a romantic element no matter what genre I read because fiction for me reflects real life and real life is about relationships.
6. Blog hops pro or con – productive or a waste of time?
Pro. Blog hops are invaluable in building our blogger platform and connecting with new bloggers. In my early days of blogging, I grabbed onto every blog hop that came my way. Now that I co-host my own permanent blog hop I can only say that the writing demanded by blog hops such as WEP improve our writing skills although they are very time consuming for the hosts.
7. Biggest regret or the best decision you've ever made?
Regrets, I have a few, but then again, too few to mention, lol! Best decision? Hmmm. Deciding to have kids?
8. What is the meaning of success to you?
To be happy within yourself which I guess is a product of the choices you've made in life.
9. Do you write reviews for the books you read? Why or why not?
I do write reviews for the books I read. Quick ones on Goodreads for best-selling authors who don't need my help, and longer reviews for blogger friends. As I read a lot of books I can be slow in reviewing, but I eventually get there. I love it when a blogger asks me to read/review their book then gives me a nudge when I don't get a review up quickly enough for them. I love it when people review my book too!
10.Biggest social media success or failure?
Other than blogging, Instagram. It takes so little effort and is very rewarding, especially if you love photography and travel.
11.Please share a paragraph or two from your current WIP or your favorite quote.~~~~~
A paragraph from Chapter One of my chick-lit novel, Carpe Diem:
So, pretty simple?I never asked too much when I moved to Paris. My dream was simple. I would meet a gorgeous Frenchman with floppy dark hair falling into mischievous black eyes who would prostrate himself at my feet, make me his wife and carry me over the threshold of his quirky Paris apartment close to the Champs-Elysées. After an early-morning love fest, he would kiss me passionately one last time, then leave for work in his snappy bespoke business suit doing whatever he did in his office on the Champs. I would stretch out on my sumptuous satin sheets until noon, before making an appearance at the exclusive boutique near the Plaza Athenee where I was personal stylist to chic Parisiennes who were also not averse to a lie in.
Ah, dreams.
Where did they go so wrong?
Thanks, Yolanda, this was a lot of fun!
The Liebster Blog Award rules are:
- Write a blog post about your nomination, displaying an image of the award.
- Thank the person who nominated you that includes a link to their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you asked you in his/her blog post.
- Nominate 5-11 other starting bloggers who you think deserve this award and come up with 11 questions of your own for them to answer.
- List these rules in your blog post.
My nominations for the Liebster Award:
Jemi Fraser @ Just Jemi
Karen Lange @ Write Now
Ann Best @ The Mormon Bests, Memoir Writer
Misha Gericke @ The Five Year Project
Richard Hughes @ Writing and Living at Richard Hughes
Pat Garcia @ Pat Garcia Book Reviews
Nilanjana Bose @ Madly in Verse
Pat Garcia @ Pat Garcia Book Reviews
Nilanjana Bose @ Madly in Verse
And here are your 11 questions to answer on your blog if you accept the award.

And here are your 11 questions to answer on your blog if you accept the award.
1. What is your burning motivation in life?
2. If you are published, quickly outline your journey for us.
3. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Why?
4.What writing 'secret' can you share with us?
5. What author inspires you more than any other? Why?
6. What/who means the most to you?
7. What is your favourite season? Describe something about that season to appeal to our senses.
8. What do you like to write? Novels, novellas, short stories, flash fiction, poetry, memoir--if you write more than one, tell us.
9. Share with us a sentence or a paragraph from a current piece of your writing.
10. What blogger has inspired you the most?
11. Do you think social media is important in the life of a writer? Why/why not?

Blog hops are great for meeting new people.
I never lack for blog post ideas either.
You like it when people prod you to read and review a book? You've opened the floodgates now...
Denise, this is so lovely, thank for that amazing introduction! And your answers, love learning more about you. I'm really looking forward to Carpe Diem: boy isn't that what we all thought, in one way or another. :)
Thanks so much for participating!
I always love these kind of posts on your site. Each time I learned at least one new thing about you.
"Deciding to have kids?" -- this made me laugh.
That was a cute paragraph from Carpe Diem--ah the daydreams...
Blog hops are great for meeting new people, but do you find they've quietened down compared to a few years ago? There's the established regulars like WEP and WWW and ISWG, and of course the A to Z, but far fewer of the fun one-offs that used to proliferate.
Real life is about relationships. That's what matters the most.
I'm afraid my best decision was not to have kids. I'm just not mommy material. Someone walks up to me with a baby just as someone else walks up with a basket of kittens, you bet I am going to squeal with delight over those kittens and ignore the baby.
Congrats on the award! Just like you, I have many favorite genres, but mine always have some form of romance in it. I'm just a sucker for romance. :)
Me too. A story without romance isn't really a story for me.
It's better if people who don't want kids don't have them, but it doesn't always work so simply as we know. I'll happily squeal with delight over a basket of kittens, a basket of puppies and a yummy new baby!
I get you Ian. I like the fun one-offs, but these days everyone seems to busy to have fun...not that WEP isn't fun...Now, what fun blog hop can we think of...???
No one's taken me up on the offer yet. Sometimes I'm amazed at lost opportunities!!
Thanks for nominating me Yolanda. You're a lovely friend. I'd rather not have you as an enemy with that dagger of yours!
Congratulations on the award. Enjoyed your answers.
Thoughts in Progress
and MC Book Tours
Love it!!
Thanks for the nomination - I'll have to get working :)
I'm with you on many - especially on a bit of romance making the story better!
Thank you for the nomination! Happy and honoured to accept with a slight lag - travelling out tomorrow.
Enjoyed all your answers - best decision to have kids, but of course! A Frenchman with floppy dark hair - now who hasn't dreamed of him at some point? :) GWTW is one of my favourites too.
Hi Denise - to have kids ... I should have had some - but I'd not be here ... we live as life happens. Love the Paris snippet ... oh to be in Paris now that Summer's here ... Congratulations on the award - you and Yolande deserve them ... I hope the others post in due course ... cheers Hilary
And i always love when you come by Ann!
Thanks Mason.
Somehow I think we're a lot alike by what I've read on your blog over the years Jemi. Looking forward to seeing your answers.
Take as long as you want Nila. We can wait. Enjoy the mangoes!
We are lucky when we get to choose Hilary. I'm well aware there's not always a choice when it comes to children. I've never seen Paris in summer; spring's the thing and I'm usually there in winter!!
Being happy within yourself is definitely a sign of success.
Congrats on your award. Great questions.
Thanks Lyn.
Congratulations on the award. I like your current WIP. I would like to know what actually happens and if she actually finds her Frenchman;) I also like your definition of success.
I really enjoyed reading your interview and especially your answer to 8. Money is important, but being happy and content with ourselves is what we should all strive for. Have a great weekend!
Hello Denise,
Congratulations! I feel like I've gotten to know you better.
Thank you so much for the nomination also, and it is truly an honor that I accept.
Shalom aleichem,
Scarlet O'Hara is an icon, isn't she? I can see why she's one of your favorites.
I agree with the person above who said blog hops have died down in recent years. I started noticing people putting, "This is a no blog hop zone" on their blogs, so maybe that's why? I've been tagged in a couple over the past few years, but I don't participate in any but the IWSG. I've found it doesn't really bring new readers. I love the way you did this one, though!
I hope you do find out when you read it Murees.
Yes, the definition of success is simple, really, isn't it?
I've heard of 'Award-Free Zone' Stephanie, but not a 'no blog hop zone'. That's sad, really, but some people are excellent at avoiding distractions. I've found several new readers through the WEP blog hop, just sayin'.
Enjoyed learning about you. Enjoyed your answer about success. It's a great, fulfilling way to view success.
I have such a hard time with blog hops but I do like visiting blogs. :) I like the idea for the Australian girl in Paris. Good luck with the book!
LOL! That excerpt was beyond epic. Super <3!! I think this may be the only surviving blog award still floating through the sphere. All others have rather died the death. Isn't it strange to watch the trends come and go?
Thanks so much for nominating me! I'll be doing some form of this for my vlog soon. Just need to finish moving house. ^_^
I liked reading more about you and your WIP as well as your travels. Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
You may be right Crystal. They were all the rage once. Glad you enjoyed the extract.
Oh wow Misha I thought that was over. Let me know when you post.
Hi human, Denise,
Ah yes and finally, this here superstar dog has arrived on your superstar type blog.
Hey, congrats on getting that Lobster Award, or whatever it is :) Pawesome that the delightful Yolanda, bestowed such an award upon your good self. You might realise that Yolanda is another one of my starstruck human fans. I know that Yolanda is really into that Flash fiction stuff. I had to explain to my ridiculous human, Gary, what "Flash" meant.
Interesting that you have several WHIPS, um WIPS, on the go. I know you keep real busy.
Very enlightening responses to the questions. You have a talent and such a pawsion for the written word. I shall skilfully avoid any mention of blog hippety hoppety stuff.
Congrats on the award, my talented human friend.
Pawsitive wishes,
Thanks for your pawsitive wishes Penny! Thanks for nudging that human Gary my way today!
Congratulations on the award and thanks for sharing more about Yolanda with us. Thanks for sharing part of your WIP.
Congrats on the award! I love the chapter excerpt. :)
Congratulations on your award! I find your interest in southern (USA) authors and stories intriguing. There is certainly an intimacy to Conroy's writing that draws one in.
Congratulations on your well-deserved award! I get blogging ideas from the most random places too :) I have started writing them down.
Congrats on your nomination.I don't have a favorite genre either. Makes me wonder if that makes it easier or harder in knowing/choosing the next novel to work on.
Congrats on your nomination.I don't have a favorite genre either. Makes me wonder if that makes it easier or harder in knowing/choosing the next novel to work on.
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