It's time for the Write...Edit...Publish (WEP) February challenge.
Some suggestions by the WEP team:

I've gone with a literal interpretation of the In Too Deep prompt. All I could see was water swirling, having been moved by news reports of flooding globally in the past months, followed by landslides, mudslides, with tragic consequences. So, here's mine...
In Too Deep
Sunny’s heart pounded in time to the steady
drumbeat on the roof. Rain didn’t usually scare her, but tonight the sound
unnerved her... just a little.
whispers of wet leaves blowing on the wind had became a roaring as the
galvanized roof took a pummeling. If she allowed herself to turn fanciful, she
could imagine a jack-booted army running across the corrugated iron.
of that. She must think about Matt. She wished she’d not been so abrupt when
he’d rung earlier and shouted down the phone at her.
get out of the house – now!”
"Don't be silly! I’ve lived in the country all my life. You’re just a
city slicker, and a British one at that." What would he know?
"Just leave, I beg you!"
Matt, I’m not leaving my home for some itty-bitty water. I’ve been through
worse. And look, no matter how bad the rain’s been in the past, this house has never
flooded. When Mum and Pop lived here, it came close just that one time, but
never too close. Relax. It’d have to be the flood of the century for our home to be inundated.”
be infantile, Sunny. You can’t control nature. With climate change, nothing is
simple any more. We’re going from one extreme weather event to the next.”
pfft. You sound like some mad scientist with your doomsday theories. I’m a
positive person. Nothing bad will happen.”
do you always have to play that glass-half-full card? I might be in London, but
they do have breaking news here. This flood is looking grim, according to the
BBC. I’ve done the math. Our house will be metres under before the night is through!”
seemed so far away. It was far away. And it rained every time she set foot in
the place. Why should they be concerned about a littl precipitation in
Oz? “Darling, you’re such a worry wart. I know it goes with the territory. I
love that about you. It’s nice of you to be so concerned, but last time I went
outside, the river was way down. The weather reports never get it right. Always
sensationalism. They get off on scaring people.”
should be scared. You’re so stubborn. Does that go with the territory?”
Best not to answer that.
continued: “If you won’t leave, I’m sending Josh over to drag you out.”
waste your time, darling. Josh’s already been. He was very persuasive, but I
told him I was staying. I’m a big girl.” She certainly was that.
love you Sunny. I can’t live without you. Leave for me and that little one if
you won’t do it for yourself.”
continued his cautionary tale, but she hadn’t listened.
hanging up, she nodded off at the kitchen table, lulled by the wind and rain.
had passed by the time she jerked awake. She struggled to her feet and walked
to the window. OhMyGod! The river had broken its banks. Her house was
surrounded with murky, swirling, murderous-looking water. She jumped back in fright. A log shot into the
air, narrowly missing her window.
enemy was at the door. What could she do?
pottered around the kitchen fixing a snack, singing on top of her voice – singing away the water – anything to keep her
mind off the now raging beast which was coming for her. She stayed away from the
windows. They might shatter. No one to stitch up a cut for kilometers.
In the gathering gloom, she could just make
out palm trees straining, fronds bashing the sodden grass in long wet trails.
She sat back down at the kitchen table, rubbed her stomach, singing softly, praying for the water to go down. Or the rain to stop.
shivered in the icy coolness. She pulled her parka over her jeans, leaving it
unzipped. Uneaten snack pushed aside, she huddled in her chair, alert to the
river sounds.
my darling, I love you,” she whispered, “I’m sorry.”
A eucalyptus tree speared her kitchen window – shattered shards of skittering
glass pinged onto the tiles, narrowly missing her legs. Rain poured in through the jagged hole.
me God.” She clutched her stomach, cradling its mound, waiting for something to
phone... again...loud, shrill, insistent.
Josh shouted down the line. “Get the ladder and climb into the roof! I’m
phone dropped from her freezing fingers. Water crashed through the kitchen door
and sucked and swirled around her sopping feet.
was tough. But she was in too deep this time. She lived in outback Australia. She’d
overcome adversity many times – bushfires, drought... and now... unusually, floods. A once-in-one-hundred-years event.
she’d survive this. She had to – for Matt and their baby.
set up the ladder.
She had a foot on the bottom rung when the first pain struck.
WORDS: 800+

If you have an extract from a WIP, photos, a true story, or a flash fiction swirling in your head, please feel welcome to write for us! We're simply lovely!
To read more WEP stories, click on names in my sidebar with a DL (Direct Link) after the name. Or go to the WEP website. These are already posted for your reading enjoyment.
Thanks for coming by. I'd love a comment about my story.
Thanks for coming by. I'd love a comment about my story.