Hi all! Welcome to June's IWSG! Here we support and encourage each other. Share our experiences. This month I've asked 'real-life' blogger buddy, Lynda Young, to spell out some of her secrets to writing series. This fits in well with the June question: What are one or two of your secrets, something readers would never know from your work.
I hope you're encouraged by her words, especially if you write series. I asked her for this post as it's something I want to learn more about before I unleash my series onto the unsuspecting public.
Alex's awesome co-hosts for the June 3 posting of the IWSG are Pat Garcia, J.Q. Rose, and Natalie Aguirre! Be sure to visit!
Take it away, Lynda!
Elle Cardy on Writing a Series
Thanks for having me, Denise.
the series:
When I wrote book 1, Wielder’s Prize, I didn’t plan a series. I wrote a standalone
with the potential for a series. This
was when I wanted to get an agent and publish traditionally. I didn’t think it
was worth the time to write a full series if I couldn’t sell the first book to
an agent.
When I took control of my writing career, I
realized indie publishing suited me
better. I liked having the power to choose my own titles, to design and create
my own covers, to be responsible for every aspect of the book, with my own
a series?
I needed a full series to get the most out
of indie publishing. If a reader loved book 1 then I wanted them to buy the
next one and the next. And I didn’t want them to wait too long either. That
meant writing Wielder’s Curse and Wielder’s Fire before hitting ‘publish’ on book one. But, of
course, I didn’t wait until they were completely finished. I have a terrible
habit of misjudging the time it takes to edit and market. And then there was
that wretched learning curve that needed straightening.
Amazon loves new books. For ninety days,
Amazon will help you promote your new book. Once you slip out of that window,
unless you’ve got a strong following or a large backlist, that book is set
aside for the next shiny new book. This is another good reason to write a
series. Each new book in the series promotes all other books in the series.
Because of the pandemic distractions, I let
my final book slip outside my 90 day period between books. Wow, did I notice a
difference in sales for books 1 and 2. Now that book 3 is out, sales have
picked up again for the whole series. Phew!
important advice before you publish for the first time: WAIT!
When just starting out, make sure all your ducks are in that proverbial
row before you send them out, quacking into the world. When everything is new,
give yourself time to breathe, because it can quickly get overwhelming.
Remember to enjoy yourself. Remember to celebrate. And remember that ninety day
to create a series:
There are so many schools of thought on how
best to write a book and create a series. First person, third? Three acts or
Four? How long? How many books? Plot it or just write by the seat of your pants?
To answer these questions, research your
chosen genre and listen to your story.
Fantasies are often serials, also known as dynamic series. Think Harry Potter, Game of
Thrones. Lots of character development. Each book with a distinct story or
theme of its own but with a larger storyline running across the series. This is
my Wielder’s Storm trilogy.
Crimes tend to be episodic series, also known as static. Think Sherlock Holmes. Same
main characters, different adventures. Not a lot of character development.
And then you have anthology series where the books are bound by an element other than
a set of the same characters eg. a world, a location, a theme. Many romances
are like this.
Did I
plan the rest of the series?
Nope. I love stories with twists, and I get
the best twists when I don’t plan. I had a vague inkling how book 2 would end
and an even vaguer inkling how book 3 would end. After an ah-ha moment, I
finished the first draft of 3 before I finished the first draft of 2. I don’t
recommend that, but book 3 insisted.
tip for writing a series:
Write a document with your character names,
character descriptions, place names and other little details you may need to
reference throughout the series. That way you keep everything consistent.
more important: The writing or the story?
The story. Every time.
If you have interesting characters in an
engaging story with a good pace, then you probably have a winner. It’s that
Yes, you need to learn the craft of
writing. You need to read widely within your genre and outside it too. You need
to understand your market. And then you need to let your baby go so others can
enjoy it too.
would I do differently?
I would’ve gone independent
sooner. It’s truly awesome and empowering.
I probably would’ve waited
before releasing my series. Just for the sanity and breathing space to concentrate
more on the marketing. But then again, there is no faster way to learn than to
get on with it.
I would’ve built up my newsletter earlier.
After getting my first fan
letter, I would’ve made Wielder’s
Storm a longer series. I still can, actually. Hmmm…. ;)
Know your market.
Finish your story.
Get it professionally edited.
Don’t skimp on the cover. And
make sure it fits your genre and your series.
Get your book description
right. It’s so very important. And it’s different to a synopsis.
Reviews are super important and
not so easy to get. You’ll need to send out more advanced copies than you’d
Don’t keep tweaking multiple
details of your published book at the same time. If you change anything, make
it only one thing, then wait for the data to come in.
Remember this is a long game.
Don’t expect overnight success.
Keep reading and keep writing.
Fire is the thrilling conclusion to the sweeping Wielder’s Storm trilogy.
Marooned on an island, stripped of her magic, Jasmine must
find a way to mend her heart and defeat the oncoming storm.
Her secrets have been laid bare. The one who was supposed to love her,
stripped her of her magic. Now she’s shipwrecked on a forsaken island with
nothing but her anger and determination to keep her warm at night. Alone and
defenseless against a powerful enemy, she must find a way to survive.
She will get her magic back.
She will escape the island.
She will face the enemy and
defeat it once and for all.
But how can she when her heart is blistered to a crisp? One fierce step
at a time.
For fans of Sarah J. Maas and Leigh Bardugo, who love
exciting tales with dark secrets and unexpected twists.
Lose yourself in this epic
fantasy adventure set on the high seas by clicking here: Wielder’s Fire. Or start with Wielder’s Prize, then Wielder’s Curse. They are also free to read via Kindle
Website: http://www.ellecardy.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ellecardy/
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gCVzuv
@LyndaRYoung @ElleCardy #WRITING SERIES #SERIES #BOOKPROMOTION #PROMOTION https://dencovey.blogspot.com/2020/06/iwsg-post-lynda-young-gives-us-goss-on.html
#fantasy #GuestPost #amwriting @DeniseCCovey
Today we post our WEP June 1 - put-your-thinking-caps on post for the challenge, URBAN NIGHTMARE. Go HERE to get ideas on how to approach this prompt. Or just go with your gut.
Thanks for coming by today. I hope you enjoyed Lynda's guest post.
I hope you'll consider writing for WEP - either again, or for the first time.
Hi Denise, Thanks for having me!!
My pleasure. Love your post. I'm sure we'll all learn something new! Thanks.
Thank you both.
As a reader I am endlessly fascinated by learning more about writer's craft. And awed by the workload.
The workload can be hefty, but also hugely satisfying and fun.
Anymore the books have to come out close together. You were wise to have them finished. at least mostly, before beginning to send them out.
And I'd have to say I'm a big believer in a series!
Those are all such great tips, Lynda. Even if you get published traditionally, I think it's important to get a good start on writing the other books in the series. I wouldn't want the pressure of completely writing them on a deadline. Congrats on your new book!
A 90 day window? I need to prompt my authors to write faster.
Yes, professional editing is a MUST for those who self-publish.
I have never considered writing a series. I know I would get all the details wrong like blue eyes switch to brown eyes, the setting, oh so much to remember! All of my books are stand alones. I may have to go back and pick out one of my characters and try writing a second one. But what story? I like all of them! LOL Congratulations on your third in the series and in your independence in publishing.
JQ Rose
Great post. Very informative. Must take some of this advice into serious considersation.
I didn't know about the 90 day thing! Hmmm.
I'm a bit of a control freak so I like the Indie publishing. I also wrote some of my series out of order and I'm still working on book 4 while book 5 is already drafted :)
Gosh, Lynda, I wish I had known this much before I went ahead with my books. So many mistakes, so much to learn. Great post! Thank you! I wish you all success, and I love the premis. Another series for the list!
Hi, Denise, I hope you are still writing up a storm!
Interesting advice. I have an idea for a series percolating in my brain, but there are a couple of other novels ahead of it in the que. You'd think I'd have more time with the world shut down to write, but it's actually the opposite. The kidlings are super-needy, as is the cat, and with no one leaving the house, that quiet time to focus is gone, gone, gone. Maybe I should become a vampire and write in the middle of the night.
Lots of stuff in this interview I nodded along with you. Me too--about didn't plan a series but now it's going to be one. Interestingly, when I looked back at the end of the book-that-wasn't-a-series, it ended on a cliffhanger. And yep--don't skimp on the cover! I assume if the cover is amateurish, so too is the writing.
Didn't know about Amazon's 90-day window.
I'm just starting out writing a series. A few people told me to try to have something new come out every three months, and now I know why. Thanks for that info!
I have never considered writing a series, but sometimes I do wonder what happened to my characters after I "closed the book" on them...
I have written a series, which to this day still surprises me. I hadn't started out to write a series, but it developed into 3 books. I am truly enjoying reading Lynda's Wielder series!!
Congrats on getting the final instalment out! This has been a great series. It's very satisfying when you can get that overarching character arc and for readers to be invested in that.
So many good tips here, Lynda! Thanks for sharing them.
The surprise for me was that a series is way more than just "more than one book". Great tips here.
Great post, Lynda. Lots of useful advice. I've never heard about the 90 days window on Amazon. Now, I know, thanks to you.
I have to be more patient with my next series. And yes, series are great for authors and readers!
I think you are right. Thanks, Natalie
That 90 day window is super noticeable.
Getting those details right is important. That's why I recommend setting up a document with those details in it, something to easily reference.
Thanks, Toi. I'm glad it's helped.
Oh!! You will have more in the series!! Awesome!
I've made my fair share of mistakes too. It's all part of the learning process. I think we sometimes have to make them. Thanks, Yolanda.
Haha, yeah I thought the same when the world shut down. Way too many distractions. I'm only now getting back into the groove. Being a vampire would be handy...
They have a 30 day window and a 90 day window. Readers can click on those options to see the latest releases, which gives your book a step up above the others.
Yeah, I'd heard that too but didn't realise how much impact it had.
Even when I finish a series, I wonder that too :)
Thanks, Cathrina :)
It's not always easy to achieve, but definitely satisfying.
Thanks, Lee
So true! Thanks, Carol.
I wish I'd known earlier. Thanks, Olga.
Good tips, especially the reminder that this is a long game!
Wow - what a lot of great advice for those of us waiting in the wings! I'm taking to heart the 'patience' advice and am working on a crime-related non-fiction book to put the brakes on my intense desire to publish my fiction too soon.
Thanks for featuring Lynda, Denise. What an excellent post, so full of helpful information!
That's a crucial one to remember
That's a good plan!
I'm glad you found it helpful
I’m glad you’re finding some good info!
Hi Denise! Hi Lynda!
Well, that was certainly a very interesting and informative post. I like you reasons for self publishing, Lynda. They are solid and honest. And you advice about have the other books in the series almost finished is an excellent idea. I didn't know that Amazon did that for new books. That is a definite PLUS. I am not sure if I would ever Indie publish, but you do have some great suggestions why you should. Thanks. All the best with your trilogy!
I'm glad you enjoyed the post. There are tips in there even for writers who plan to go traditional.
My 1st book wasn’t supposed to be the beginning of a series, either. I love writing a series. The world is there, so are the characters. I love adding or developing characters, and enlarging the world. I love your series.
Hi Michael. Everyone must follow their heart on this. Many of the reasons most of us preferred traditional publishing don't exist any longer. And they certainly shy from publishing new authors, preferring to stay with their tried and true.
Hi Denise - I've been thinking about Urban Jungle - had forgotten it's Urban Nightmare ... still my idea will adapt.
Hi Lynda - it's great that you've worked out the best route for you and your books - and I'm so pleased you're getting fan letters ... that's really inspiring.
Congratulations to you both - and see you around ... stay safe and take care - Hilary
Thanks Hilary. Looking forward to seeing your Urban Jungle, er, Nightmare.
It's a whole lot easier to write a series than to build a whole new world.
Thanks, Diane
Thanks, Hilary
Thank you Denise for the tips on the WEP challenge this month, cooking ....
Thank you Lynda for sharing your publishing adventure of your series. Very interesting and helpful. The storyline definitely appeals to me, any chance you’ll publish in paperback ?
Wishing you both an inspired month of reading and writing. Take care, stay safe. Are you in Australia too Lynda ?
Thanks Susan. Glad you’re doing the challenge this month. The reading and writing is going well with me. Hopefully with you too.
Wow- I really loved all the advice. I didn't realize that about Amazon and marketing new books. So helpful to know.
Lynda- Did you do your own book formatting or did you pay a service to set up each book?
Wishing Lynda all the best! :) This series looks amazing!
thank for share it is good ประวัตินักกีฬา ประวัตินักกีฬา
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