Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Before you Submit Checklist, NaNoWriMo and Halloween House of Horrors.

RomanticFridayWriters is going on hiatus in November, so the hosts and other members and friends can devote more time to NaNoWriMo. Unless you've been asleep under a rock, you'll know this is the month of allocated writing frenzy where you sign up to write 50,000 words of a novel. By tapping out about 1,500 words a day, you will reach the goal. There's lots of cool gadgets and stuff to help your motivation and writing buddies to cheer you on.

So after the writing frenzy, the re-writing and editing begins, until you're ready to submit your masterpiece of a manuscript. I came across this very useful checklist in Writer's Digest, by Sage Cohen which I've been using on my current projects before submitting and will keep on using it.

On the RomanticFridayWriters website, you'll find lots of publications waiting for your work. Before you submit your work, Sage suggests you tick these boxes:

c  Have I completed the three-step revision process - big picture to nitty gritty?

c  Have I reviewed and revised this story at least three times?

c  Has this piece had time to 'settle' before its final full revision?

c  Have I carefully proofed for spelling, grammar, consistent verb tense, and an overall cohesive reader experience?

c  Have I done everything in my power to make the craft of the piece - language, action, imagery, dialogue, narrative arc, use of line and stanza, voice, POV - as powerful as it can be? (Make your own craft checklist for your particular genre of writing, and tick off each item each time you revise to ensure that you're covering all your bases.)

c  Has this piece been read and edited by at least one colleague or adviser whose expertise and opinion I trust?

c  Have I run spell checker?

c  Have I made sure there are no strange formatting errors or page breaks?

c  Where have I said something that could be simpler or clearer?

c  Does this piece integrate and reflect the knowledge I've gained working with (or being rejected by) this (or a similar editor/agent in the past - if applicable)?

c  Does it integrate and reflect what I've learned about being productive and successful with this genre of style of writing in this type of market?

c  Does this meet stated submission guidelines such as word count, formatting, packaging, presentation, topic and/or theme?

c  Does this meet the objectives stated in my assignment contract or my own stated creative goals?

c  What does my gut say? Am I really finished, or is there more work to do here even if I'm not exactly sure what that work is yet?

HAPPY SUBMITTING FELLOW WRITERS! And enjoy NaNoWriMo if you're participating.

The next RomanticFridayWriters challenge is for Halloween. As always, open to all writers and poets - you can sign up here and post your story/poem on October 19.

Sign up now for the Halloween House of Horrors challenge. Go to the RFW Challenges Page for more guidelines. 

1,000 word limit. The best entry chosen by our judges, Ann Best and Nas Dean. 

Take the badge and display it on your blog. Don't forget to post your story between October 19 and 21 (AustralianEST) which is nearly a day ahead of the US.


1. Kiru Taye  9. .:The Red Angel:.  17. Nilanjana Bose  
2. Michael Di Gesu ... In TIme ....  10. Erin Kane Spock  18. Debra Elliott-Mirror Mirror  
3. Charmaine Clancy - Wagging Tales  11. A.J. Locke  19. Francine Howarth  
4. Anna of Annas Adornments  12. Ghazala Hossain  20. Candilynn Fite  
5. N. R. Williams  13. Panchali  21. Roland Yeomans  
6. Words are Timeless  14. Denise Covey  22. Heaven  
7. Sally Stackhouse  15. Yolanda Renee  
8. Raelene Purtill  16. Donna Hole  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
get the InLinkz code


Spanj said...

That's a very handy list. I'll be doing NaNo again; this will be my 4th November NaNo - I think I must be a gluten for punishment!

Jai Joshi said...

Great checklist. I can't believe it's already time for Nano again. A lot of my friends do it although I haven't yet. Good luck with it!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Excellent checklist, Denise!

Lorena said...

Great checklist!

I'm debating whether or not I'm going to participate in NaNoWriMo this year. I did it a couple of years ago and finished my manuscript (I didn't exactly follow the guidelines of starting a new project) but I became sort-of addicted to the word count graph and it kept me motivated all month (I wish we could use it the entire year!!) I've been planning to start my third novel since the summer but I've only written one chapter, so I think I may give it a try. I need all the motivation I can get!!

Yolanda Renée said...

Thanks for the list! Excellent reminders. Looking forward to the horrors of romance!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I think the most important one is the last one on the list: what does my gut say (but we have to be honest).

dolorah said...

Good luck with your NaNo project Denise.

Wow, what a turn out so far for our Halloween challenge. So awesome.


Denise Covey said...

Hi Angeline. It will be my fourth too!

Denise Covey said...

Hi Lorena. As I said, it helps to have the motivation of others. Writing is usually such a lonely pursuit (but I love that part of it too.)

Scarlet said...

Thanks for the checklist ~ Good luck on your project ~

I am still thinking of what to write as you know that prose is not exactly my cup of tea ~ Will be checking out the challenge for sure ~

Denise Covey said...

Hello Heaven. Thanks for visiting. You are more than welcome to pen a creepy poem - I don't suppose it'd be 1,000 words, but one of our judges writes poetry, so she will be very able to consider it.

Talli Roland said...

What a great checklist - so helpful. I can't believe November and NaNo are almost here again!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Denise .. that seems an excellent checklist - I think I'll have to seriously consider Nano next year ... but I can definitely see how you can't do too much - so enjoy the Nanowrimo hiatus .. cheers Hilary

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Denise,

Wow, these are great tips we ALL should commit to memory. Thanks.

NaNo? NO WAY..... I admire and respect anyone who can accomplish this feat without going INSANE! GOOD LUCK to all of you!

Deniz Bevan said...

That's a handy dandy checklist!
Looking forward to the Hallowe'en blogfest :-)

Unknown said...

This is superb checklist that covers a few things I did not even think about. Thanks for sharing this, Denise. :)

Nas said...

A very handy checklist, Denise and thanks for the link to Scott Hagen post!

Golden Eagle said...

Thanks for posting the checklist. Those are important points!