Hello there!
I'm glad you dropped by. I can't leave Yolanda Renee's guest post up forever so...I'm blogging to tell you I'm not blogging much any more.
I've been blogging since 2007 (((gulp))) and have never really taken a blog break, even when I've been travelling. It's time.
It's only a kinda blog break, because for now: I'll be:
I came across these at Authors Publish and would like to share them with you. If you visit the link, you will find tips from other famous writers.
I'm glad you dropped by. I can't leave Yolanda Renee's guest post up forever so...I'm blogging to tell you I'm not blogging much any more.
I've been blogging since 2007 (((gulp))) and have never really taken a blog break, even when I've been travelling. It's time.
It's only a kinda blog break, because for now: I'll be:
- Blogging for the monthly IWSG.
- Blogging my story for the WEP challenge every second month.
Why am I doing this?
Like many who've left the blogosphere or have taken a long break, I'm having trouble fitting everything in. Coming up with posts is super fun, but I don't believe in posting then not returning comments which is what takes a whackeroo amount of time.
Things I've got going:
- I'm on the final round of rewrites for my Paris novel which I've been working on chapter by chapter with two wonderfully savvy critique partners - we swop chapters, print them out, then meet face to face every month. Wow. It's made such a difference to me and my writing.
- I've rewritten my paranormal romance, have got a new cover design, now I have to decide if my books are going to be published under a pen name...which means a lot of work but may well be worth it...some advise against the pen name, pointing out that I've got all this social media capital under my real name, but I've discovered that the people who follow me on social media don't buy my books, so what's to lose?
- I'm doing a great deal of study of writing, especially in plot and structure.
I came across these at Authors Publish and would like to share them with you. If you visit the link, you will find tips from other famous writers.
- Write your heart out.
- The first sentence can be written only after the last sentence has been written. FIRST DRAFTS ARE HELL. FINAL DRAFTS, PARADISE.
- You are writing for your contemporaries — not for Posterity. If you are lucky, your contemporaries will become Posterity.
- Keep in mind Oscar Wilde: “A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.”
- When in doubt how to end a chapter, bring in a man with a gun. (This is Raymond Chandler’s advice, not mine. I would not try this.)
- Unless you are experimenting with form — gnarled, snarled or obscure — be alert for possibilities of paragraphing.
- Be your own editor/critic. Sympathetic but merciless!
- Don’t try to anticipate an ideal reader — or any reader. He/she might exist — but is reading someone else.
- Read, observe, listen intensely! — as if your life depended upon it.
- Write your heart out.
- Did you like the writing tips?
- Any tip stand out for you?
- Do you practise any of these tips?
Thanks for coming by!