Whoa, November 7 already, at least in Australia! I know Americans are busy voting. Luckily, in Australia voting is compulsory, so no need for all that 'get out and vote' hype I see on CNN.
So, today I'm voting for creativity.
WEP and IWSG are holding a contest for the February WEP theme!
Rules: Submit your idea for a WEP February theme by November 12to admin@insecurewriterssupportgroup.com. Nothing U.S. culturally bound. Should have wide appeal.
Prize: Feature in the December newsletter for the winner. And, of course, the winning theme will be the official February WEP theme and accompanied by a stunning badge!
Deadline: November 12. Winner announced in the November newsletter on November 28.
So, today I'm voting for creativity.
November 7 question - How has your creativity in life evolved since you began writing?
Alex's awesome co-hosts for the November 7 posting of the IWSG are Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor, Ann V. Friend, JQ Rose, and Elizabeth Seckman!
Please visit!
Writing, like most crafts, involves bucket-loads of creativity. Some say writers are born, not made. Those same people say there's no need to stack your shelves or Kindle with craft books. Do you agree? Sure, some parts of writing come naturally, but we can't write a ramble like the classic authors could back in the day. Readers these days demand a lightning-fast plot, virtually non-stop action, and adherence to the tropes of a genre. These don't come so naturally.
What is left for our creativity?
I was recommended a great book - Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love and several other tomes.
The first question she answers in her book is:
Q: What is creativity?
A: The relationship between a human being and the mysteries of inspiration.
Gilbert is interested in creative living as a whole. We perhaps think of writing first, but chances are, we are all creative in other ways -- I like to draw and would love more time to pursue watercolors, I like arts and crafts, I play guitar -- but when you're fully into writing, many of these creative outlets take a back seat. There's only so many hours in a day and all that.
As Gilbert says: I believe the central question upon which all creative living hinges: Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?
Good question.
Especially when it comes to writing. Are we writing truthfully? Or are we writing carefully, censoring our words constantly for fear we'll find no audience for our stories if we actually write what we'd like to write?
Along with courage, Gilbert says you need Enchantment, Permission, Persistence, Trust and Divinity.
What do you think? That's a lot.
Would love to hear your opinions.
1. Do you have a favorite writing craft book?
2. Do you indulge in a pasttime that encourages your creativity?
3. What other creative forms does your creativity take?
Thanks for coming by.
And we're already thinking of the WEP/IWSG Challenge for December. Think about joining us!
Go HERE for ideas!
Huge congratulations to Kalpanaa for winning the October WEP?IWSG!

Thanks to all who took part and amazed us with their creativity!
WEP and IWSG are holding a contest for the February WEP theme!
Rules: Submit your idea for a WEP February theme by November 12to admin@insecurewriterssupportgroup.com. Nothing U.S. culturally bound. Should have wide appeal.
Prize: Feature in the December newsletter for the winner. And, of course, the winning theme will be the official February WEP theme and accompanied by a stunning badge!
Deadline: November 12. Winner announced in the November newsletter on November 28.