‘I love to go a’wandering along the mountain track
And as I go, I love to sing, my knapsack on my back.’
…so the song (Happy Wanderer, Scout Songs) goes. And so do I. It’s time for me to go a'wandering again – this time to Fiji.
I haven’t been to Fiji before, have you? My wanderings usually take me far, far away into the Northern Hemisphere. I've been saving the Pacific Islands and Asia for when I can no longer stand 20 hours on a plane!
But for this trip I decided to explore closer to home, one reason being I wanted to meet someone who lives there – someone who invited me to check out the Fiji islands some time ago. This time the planets aligned, and I emailed that special someone who said – yes, yes, yes, come on over, but you’re not just staying a week (as I’d planned) you have to stay 6 weeks as we’re going away and we need a house sitter!
This caused some consternation as you can imagine – man, who wants to stay in a tropical paradise in a beautiful home with 330-ish islands in close proximity for 6 whole weeks? What will we do to fill the days? Huh? Oh, that’s right, great idea! So my mid-year jaunt turns out to be a surprise to me at least – all of July and half of August in Nadi, Fiji.
And who would be this mysterious someone who set this mid-winter tropical tryst in motion, you ask? I know, you want in on the action too! You want to peek into my address book! Well, this mysterious someone you probably know, that most generous blogger in the bloggerverse, Nas Dean. Not only does she tirelessly promote romance writers on her RomanceBookParadise blog and collaboratively review romance titles on her Romance Reader blog, she tirelessly gives of her home and her resources to introduce writers to her hometown, Nadi, Fiji.
So, dear jealous followers, I leave for Nas’ on June 29th (gulp, that's this coming Friday, friends, better get cracking!) and return to my sub-tropical Queensland paradise on August 19th. Fiji – ah, a pretty good ‘summer place’ to spend winter and winter is being a bit nasty here on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland ATM - bleak, Scotland-type winter days with oppressive clouds.
Nas assures me her home is wi-fi’ed to the max so there should be no break in my blogging and hosting of RomanticFridayWriters schedule. If you'd like to write flash fiction/poetry for RFW check out the 2 upcoming challenges in my right sidebar or go here to the RFW site. My RFWer stories will take on a romantic paradise setting I’m sure. I imagine grass skirts (and that’s just on the men!), palm trees dipping into the pristine blue waters and glorious sunsets over the Pacific – except for grass-skirted men, much the same as home, but with an exotic flavor.
My plans always go awry, but at this stage I hope to catch up on my Kindle reading list, do lots of writing and lots of island hopping, not necessarily in that order! I'll miss my Writing Group. We're collaborating on a high fantasy novel, but have our own Facebook page so I should be able to continue to add my bits and pieces.
I hope you’ll enjoy my little photo essays during my time in the wonderful Fijian islands.
Thanks Nas, blogger extraordinaire!
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Found this recent photo of Nas and her daughter on the Romance Reader blog. |
And I’ll fill my incoming suitcase with books for your libraries and schools and do my bit for the retail economy on the return journey.
Until I have my own fab photos to post, I'm using one from google images which is supposed to be copyright free, fingers crossed.

- So do you know Nas? Have you been to Fiji or any of the Pacific Islands?
Indeed, I have! Currently, I am in Manila now finishing up my 2nd novel. Have you been here yet?
Fiji is exxxxxxcellent.
You lucky thing you!! I have been to Fiji, but I only saw the touristy side of Fiji. I didn't know anyone who lived there. I now know Nas through blogging and you should have such a brilliant time!!
Hi L'Aussie
Finally worked out how to become a follower ... wish it applied to following you to Fiji :-) Have a fantastic time - nearest I've ever got to island hopping was on a hyrdrofoil, in rough seas, off the Isle of Wight ...
Wow - Fiji! I'd love to go there, but I've never been. Have a lovely time there - I'm sure you will.
How awesome to visit with a fellow blogger. Almost like a dream to me :)
It says my comment was published but I could not see it.
I think it is awesome to visit with a fellow blogger, like a dream come true :)
I know Nas from her blog but that's so cool that you get to meet her. Enjoy Fuji, it looks lovely.
I've never been, nor do I know anyone who has. (Well, I guess I will once you get there!) I hope you bring back a ton of ideas and photos with you as well! I just love cool stories like this, where people meet online, become friends, visit each other, etc. Have a great time!!
Denise, you are going to have such an adventure! Go enjoy six whole weeks.
WOW, and I was excited about leaving for the mountains next week for a few days. Now I'm jealous! HGave a great
Nas is wonderful! So supportive of writers. Give her a big hug from me!! And have the most wonderful and relaxing and fruitful time of your life for the next six weeks, dear sis!!!
Hi Friends! Hello Denise!
I would love to meet all my blogger friends someday! It's really so cool that we make friendships online and get to meet people.
Basically I'm a shy person, hence I'm online so much. And I find that I make friends very slow- again because I'm shy. But as we already have a online friendship, it is easier for me to relate. I'm more closer to my online friends than relatives!
And I welcome Denise, and her husband most sincerely to my home!
I think it's wonderful that you're getting to go to Fiji, but as part of your writing group - I'm definitely going to miss you girl! We may have to get that Skype thingy happening for our meet-ups :)
Ooh, say hi to Nas for me! She's so lovely and supportive. And have fun in Fiji!
I need to visit Nas. I mean on her blog, well, in Fiji, too. :) I've never made it to that region, but I hope to some day. Have a fantastic trip!
Have a great time. I've never been to any of the pacific island (except a few hours on Singapore en route to India). But when I was teaching, some of my students were from Fiji.
Lovely to hear from you Elizabeth! D,
You'll love Nas. I hope you get to the region one day! Thanks! D.
Thanks Talli. D.
To Skype or not to Skype, that is the question. D,
Thanks Nas. The hubs and I will have a ball, thank you very much! D.
Thanks Ann. I will. And yes I hope it's fruitful in many ways, especially writing! D.
The mountains sound good too Heather. Which mountains would that be? D.
That's one of the things i love about the bloggerverse. It's so supportive and friendly. At least the people I know! D.
Clarissa, only 2 days and I'm there. So great to meet Nas. Lucky me. D.
I'm so glad you worked out the follow bit! I haven't been to the Isle of Wight except vicariously by watching TV travel shows, lol! D.
Denise, I just know you're going to have a whale of a time. I'm sure it will be wonderful to meet Nas. I'll be looking out for those pictures!
There'll be plenty Joy. D.
Fiji has always sounded like a lovely place to visit but me I have not been there don't know if I ever will there are so many places I would love to visit before I cark it....lol
I'll soon find out! Ah, so many places to see before we cark it! D.
No, I haven't. On the 'to visit' list. Great that you're getting your second novel finished there! I'm hoping to get my first finished in Fiji! D.
BTW blogger had sent your comment to SPAM. It's doing that a lot lately!
I will for sure Lynda. I'm getting inside info so I see things as a non tourist. Should be fun.
BTW Blogger had sent your comment to spam! Grrrr...
Thanks Ocean Girl. Blogger had sent your comment to Spam. Don't know why they're doing this so often! D.
Hi Denise and Nas .. what a great trip .. and with 'plenty' of time to look around, absorb and see the culture and meet the people ..
It does sound a great arrangement .. me I'd love to visit sometime .. that part of the world in general - I think I need a summer to see Aus, NZ, Fiji and Islands, Hawaii and Islands, the Philippines et al ... just so many .. and I don't want to cark it before I've done it!!
Cheers and enjoy ... only 36 hours left before lift off - Hilary
So cool! I'm jealous, but totally excited for you!! What a fun time it will be. And you get to meet Nas, which is great!
I have not been to Fiji. Not even close. I can't believe you're going to meet Nas. How cool is that?! Have a wonderful time. Take lots of pictures.
It's great meeting other bloggers. I know we'll have an awesome time. Just never get this packing gig right! D.
Thanks Alexia. I know I will. Nas is great. D.
I know Nas very well. She's amazing and thanks for posting the pic of her and her daughter. Very nice!
Yes Stephen sounds like.Nas' daughter is as awesome as Nas! D.
Ah Hilary, I think you have the travelling bug too. I'm never happier than when I'm on the road. And meeting bloggers has got to be extra special. You'd need more than a summer to see all those places. No one realises how big Australia is until they get here!
BTW I retrieved your comment from spam as usual! You've really upset blogger sometime! I wonder how many of my comments are reclining in people's spam boxes?
Hi Denise,
What a time I picked for a blog visit! Right on cue to wish you bon voyage - and I hope your six weeks in Fiji is wonderful. How fantastic to be house-sitting for a blogging buddy. :-) The internet really does make the world a smaller and more friendly place.
Got your Google+ message too - and yes I have been keeping rather a low profile lately. Just been finding that chasing around after a busy one year old hasn't left much time for anything else...
One final word of advice for you while in Fiji - beware the kava!
Hi Adina. Lovely to hear back from you. I hope motherhood is not too overwhelming. Kava eh? Sounds like something I must try!
Yup, I know Nas. :)
I hope you have a wonderful time in Fiji!
Yeah, this happen on a few blogs :( I also recently had to verify my account, so hopefully my comments won't go to spam again.
Crossing fingers.
This trip sounds amazing! It's so much fun when blogging friends get together - I'd love for you both to come to Montreal!
Thank you very much Denise for visiting me..I greet you from Argentina. Elen Lackner
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