RomanticFridayWriters is back! During the A-Z Challenge we have been posting flash fiction nearly every day. Now we're back to our usual format - posting to a prompt each fortnight on a Friday. This time the rules are:
- You must respond to the stimulus in some way.
- From the image, choose who will be your viewpoint character.
- Place your character/s in one of the following settings:
* a nightclub
* last day of high school/college
* at a carnival/festival
* a private party
* an exotic island
* audition for a part in the latest Romeo + Juliet production
* a combination of two or more of the above settings...
My viewpoint character is the girl on the right. Her best friend has her back to us.
They are celebrating the last day of high school.
By the Light of the Silvery Moon
Zora reached for Michelle’s hand. It was clammy, even in the freezing night air. The trees pressed closer. Animal sounds sent icy shivers down her spine.
‘Michelle ,’ she whispered, ‘what are we doing here?’
‘Having an adventure. You wanted an adventure on your last day of high school!’
‘This isn’t what I had in mind. I thought you’d finagle us into your brother’s nightclub.’
‘This s’much funner than alchopoops and ecstasy. This forest is alive.’
‘Creepy alive. I feel like we’re being watched, like there’s eyes in those trees. Let’s go back.’
‘They’re coming.’
‘Who? Ghosts?’ Zora was terrified. Did ghosts make sounds? Is that what she could hear behind those trees?
‘See that up ahead? That light?’ Over there!’
Nothing had prepared Zora for the beauty of the soft grasses encircled by the giant kauri trees, the silvery moonlight dancing in the centre of the glade. She could imagine fairies gliding above the branches.
‘It’s beautiful, Michie.’
‘Better than strobe lighting in Rob’s club?’
‘Much. But I don’t feel like dancing here.’
‘I do.’ Michelle stepped into the circle of light. Zora watched, awestruck, as her friend transformed. Michelle, who’d never been beautiful, became beautiful. Her tight white dress took on a silver sparkle as she held out her arms and spun round and round in ever-increasing circles. The bracelets she wore became magical things, glinting with light. Her frizzy red wig was afire in moonbeams. Her best friend, her plain Michelle, had become a night creature.
Michelle jerked her head back as if to drink of the moon’s elixir. Her movements became disjointed, she was a puppet loose of her strings.
‘Come Zora! Dance with me! I’m drunk with the…hic…night spirits.’ She drew a tiny silver flask from her pocket, tipping the contents down her throat.
Zora stepped back, confused. She thought her friend had given up the drink.
‘Come Zor! Don’t reject me like everyone else. Share this with me, my best, my dearest friend.’
‘What about Emerson?’
‘He dumped me. He said he had enough trouble at home. He compared me to that bunch of Irish alcoholics he lives with.’
‘Come home, Michelle.’
‘No…dancing in the moonlight. Who will dance with me?’ she yelled into the night.
‘I will.’ The voice was deep and true and came from beyond the trees.
‘Emerson. Wha’ - you doing here?’
‘I’m sorry Elle. Let’s work through this together.’
Michelle collapsed into a heap in the centre of the soft grass. Emerson was beside her, whispering words for her ears only.
The wistful moon dipped behind a cloud.
She jumped. ‘Gavin? How did you - ?’
‘Emerson brought me. This is their special spot.’
'It's magical.'

'Want to feel some magic with me?’
As Gavin took her into his arms, the warmth was a silken blanket thrown lightly over their bodies
‘This is the way to celebrate the last day of high school,’ she whispered.
Words 490