It's always a good way to mark the beginning of the month by posting/reading for the IWSG. My head is full of other things this month, like heading off on a road trip through outback Australia -- 2.054 kilometres (1.276 miles) each way.
I leave today, March 1st.
Thanks to Alex's awesome co-hosts for the March 1 IWSG: Tamara Narayan,Patsy Collins, M.J. Fifield, and Nicohle Christopherson!
Today I'll go with the question:
Have you ever pulled out a really old story and reworked it?
Well, sort of. But the 'really old story' I'm talking about is my vampire novella. 'Under the Tuscan Moon' was my indulgence published in 2015 - written with an ancient slant to the language as it was more likely spoken in the 16th century. Some readers found the language off putting, others thought it was exquisite. Commercial viability has won, and after doing two posts on self-publishing I've used some of the feedback to kick start my sales. Probably the most important advice was to think about my target audience (thanks L Diane Wolfe). So I've done this, and have come up with a new title, new author name, and most importantly, new cover, so there's no doubt what lies inside the pages. Currently, I'm re-writing the whole story, galloping along in modern English at a much faster pace.
Along with my good friend Lynda Young, I attended a Joanna Penn lecture/discussion on self-publishing yesterday (basically, why would you do anything else, she asks?) Joanna is a great proponent of reworking her books -- new covers, fixing anything a reader may have pointed out etc etc. She staggered us by saying she does this monthly! Egad!
So, yes, I believe in reworking stories. I'll let you know how it goes when I re-publish.
Hope you have as much fun as I intend to this month!
And thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit little 'ole me. Looking forward to visiting you as wifi and travel miles allow.

Have a safe trip!
Looking forward to the new cover and title. Glad you and Lynda got to attend the lecture.
I'm glad my suggestion got you to thinking. Sometimes a new cover can make all the difference in the world.
One of the great things about self publishing is that you get to edit after publication, lol. I'm one that liked the old fashioned language. I feel it helps with setting. I understand the need for easy, relatable language though.
Hope the re-vamping (pun intended, lol) helps with sales.
Gads, I wish I could travel the outback with you. I'd probably be afraid of everything out there though. You won't challenge any boxing kangaroo's, right?
Hi Denise - enjoy the roadtrip and visiting places, family and friends ... sounds wonderful. Fascinating post you've given us ... yes, Joanna obviously is very much in control of her author-life ...
Good luck with your re-launch ... it'll be interesting to see the differences ... for now - enjoy that trip ... cheers Hilary
A trip to the Australian outback sounds like so much fun - enjoy! I think that was great advice to consider your target audience. Cheers - Ellen
Hello Lady,
Have a wonderful trip. I can imagine that you will enjoy it. As for your project, I truly wish you the very best.
Shalom aleichem,
Hi, Desise. This month's question brought you to mind as the book I expanded for publication came out of a challenge you hosted. Can't see myself reworking books each month, but I understand keeping up with the times and sales methods. Enjoy your trip!
Have a great trip, Denise. That' awesome that you are reworking and marketing your book differently. Good luck with it.
Can't wait to see the finished product!
Have a wonderful trip! I expect loads of FB updates and pictures!
Great advice - monthly? Wow!
Hope a great trip is had at your pad. Doing it monthly would sure be a lot of work. A little rework can go a long way though.
Wow, that sounds like an awesome adventure! Have a great trip!
Looking forward to hearing about your re-publishing... and your trip! That sounds so awesome! I hope you share lots of photos and stories and sensory experiences with us!
And don't forget to bring a big knife... Sorry :P
Excellent post. I have some things to think about now. :-)
Anna from elements of emaginette
You're inspiring both with travels and taking advantage of learning opportunities to help in your own career.
I love Joanna Penn as well, especially her podcast series. It's interesting how she approaches reworking covers. Safe travels my friend! I'm more than a little jealous. :) http://www.raimeygallant.com
I loved the talk with Joanna Penn. It really invigorated me. Now I'm super inspired to write again! Have an awesome trip!
I love the fact that I can go back into my self-published stuff and fix the typos.
I've been very lazy on the re-publishing end of this business. I'll have to "talk" to you and glean some of Joanna's insights. How great to see her in person.
Good luck with revamping your story. Have fun on your road trip. Bring back some photos!
Enjoy your trip! I hope you will share loads of photos.
I love Joanna Penn - I check in at her website and would love to see her in person. Sounds like you have many adventures ahead. Best wishes for your revamping and your trip.
I wish I had the money to redo my covers... I'm constantly re-editing my published works though when people point out errors. It's worth taking the time to do it and I think it builds up your credibility as an author when you show willingness to constantly improve your work for your readers.
Good for you, Renee. Yep. Those covers can cost a bomb. Joanna also said that the 2 things you need to spend money on are covers and editors.
Thanks Lee. It was great meeting Joanna for a casual coffee before the meeting and to listen to her passionate presentation.
And I'm having fun revamping my vamps!
Thanks AS, I will!
Thanks Olga! I'm having fun and taking heaps of great pics.
Was fantastic and got us all fired up to improve our lazy ways, LOL! I'd be happy to share, but I'm sure you're the expert.
That's the best part, isn't it, Tamara?
I hope you're writing up a storm Lyn! As I said in my email, I'm having a great time. See you soon!
She is SO inspiring, isn't she? Her reworked covers look so amazing when you see her first efforts!
Thanks Susan. You're the guru!
Good that i made you think emaginette!
I will share photos and some stories for sure Deniz! Heh heh, big knife, eh? I don't have one big enough, LOL!
Thanks Megan!
Yep. As Joanna says, 'WHAT DO YOU WANT?'
Heh, can't do FB without a strong enough signal. I don't know how people live in the outback!
I think it should be positive, Natalie.
Yes, Joy, WEP and RWF have been responsible for republications galore. I often use my stories to submit to magazines after severe re-workings.
Hello, sweet Patricia! Thank you.
Hi CS. You'd be so impressed to learn that paddleboats used to navigate right up the Darling River to deliver goods to the hamlets. That is the route i have taken.
Thanks, dear Hilary. You're always so supportive. And yes, I'm enjoying my trip, except for poor phone signals!
I think more people liked the old fashioned than I thought. I'm thinking of leaving the classic version on Amazon too. The revamp (LOL) will be very different.
Wish you could join me, too. I've seen kangaroos, emus, sheep by the thousands and cattle, but no snakes so far!
Thanks again. What you said made sense, L Diane. And just a new cover helps for sure.
Yep, Lynda and I are having a ball every chance we get.
How cool - I'd love to see that one day :-)
One of the scariest things about self-publishing is the ability to go in and make changes after the work has been published. It’s hard enough for me to let go of a project. If I knew I could continue to revise, I’d probably be stuck in editing mode forever. :)
Travel safe and enjoy, Denise!
Goodness, I'll admit I didn't know Joanna Penn redid her books on the monthly. That sounds daunting! But it sounds to me like you've taken some good advice for Tuscan Sun and seem to be getting somewhere with it. I'm glad to hear that. Don't forget to keep us all up to date on it, okay?
I will. Thanks.
Thanks VR. I know. It's hard letting go. But we have to somehow.
Monthly??? Yikes!
I think I would tweak endlessly ... which is kind of my problem at the moment too :)
I hope you have an AMAZING road trip - stay safe!!!
Thankfully, I have the editor part covered. :-D
Joanna Penn is wonderfuI I love her blog and her books too. I hope you enjoy your trip. I look forward to reading about it. Best of luck with the reworked novel.
Thanks Jemi. Yes, I tweak endlessly!
After meeting Joanna, she is such a passionate writer, so inspiring.
I'm hoping to find the time to write about it. Will be sure to let you know...
Have a safe and wonderful trip! :)
Thanks Holly!
Denise, you're on the move...again! I can't keep up with you!
Sounds like you and Lynn are having loads of fun!
So you're revamping UTTM? The rich language is perfect for that setting, but I understand the need to go with the times. Won't it be a lot of work to rewrite the story...that IS what you're going to do? Am I right?
Have a wonderful trip!
Yes Michelle! I'm rewriting it completely. Yes, it's a lot of work, but I think it's the right move. :-)
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