
Thursday 30 June 2016

The TMI Blog hop. This is me, from A to Z. Even Donald Trump gets a mention...

Just for fun and because Yolanda Renee is a good blogger friend, as are bloggers Debbie and Guilie, I'm participating in the TMI Blog hop. 
I'm always up for a challenge. How about you? Take the dare and join us!
You have until July 13th!

This is me, from A to Z

A: Age
Age is redundant in this world at this time. I feel blessed that I live in a clean, healthy environment and feel as energetic as a twenty year old, even though I'm a few decades older. Still, growing old is better than the alternative--dying young--and that happens all too often.

Image result for old woman running

B: Biggest fear
That I'll be pushing up daisies before all my ideas/books/travel articles, are published. I've devoted most of my life to others, now I feel time slipping through my fingers, gathering momentum, slip sliding away...

C: Current time
12.23 pm, Pacific Time (Brisbane). CNN blaring about the trials and tribulations of Britain's Brexit vote. For a political junkie, heaven to watch and hell to think about the repercussions around the world.

D: Drink you last had
Black tea with milk.

E: Every day starts with
A groan or a high five, depending on what I've got planned, followed by a drink of distilled water, followed by the first of many cups of tea. Then I make a thermos of beautiful Chinese Emperor Green Tea I bought in China to sip all day like the Chinese do. (I'm a heavy drinker!) And then there's my first cafe coffee of the day, so I'd better get dressed...

F: Favorite Song
That's too hard, but I always say 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' by U2, my favourite band.

G: Ghosts, are they real?
Yes, I know they are, because I was visited by one once, and I've heard a few 'true' ghost stories that can't be discounted. I believe they're out there! 

H: Hometown
Kenilworth, a tiny country one-horse town in the Sunshine Coast hinterland where they make boutique cheeses. It's about 40 kilometres from our beach house at Peregian Beach.

Image result for image of kenilworth queensland

I: In love with
Reading. I'm obsessed. Keep those books coming! If I read half as much, I'd write twice as much, but (((shrugs))) what can I say?

J: Jealous of?
People who actually love the gym!

K: Killed someone?
I can't comment as it's before the courts as we speak. Apparently someone heard me bad mouthing Donald Trump and, well, you just can't do that in this politically correct climate. So, I'm a person of interest should anything happen to the Donald.

Image result for image of donald trump being attacked

L: Last time you cried?
Hmm. I'm not a big crier, but when I cry, I really get into it. Watching those poor refugees living in those camps and trudging across deserts does it for me.

M: Middle name
Claire. Only found out recently that my father wrote 'Clare' on my birth certificate but I've gone with the 'i' all my life.

N: Number of siblings
Too  many to count. My parents took us as we came. So I 'fess I have six bros and 3 sistas. I'm piggy in the middle.

O: One wish
I can't have world peace or the cure for every terminal illness on the planet, so I'll say I wish that people could stop hating each other and inciting others to hate what you hate. And did I do that when I mentioned Donald Trump? I don't hate him, just think it's a strange system that allows someone of his ilk to run for President in what is currently the most powerful country in the world. That could well change with him at the helm. So I wish...

P: Person you last called?
Siam Spicy Thai restaurant to make a reservation for my weekly dose of Thai Red Chicken Curry. Yum!

Q: Question you're always asked
When are you going to stop teaching and write full time? Good question. I take it under advisement.

R: Reason to smile
I've got so much to be thankful for, and so many  have so little.

S: Sounds that annoy you
I can't stand music in the car for some reason. Weird. So when I'm not with him, my husband plays his Johnny Cash full bore. I can hear him coming up the street!

T: Time you woke up
7.45 am. I'm currently on 'holidays' up at the beach so am enjoying the odd sleep in. But as we're doing renos, today there was the carpet man and the pay-tv man is about to arrive to fix our box.

U: Underwear color
Who wants to know? Scary question! Anyway, my underwear is always some shade of pink.

V: Vacation destination
Travelling is an obsession. Next destination--either Cuba, the French canals driving our own hire boat, or back to Paris.

Image result for image french waterways images

W: Worst habit
Procrastinating about everything! 

X: X-Rays you've had
Most recent was on my foot from too much running! All fixed now. Still running.

Y: Your favorite food
Cheesecake! Favourite cheesecake? Toblerone. I've shared the recipe on my blog several times.

Z: Zodiac sign
Libra. That's why I'm a procrastinating nice balanced person. One of the most famous Librans is Vladimir Putin. I rest my case. 

Zodiac Symbols for Libra

Please join us!
The blog-fest is on through July 13th. 
Just add your name and post your answers.

The TMI: 26 Things About Me #Blogfest is all about getting to know you better. 
To participate, please write a comment and add your link to the list.
1. Debbie @The Doglady's Den  8. Robyn @ Just Bits And Pieces  
2. DiscConnected  9. Shady Dell Music & Memories  
3. Tilting at Windmills  10. Sanch @ Living my Imperfect Life  
4. Cathy Graham  11. Yolanda Renee  
5. Shilpa Garg  12. C. Lee McKenzie  
6. Chicky  13. DeeDee  
7. Guilie @ Quiet Laughter  14. Denise Covey  

(Submissions close in 15d 3h 42m)


  1. Weekly Thai food? You are my kind of person!
    And I enjoy going to the gym four-five times a week.
    I'll just slink away now...

    1. Gah! Begone you gym junkie! But I'm glad you like your Thai food!

  2. You are incredible! I loved reading this. 6 bros 3 sistas, WOW. And you piggy in the middle. Jen always points out that she's in the middle of her 2 sisters which is the reason, she says, that she's so awesome. I rest my case.

    1. I think the middle is good. Best of both worlds.

  3. How fun! Learned lots about you here. You have quite a few siblings! Must have been an exciting house. :) I love U2 :)

    1. Still is exciting with such a large family. When we all get together it's amazing! Sometimes we hire a venue.

  4. I love that U2 song.

    My middle name is easy. It's my first name that's the mystery.

  5. Oh, that's a lot of fun! I might have to consider doing this. :)

    1. Please do join us, Dianne. The more, the merrier!

  6. Loved it! Great job, and somehow I already knew the color. LOL
    Ah... cheesecake - that's off the books for me. A complete and total milk-less diet. Damn! Although avoiding all that stuff has done the stomach wonders.
    I love that you run, I can't, hubby loves running but I'm a walker. For some reason it hurts my entire body to run. But I know the horror of foot problems just from walking. I find that wrapping parts of my feet with paper tape solves a lot of problems and wearing two pairs of socks. A very thin pair and a thicker pair. Don't know why but I get less blisters when I do that. Take care, but keep running!
    Thanks for participating!

    1. Thanks for the foot advice. I'll try that! I'd hate to give up milk. Luckily I have no allergies!

  7. Great post... *slinks away to the gym* ;-)

  8. Gym, what's that. Actually I go to senior exercises twice a week and I do enjoy them. Very little food I don't like, not eaten much Thai though. My middle name is Clare too. I tried spelling it with an i but eventually went back to the original as it was after my grandmother.

    1. You'll have to try Thai Jo. It's full of fresh veggies and delicious least the dishes are that I choose. And it's easy to cook at home too.

  9. Thanks for playing along, Denise Claire! ☺ It was fun to learn more about you. Getting old definitely beats the alternative. Nine siblings? That must have been a raucous, lively household. No gym for me, I'd rather exercise at home. Of course,I don't do it enough. Brexit will certainly have some major repercussions and I hope more countries don't follow suit. That photo of "The Donald" made me laugh, but it's startling (and unbelievable) how many supporters he actually has. We here in Canada are shocked by the whole thing!

    1. Yes and some of them may read what I've said. Someone must like him! Yes, Aussies are totally shocked at his winning the Republican nomination.

    2. I think Aussies and Canucks have many things in common. ☺

  10. I'm learning so much, ladies. Denise Claire has beautiful hair! Okay, so I also hope I'm not pushing up daisies before I publish my memoir about attending college with five kids is tow. All the best!

    1. Yes Victoria, finishing each project takes so long!

  11. So fun, Denise! I too am kind of envious of people who love the gym, but I also envy people who enjoy running. Consider yourself envied. :) (Am I wrong to presume you run because you enjoy it?)

    You can never go wrong with curry and/or cheesecake. Thumbs up.

    VR Barkowski

    1. Yes, I do enjoy running, VR. Nice to be out in the outdoors rather than on a treadmill. Oh, I'm glad someone envies me!

  12. This bloghop is so much fun! :) Loved reading your answers.

    Totally get that about Donald Trump, shocked that he has so much support, scary! And relate too about hate being baffling. And about Thai food. Love it! Not a great fan of green tea though, black is my preferred cuppa, Indian style with masala and milk, or Arab style with mint :)

  13. Hi, Denise!

    I was thrilled to find your comment on my TMI post. Thank you very much, my friend! It's exciting to meet a blogger living in Australia and to get a sense of what your life is like there in Queensland. I Googled your hometown, Kenilworth, and found it on a map. Have you ever been down to Tasmania? I enjoyed reading your answers to the hop questions, Denise. Anyone who senses the danger in the U.S. electorate putting someone like "the Teflon Don" in charge of their fate is a friend of mine. :) Like you I drink at least a couple of cups of tea per day, but I also love my black coffee. It's interesting that you have been misspelling your name all your life and that you come from such a large family. Mrs. Shady has five brothers and sisters and another five half-brothers and half-sisters.

    It's a pleasure to meet you, Denise, and thank you once again for taking an interest in what I am doing at Shady Dell Music & Memories!

  14. Hey Denise, I really loved this! How neat to get to know more about you...and I think I'll join in, too!

  15. Hello! I looked up where your hometown was- I seem to have a lot of Australian internet friends, and sorry to say that your continent is not one I have as good a geographic knowledge of as some others.

    I would like to point out one thing without getting too political. I do not understand how all the people who are so dead set against The Donald cannot see all that- and worse- in the person running against him. Or as the comic book character Wolverine would say, "Beats the alternative". But just barely. The problem growing in the US of A is not that Trump might beat Hillary, but that we have descended to a point where EITHER of them are candidates. End of rant.

    "U: Underwear color
    Who wants to know? " Okay, I won't admit I went back up to check. Call me weird.

    Had to look up Toblerone too. Works for me!

  16. Hello! I looked up where your hometown was- I seem to have a lot of Australian internet friends, and sorry to say that your continent is not one I have as good a geographic knowledge of as some others.

    I would like to point out one thing without getting too political. I do not understand how all the people who are so dead set against The Donald cannot see all that- and worse- in the person running against him. Or as the comic book character Wolverine would say, "Beats the alternative". But just barely. The problem growing in the US of A is not that Trump might beat Hillary, but that we have descended to a point where EITHER of them are candidates. End of rant.

    "U: Underwear color
    Who wants to know? " Okay, I won't admit I went back up to check. Call me weird.

    Had to look up Toblerone too. Works for me!

  17. So I am going out on a limb and assuming you are not a Trump fan!. Some choice the American people have this fall, huh?

  18. Well, if you ever make it to Gloucester, Massachusetts, give me a call and I'll take you to Thai Choice for lunch. I love Thai food and am always thrilled to introduce a fellow Thai lover to our wonderful little restaurant.

    1. Thank you Kathleen! My local Thai is superb but I'm always ready to try a new one!

  19. Hi Denise! So you write romance, eh? What fun! I love writing romance into my fiction. Must take a look at your site. Loved reading your answers to the 26 things about you quiz. I am a terrible procrastinator, too. Don't feel badly! I get annoyed at myself because time is going by and I'm not getting any younger.

    Laughed at the photo of Donald Trump. Isn't he the scariest? I'm Canadian and scratching my head wondering how he got as far as he has. Such an idiot. I had to unfollow a FB friend who was gushing on about her Trump coffee cups. I'd gag on my coffee if I had to drink out of a Trump cup.

  20. Cheesecake recipe on your blog... must check it out. I love love love cheesecakes. Am with you on the gym part. I just cant make myself to go to one!! Good to meet you through Debbie's blog fest, Denise :)

  21. There are so many people of interest if The Donald should meet with an untimely end. I think you'll be safe in the numbers, Denise. Sorry I'm late, but a book keeps getting in my way. So glad I made it here finally. Loved reading about your from A to Z.

  22. I know I commented above, but I came over again to browse. Claire your middle name. I LOVE this name. Maybe I'll start calling you.... :) As for the Donald - I don't want to vote for him OR for Hilary. I fear for the country should he be elected. I love the bad-hair-day photo you found of him. I think of him as a 5+ ring circus.


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