
Friday 24 June 2016

Do you have goals bloghop. Novels, novellas, short stories, travel has June been for you?

Earlier this year I joined this regular monthly Friday bloghop hosted by Misha Gericke and Beth Fred. It's a steadily growing list as writers realise it's a good motivation.

The reason I joined this hop was to keep myself honest, and honestly, reflecting on my goals for the month is a good motivation to push myself. So here it's the last Friday of June, ridiculous, so it's time again...

You're more than welcome to join this bloghop. All you need to do is read and follow the guidelines then SIGN UP HERE...

Your goal is the link title. Not your name or your blog's. This is so we can keep track of who's doing what. 

I signed up as Number 13,  'publish a novel and submit short stories' this year. 


I am into the sequel to the second story in my  series Under the Tuscan Moon. Sorry for taking so long for those of you who have asked where is the second novella, but the research is taking longer than I'd planned. I hate reading sequels that are rubbish, written under duress, so bear with me.

In the sequel, my two 'loveable', ahem, vamps, Vipunin and Cuchulcain, have returned to Vipunin's castello where he lived before he was turned. Here Vipunin intends to be a very disruptive influence at harvest time. Ciassia and Sibon  are unaware they harbour a monster in their midst, a monster who will do anything to get what he wants...and he wants Ciassia. 

Last time I gave an update on one of my Paris short stories, Carpe Diem, it was at 25,000 words. This story is lighting up my life and sending electricity through my fingertips as I type, so it is now at 30K+. So I figure my protagonists, Saskia and her lover Raphael, are demanding nothing less than novel length. When you meet these two, you'll know what I mean...
A quick mock up to give you the idea

Currently I'm sorting the chapters as there's a PAST and PRESENT element. I have a further motivation to get the structure right (even as I continue to write up their marriage in country France). I'm lucky to be attending a Margie Lawson immersion class in Brisbane in early August. I've worked through some of her online tutorials and this woman knows a thing or two about writing/editing.  As Margie says on her web page: "EXPECT to work for three full days (plus the afternoon and evening you arrive) dissecting, analyzing, and deep editing." I feel very blessed to have strong-armed my way into her seminar. I'm going to use Carpe Diem as my piece to work on with Margie.

As regular visitors and blogger friends know, I wear a travel writer's hat. Well, I've been travelling tropical North Queensland, so haven't achieved more than taking photos and making notes. No time to work on my travel articles, but it won't take long to rectify this now that I'm back home. 

This is still waiting for November's NaNoWriMo. 

JOIN US FOR THE AUGUST CHALLENGE!Have done some guest posts, at Chrys Fey's in particular, in which I mention WEP's August challenge, GARDENS. I spent some time meandering around the Remembrance Gardens in Townsville. I felt a story coming on...Please join us in August if you love gardens--flash fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photographs, artwork...

So overall, June has been very low key as far as writing goes, but you've got to live your life. Major renovations at our beach house (next year our principal residence) are slowing me down writing-wise. I'm helping with the painting now. It'll be worth it when I can lock myself away in Den's Den which is about to be painted. Filling the bookshelves will be delightful.

I READ A LOT but haven't reviewed much this month. I'm concentrating on bloggers' books on my kindle. Just finished The House by the Lake by Ella Carey, an Aussie writer. Delightful! Already topped some of Amazon's best-seller lists. Set in Berlin and the US and follows her Paris Time Capsule based on the true story of an abandoned apartment in Paris. 

Any man who keeps working is not a failure. He may not be a great writer, but if he applies the old-fashioned virtues of hard, constant labor, he’ll eventually make some kind of career for himself as writer.– Ray Bradbury

How are you going with your 2016 goals? I'd love to hear from you. Please share in comments or join the hop.


  1. Take your time with the research and do it right.
    And that short story isn't so short anymore, is it?

    1. I love research a little too much, but one mistake and someone sharp will find it! No forget short story, we are now racing to 50,000 words!

  2. Sounds like you are accomplishing a lot even if you aren't doing a lot of actual writing. I still have to read Under a Tuscan Moon. For some reason I haven't been reading much lately. No idea why.

    1. I know how easy it is to collect books on the kindle and so hard to actually read them. Whenever you get around to it, I hope you'll let me know what you think!

  3. You know I'm waiting for the Paris cookery school one! :)

  4. I'm enjoying the break and the changes it's brought. Still can't say where I'll end up by years end, but I'm still having fun! Great to see you are very much on task, congratulations!

    1. I'm pretty much on a blogging break. Can't find the time with all the paintbrush swishing! But soon it will be completed!

  5. Great update. I must admit, I'm a sucker for "loveable" vamps :-) I wonder what chaos they're sewing.

  6. Travel writing must be a lot of fun.

  7. How wonderful that your short story is morphing into a novel. And your travel writing is fascinating. Keep going, Denise.

  8. Wishing you much success!!! Sounds like you're doing well.

  9. Good progress!
    I love that Aim High quote and Bradbury is always brilliant!
    The bloghop is a great idea. Maybe once my life doesn't equal pure chaos, i'll sign up!

  10. That's great news about both your projects and I love the cover mockup for Carpe Diem! The seminar sounds fantastic! Wishing you much progress with your writing adventures! :)

  11. So glad you're making progress on both of your projects. I've been trying to pick up more writing work at my job as a contract writer, and I'm happy to say I've been successful.

    1. I'm glad for you Natalie! Success is a great motivator!

  12. Hi Denise!

    Its awesome you will be attending the Margie Lawson Immersion class. I did it last year and it is simply fantastic. You learn so much.

    All the best :)

    1. Hi Nas! Yes! Finally! She is in Brisbane for this class! Lucky me! Now I have to somehow get through all the pre-requisites!

  13. You make my head spin with all that you've got going on, Denise. Great goals and certainly some fine accomplishments. Good for you!

  14. Goals for June: do something, anything! With kids home for summer, this will be a challenge. I'd love to be writing something, but I think most of my summer will be spent blogging, promoting other's work, and promoting my own. I need long, quiet blocks for serious creativity.

  15. This is your time to write, write, write. Which you're doing. And publishing. So excited to read all the finished products. Jen and I are cheering you on!

    1. Thanks Ann. I know you're there encouraging me. Means so much!

  16. I agree, something like this is a great motivator! Glad it is helping you. :) I've mostly met my June goals, so I'm pretty pleased about that. Working on looking ahead to July and August, and into the fall as well. You've inspired me, thank you!

  17. I'm SO EXCITED to read that Carpe Diem is at 30K+!! Saskia and Raphael's story is an alarming pace! Wonderful!
    Congrats Denise!

    1. Getting worried I'm going to send you a whole novel Michelle? I think you'll love it. Thanks for your input.

  18. Great quotes! I'm excited for all of your writing progress! You're definitely inspiring me today.

  19. Wow, that doesn't sound like a low key month to me at all! You are multi-tasking and moving towards your goals at a clipping pace...congrats, Denise!

    And I am one of those readers who'd rather wait and read a sequel that builds on the first book, I am okay with waiting :)

    Love the quotes too. Inspirational!

  20. I love the sound of your WIPs. Isn't it great when the characters stand up and tell you they've got a whole lot more story to share?

  21. Excellent work on the goals. This post was fun to read, and the images were fun to share. I love that Paris cover.

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