Another month has gone by -- the world is in turmoil -- earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, bushfires, floods, political turmoil -- you name it -- we've been through it -- I survived so far. Did you?
Now it's time for the IWSG again. Is your writing in turmoil because of what's going on globally or in your family or community or in your country? Or does turmoil help deepen your writing?
I've never been one to set myself a daily word count which must be adhered to no matter what, (except for the 5 times I did NaNoWriMo) so I have no problem not writing if something comes up. I don't get frustrated. I don't post about it. I don't whine about it to writing friends.
Writing is a part of life. It's not all consuming although it can seem like that at times.
I just read a post by an author in a Facebook group I'm a member of. She's totally consumed by her writing. She's written 65,591 words in 10 days!! Makes NaNoWriMo look like a tootle~~! She's got a serial due in 5 days and 9 books left to write in 2018 which will make it well over 30 books for the year - egad, one every 2 weeks. I could be dispirited, but I'm not, I'm excited for her. I checked out some of her book samples on Amazon and they're well written, so go Yumoyori!
But when I think about it, I've just finished Book Three in my paranormal romance and am pushing into Book Four while I go back and finesse from Book One now I know a lot more about my world and my characters and how to write a serial. Awesome progress for me, a slow writer who takes time out when called on or when travel calls me.
So all of the above sort of answers the October question. I suspect it wasn't what the question really meant, but my reaction just flowed out --
How do major life events affect your writing? Has writing ever helped you through something?
I have the news on all day. I can just hear it from my writer's den. I get upset when I see over 1,000 people killed so far in the Indonesian tsunami and Japan's death toll growing from the latest typhoon. Paying attention to these major events, not just what's going on in my life -- shows me that life is full of turmoil and most people are worse off than I am, far, far worse off -- some things we can control, some we can't. But we must deal as best we can. Sometimes writing helps get through negative, challenging times!
Now it's time for the IWSG again. Is your writing in turmoil because of what's going on globally or in your family or community or in your country? Or does turmoil help deepen your writing?

Go HERE to read more posts!
Alex's awesome co-hosts for the October 3 posting of the IWSG are Dolorah @ Book Lover,Christopher D. Votey, Tanya Miranda, and Chemist Ken! Please visit if you can!
I've never been one to set myself a daily word count which must be adhered to no matter what, (except for the 5 times I did NaNoWriMo) so I have no problem not writing if something comes up. I don't get frustrated. I don't post about it. I don't whine about it to writing friends.
Writing is a part of life. It's not all consuming although it can seem like that at times.
I just read a post by an author in a Facebook group I'm a member of. She's totally consumed by her writing. She's written 65,591 words in 10 days!! Makes NaNoWriMo look like a tootle~~! She's got a serial due in 5 days and 9 books left to write in 2018 which will make it well over 30 books for the year - egad, one every 2 weeks. I could be dispirited, but I'm not, I'm excited for her. I checked out some of her book samples on Amazon and they're well written, so go Yumoyori!
But when I think about it, I've just finished Book Three in my paranormal romance and am pushing into Book Four while I go back and finesse from Book One now I know a lot more about my world and my characters and how to write a serial. Awesome progress for me, a slow writer who takes time out when called on or when travel calls me.
So all of the above sort of answers the October question. I suspect it wasn't what the question really meant, but my reaction just flowed out --
How do major life events affect your writing? Has writing ever helped you through something?
I have the news on all day. I can just hear it from my writer's den. I get upset when I see over 1,000 people killed so far in the Indonesian tsunami and Japan's death toll growing from the latest typhoon. Paying attention to these major events, not just what's going on in my life -- shows me that life is full of turmoil and most people are worse off than I am, far, far worse off -- some things we can control, some we can't. But we must deal as best we can. Sometimes writing helps get through negative, challenging times!
Speaking of keeping calm and writing on, the new WEP/IWSG writing together challenge is now live!
It's open to freaky or non-freaky posts which would suit the prompt! Please join us if you'd like to participate with a caring group of keen, supportive writers...and your entry might just catch the judges' eyes and you could win a $10 Amazon Gift Card and get to write a guest post. How could you resist? Share an extract from a WIP, pen a poem, post a photo essay on your trip to the catacombs in Vietnam, Rome or Paris, write a non-fiction entry...go HERE for more inspiration!
The October challenge is hosted by Yolanda Renee, horror author extraordinaire. This is her final gig as my venerable co-host so please make it memorable for her. WEP adds L G Keltner to the team!! Welcome L G! Along with Nilanjana Bose, Olga Godim and help from the IWSG in the form of C Lee McKenzie, Pat Hatt and Nick Wilford, we're going from strength to strength.
Hope to see your name on the sign up later today!!
Watching too much news can be devastatingly depressing. I sometimes feel guilty that I turn off all the turmoil. Its never ending. I have survived world tragedies; but weather my own life with less detachment.
Life events do knock me off my writing track. Maybe I just need the excuse to procrastinate, lol.
"Keep calm and write on" I like that :-) I can't imagine writing 30 books in a year... Wow! Happy IWSG day.
Ronel visiting on Insecure Writer's Support Group day: Course Correction
The daily flood of rotten news makes me crazy, so I understand what you mean. As to that daily word count...that's just not me. Very excited about the next WEP!
My husband and I never tuned into all day news. Neither before not after retirement sequested us to our home on a hill. It fosters peace, a sense that we are part of the conflicts that we wish to disallow in our home.
Interestingly, though we are both music appreciaters, we don't do all day music either. This I understand, too - music marks time...
Most days I feel pretty lucky. Watching the news makes that so much more true. :-)
Anna from elements of emaginette
I like that perspective, Denise. It is true. My son lives in Japan--Okinawa--so I've been watching their typhoons. He swears it's simply 'the season'. I don't think that makes me feel any better.
The news could be pretty devastating, but I love your mindset: Keep calm and write on. That's the ticket for all of us.
That's a lot of books! I'm a slow writer too, with time and practice I'll get faster. I find myself impressed and inspired by those who write quickly--and write well.
These days I actually avoid the news... LOL. It can be quite depressing! Earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, bushfires, floods, political turmoil, including State Capture our end of the world! But let's not even go there...
It's great that Yolanda will be hosting the October challenge. Very fitting.
As you know, I'm, not really comfortable writing horror-based stuff. But I'm giving it a shot!
Hope you're well, Denise!
I like your view on word counts and writing. Though word counts have helped me keep writing in my life, I like the organic feel of your approach. Very calming. Thank you.
Word counts are problematic for me as a lot of my writing is actually rewriting. Nevertheless, I write for hours nearly every day.
News is definitely depressing, nevertheless, I think we have to be across world events. State Capture? Well, the news services are light on Jamaican news!
I think you have to get into a certain frame of mind to write horror. It's not me either, but I can get into it and enjoy writing it!
Thanks, Michy, I'm well!
I'm slow because I keep finding ways to improve my story. I'd rather that than publish something less than it should be. But I'm getting faster over time. Encouraging isn't it?
A good mantra to have, Olga. Although I'm not always calm!
When you live in a country that is regularly hit by natural disasters (as Australia is) you do become accepting. We don't get earthquakes, but we suffer floods, droughts and bushfires all too regularly. (I've written a short story on bushfires!)
Yes, it does. I often ask myself, what did i do to deserve to live in such a 'lucky' country. All a matter of birth.
The news can certainly shatter peace. But I think I enjoy having my equilibrium tilted. Music can certainly be calming...
Enjoy retirement!
Glad we sing from the same song sheet over word counts, Clem. I'm very excited about this month's WEP also.
That many books will never be me. Three or four a year of 50,000 words I think is my limit.
Well, in your past life as a social worker, Donna, I'm sure you counseled re the 'fight' or 'flight' situation or 'challenge' or 'threat'. I like the 'challenge' better than the threat. I find myself using scenarios I've heard about in my stories.
I've reached a point where I pick and choose what news I want to know more about. I always look at headlines so that I'm in touch with current events, but I don't just sit and watch the news anymore. Theres too much hatred, devastation, and greed fueling the news. I don't need all that in my spirit everyday.
I'm super excited about the WEP challenge this month. I even posted my story early because I just couldn't do anything else with the idea. I was afraid I'd edit or alter it into a complete mess. Can't wait to read the other entries.
This is from Pat Garcia who cannot get her comments to post today:
I don't have anything on when I write. Sometimes, but very seldom, I will have a favorite song playing in the background, but it plays very softly that you can barely hear it.
As for watching the news and what is going on in the world, I watch the news, world events and have to admit that tears come to my eyes when I see all of the children that are caught up in the rages of nations and are maimed and killed. My heart weeps.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G
Oh yeah, we need to be picky what we read and to understand to take it all with a grain of salt.
Can't wait to read your WEP entry! I'll check it out asap.
I like to write with the news in the next room, but I rarely get up to take a closer look. So much drivel on CNN at the mo'. Used to be my fave news service now it's all about corruption which is a world disease.
I tried to reply to your comment on your blog but I kept being sent to dead ends.
It is! :)
I love your approach to writing, Denise. Don't get me wrong, I love to write. But I also like to play with my grandkids, go to their football games, and Girl Scout bridging events. If I want to play tea party with Toddler Girl all morning, I can. My deadlines are my own. I have a life outside writing. And I'm enjoying all of it. BTW, I get too depressed by the news. I couldn't write if it was on in the background. More power to you to be able to write through that.
We all have to work out what works for us. I like the news prattling on. Truth is, I hardly hear it. I'm so focused on my story. Yay.
I can't watch the news anymore, although I do check in, it's gotten to be too much. The craziness! But yes, it definitely affects the writing, just as everything about life does. It's important to stay focused! I'm thrilled you're making such great progress - keep writing!
Thanks Renee. Definitely will.
Both my inner world and outer are uber turmoily right now :) but am keeping calm and writing on (good advice!). Writing actually calms me down and helps me navigate the changes better.
I'm blown away by your doing the NaNo five times!! Wow!
Sorry to hear that you’re turmoily Nila. Hope it’s sorted soon.
Nano I no longer take seriously as I get left with a mess which is too daunting to clean up Lol!
Thank you for share your article may be useful..!
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