Hi all!
I had to go into the IWSG website to check something and realized, gulp, that the posting was today US time, not tomorrow. Sincere apologies. Here are my excuses if you want to read something after wasting your time clicking on my name on the list:
1) It's school holidays. As a teacher, my brain has a little rest and forgetting dates is one of them!
2) Had trouble with our solar power and battery set-up, which at our place is a disaster. The company that installed the batteries for our system has declared bankruptcy so no warranty. However, since hubs used to work for them, the owner of previous/a current company under a new name (go figure) at least gave us the new battery which hubs installed himself. Meanwhile, have been tripping over extension cords and double adapters as we had everything plugged into the mains. Sorry, most of this probably went right over your head. Needless to say, a few hours ago, hubs finished the installation and we're all good, powering away from the winter sun.
3) I'm wracking my brains on how to start Book Three in my vampire trilogy. Hmm. But I feel it coming. I'm not a great plotter. This to me is the hard part of writing. Once I'm away, I fly like my vamps!
4) I've been choosing winners for the WEP writing competition! Getting a post ready to go on the website! Finally done!
Think about joining us in August! Exciting things are happening at WEP! More news coming soon!
So, enough excuses. Hope all you guys are doing well.
Ugg to the setup going kaput and the bankruptcy, gotta love when companies do that and then come right back under a new name. But you got it done, now on to the fun.
How rude of that company to go bankrupt. Glad you were able to get new batteries.
WEP and a whole lot more next month! I might even write something for it. I guarantee it will be way under a thousand words!
Wow, sorry you had to go through all that, but it least it worked out. Haven't done WEP in a while and I do miss it. Hopefully I'll be ready to contribute something in August. All of you over at WEP are the best.
Glad you got the new batteries. Happy 4th of July to you.
Hi Denise - glad your hubby was able to organise things for you - being offline is such a pain. Bankruptcy ... not so good ... anyway - just glad the batteries are up and running. Our own batteries need help sometimes ... and you're always busy ... take care and all the best - Hilary
Hey, I'm running a day behind in my commenting, so your timing is perfect. No excuses necessary. You're a busy lady. Glad you got that power situation worked out.
Book 3 will come to you. Give it time.
Best wishes for getting book 3 off and going. Here's some help: He woke in a sweat... giggle. Ok, so I'm no help at all. Did I at least make you smile?
Snark. Snark.You so did. But since yesterday I'm on a roll. Into the fourth chapter LOL! Must have been the whingeing that did it...
And it has thanks L Diane.
Yes, life is never without challenges Nicki.
Lovely to have all the power we want again Hilary.
Happy 4th to you Rachna!
Hope you turn up for August WEP Toi. Missed you!
Now that would be a red-letter day! Hope you see your threat through Alex. Be great to have you at WEP.
Yep, the fun has begun. Lights camera action LOL!
No worries about posting late. Glad you're getting a break from teaching. Hope you enjoy it. And that's a bummer about the batteries.
All good now. Not much to complain about in the scheme of things.
I'm sure you'll get going with book 3 and then the words will flow from your imagination and onto the page.
Yes, new and exciting times for WEP!
Enjoy your school holidays as you continue to power away with those new batteries!
I hear you on the summer teacher brain! I never have a clue what day or date it is!!!
Glad you got the solar/battery situation figured out!!!
On a roll now Michelle. Thanks.
In my case, it’s the winter teacher brain but same effect. Thanks Jemi.
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#1 - a holiday is always good. Use it to recharge.
#2 - isn't it lousy when a service company you rely on goes out of business? My commiserations.
#3 - bring in a man with a gun. Always worked for me.
Sounds dreadful to be w/o power! Glad it's all sorted.
I've been having similar problems too, strangely - the AC's been tripping off regularly w/o any visible reason. Not fun in 40+ degs. the latest is I'm being blocked from sites I regularly visit...no visible explanation to those either! So confused and frustrated!!
All the best for the third book, you'll nail it, don't stress! Enjoy the holidays.
That stinks about the bankruptcy but I'm so happy to hear you were able to work stuff out.
Yay! George! He is quite handy person to keep around, isn't he?
All the best with the new book, Denise!
Just swinging by to say Hi Denise!
The more I write, the more I discover that needs more attention! Just now, I'm learning a new genre -- romantic suspense, with double story arcs! So I truly sympathize with circling around the starting of a new story. Vamp on!
Heh Heh. No guns in the era I'm writing in!
Thanks Nila. I heard something about if you don't have https:// your blog will be classed as unsafe. Grr.
Always do in the end Holly. Thanks.
He is ever so handy Nas! Thanks!
Thanks Beth. Vamp on indeed!
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