Hi all!
With the A - Z racing towards all the eager April beavers, I'm taking this opportunity to talk a little about the things that slow me down when I'm visiting blogs. Now I don't want to upset anyone, so I probably shouldn't post this, but getting only 0 or 1 or 2 comments can make a writer insecure. So...I'm taking the risk and putting it out there. I hate preachy blog posts so I've tried to keep it light. Tell me in the comments if you agree, disagree, or have more to add...or you hate me and will never visit this blog again!!
Click on the badge to read other posts.... |
When visitors click on your Profile, make sure you have a full list of all the blogs you've ever created. Perhaps something like this:
Growing Flowers in the Attic
A - Z Challenge
The World is Going Down the Gurgler
My Secret Diaries revealed
My Weight Gain Secret
Little Darlings
Writer Expert
Fluffy Snuffy's Trial Blog
Is that enough? Your new visitors will generously, perhaps, click on one or two, but then find that the last post was in January 2004. They can't hang around all day, so they'll possibly leave without making contact with whichver is your current, updated blog. :(
I have multiple blogs, but I only 'Show' two, which are easy enough to suss out -
Write...Edit...Publish and Denise Covey. You just go into Edit Profile and Hide the blogs you no longer use or only post on occasionally. I add a link to my other blogs using the Pages Option on my main blog.
This is an easy one, unlike the ones with numbers! |
Have Word Verification/Captcha Codes on.
When a visitor is rushing round, trying to do the right thing in whatever window of opportunity she/he has, then types a long comment, hits Publish, then has to prove she/he is not a robot, grr. During the A - Z that will probably mean the commenter will flee to more comment-friendly blogs. If I meet a Captcha Code face on, I'll get out my sword and swing it once or twice. If I successfully breach the fortress, I'll add to the comment that Captcha Codes are on, as sometimes, apparently, bloggers don't know Google has turned the pesky little sentinels on.
Go into Settings, Comments, and tell Google that you NEVER want Word Verification turned on. Sure, I know some of you are twitchy about getting spam comments, but I've been blogging since 2008 and accept that the occasional rant from the Submissive Husband or I Hate American Women is better than making the other 99.9% of visitors prove they're not spammers. Try it! We'll all thank you for it.
Make it as hard as you can to find where to comment.
Okay, so I've managed to crash the Gatekeepers on the User Profile, and have actually been able to read your wonderful post. I so want to comment. My fingers are twitching. I have to meet a friend for coffee in 15 minutes, so time is of the essence.
Hector McKraken, where do I comment? Let's hit the Post Date, sometimes that is where they're hidden. Nah. Let's try the Post Time. Nah, not that either! OMG! It must be one of those blogs where the comments are a vague number at the top!! Grr...so just to make sure I have read the post, I have to scroll up, hunt around - right side? Left side? Ah, that's it! Click! Now...what was I all fired up to say...totally gone. That cup of coffee is looking good. Byzies! (And if I do actually remember what I wanted to say, I have to scroll back down to the bottom again to actually comment! Go figure...)
Yep, I know some blog formats use the Comments at the Top, but why oh why, when most of us are programmed to click on the simple old phrase, 'Post a Comment', at the bottom, after reading the illustrious post. Being too
avant guard may cost you comments, especially from new visitors, potential 'Friends'. If you don't care for comments, by all means ignore me. What would I know? I'm old fashioned. I love comments! And I love being able to see other comments when I leave one on your blog, but I see this little indulgence has been removed from some blog comments now. Sadly. How can you join in the conversation if you're shut out?
Link to your Google + Profile.
Yeah, yeah, I know. Google loves you to do this, all good for them, but bad for bloggers. What happens when I click on your name when you comment on my blog, or I see you on another blog and decide to visit? Well, I do most of my blog commenting on my phone, and when I click Google + links, I get a nice invitation from Google to 'Get it for my mobile', which of course I already have. If I actually get through on my laptop, then I have to poke around all your 'Likes' and 'Shares' to actually find a post from you which will lead me to YOUR blog. An onerous process which once again, slows a commenter down. Nowadays, unless it's a blogger I absolutely love, I won't bother following the Google + link.
If you notice that the comments aren't flowing in like they used to, Revert to Blogger Profile. It's easy. I've done it, as have many others, I notice. It's easy. There's a link on the Dashboard in the top right hand corner.
Play it again, Sam.
Have you ever been doing the blog rounds at the library, a cafe, or some other public place, when you hit a blog that belts out a tune? After I pick myself up off the floor, I notice the dirty looks and that's not just because they've knocked their coffee all over their laptop. I'm outta here! I LOVE music, but not on blogs - it's a distraction and quite annoying and probably sends a lot of visitors scurrying to a quieter blog.
Don't play it again, Sam. It might have worked for Ilsa Lund in Casablanca, but
it doesn't work on blogs. I love music, but music style is very subjective. You may love to greet your visitors with Eminem's latest screaming out, but chances are your visitor's taste in music is different (well, I don't mind a bit of Eminem, but keep him for parties!) not on your blog.
- Okay, you have it. Let me know your opinion. Are there any other ways a blog can not attract readers/commenters?
- And if you feel up to the challenge, WEP is hosting its monthly bloghop on March 26 - Through the eyes of a child. You can sign up here! You have 3 days to post if it conflicts with other bloghops, like the one I'm involved in, March Book Frenzy (see details in my sidebar).
Thanks for visiting/commenting!!