Hello everyone!
Here's a very useful blogfest which will culminate in a free e-book. You can post anytime in the week beginning May 19th. I'll let Carrie Butler explain...
I want to compile a free e-book for writers who are just starting on their road to publication, using advice from the most brilliant, up-and-coming voices in the industry: you guys! Here’s what it would involve:
Q: Do I have to be published in order to participate?

I hope you'll join me in this project!
Here's a very useful blogfest which will culminate in a free e-book. You can post anytime in the week beginning May 19th. I'll let Carrie Butler explain...
I Need YOUR Help!
Hey, guys! To celebrate my third blogiversary (coming up in May), I want to do something different—something to pay it forward—but I need your help. It involves a blogfest, new writers, and pretend time travel. Intrigued yet?

Please write a letter/note to yourself when you first started writing toward publication. The only thing I ask is that you keep it under 800 words, including as many (or as few) of these elements as you like:
- A lesson you learned the hard way
- Something you didn’t expect about the industry (positive/negative)
- A writing-related resource you could never do without now
- One thing you’d change about your journey
- One thing you’re glad you did
- Your number one tip for pursuing publication
- Anything else you feel is worth passing on
- The name you wish to be credited as
- The title (if any) you wish to follow your name, i.e. author of theseries
- One major link where people can find you, i.e. website, blog, Twitter, etc.
- The title (if any) you wish to follow your name, i.e. author of the
- One major link where people can find you, i.e. website, blog, Twitter, etc.
- Whether or not you give me permission to use your entry in the e-book compilation. Don’t feel bad if you don’t want in. We’d still love to read what you have to say!
Please note: I won’t be editing the entries, other than to proofread for misspellings or duplicate words. Try to have it pub-ready when you post it. :)
The lovey and talented PK Hrezo is going to be joining me as co-compiler! As it turns out, she had a similar idea awhile back, but didn't have time to plan it out. I took it as a great opportunity to work together!
Anticipated FAQs
Q: Do I have to be published in order to participate?
A: It may be easier to answer the questions if you’ve been published (either independently or traditionally), but it’s certainly not a requirement. We’re just looking for friends with experience navigating the authorial waters. You do not have to be published.
Q: Do I need a blog to participate?
A: No, you do not need a blog to participate. Feel free to e-mail me your letter directly or post it via a social media like Facebook or Google+.
Q: How will the book be available?
A: I will format it in PDF, MOBI, and EPUB, and then I’ll make those files available for us all to share. If you guys want, I could also make it a freeEPUB on Smashwords, and then distribute it to a few other retailers that accept free titles.

Q: When should I post my letter?
A: Anytime during the week of May 19th!
Q: What can I do in the meantime?
A: Kindly spread the word! You can do this by posting, utilizing your social media channels, rocking the button in your sidebar with a link to this post, etc. Also, I'd really appreciate it if you used the link-up below to sign up. It will help me compile everyone's posts the week of May 19th. I would hate to miss anyone!
Thank you so much! ♥
I hope you'll join me in this project!