
Wednesday 3 April 2024

#IWSG April 2024 - Blogging, social media ...

 Here we are, another month done and dusted. Hope your month was rewarding in every way.

April 3 question - How long have you been blogging? (Or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?) What do you like about it and how has it changed?

Hmm. The question this month makes me think. I've been blogging for a gazillion years it feels, but I think I began in 2007. 

Someone said today that blogging hasn't really changed over the years, but I disagree. Or, rather, it's we who have changed over time. 

I started with a travel blog to enter a competition, L'Aussie Travel, then created a Paris blog as a place to talk about my favorite city, then Flashquake blog where I posted my stories to the #Fridayfiction prompts, then began Romantic Friday Writers, which became  WEP, a trusted place to write flash fiction to prompts, and toyed with the idea of a separate blog for my paranormal pen name, Silver Tree. Way too much work. So now I'm going to make a major change to this, my author blog, and put all my eggs in one basket (couldn't resist the pun).

When social media became a thing - yes it wasn't always a thing - many of my blogger friends left for Facebook especially, which is a lot less work than blogging. 

Even though I'm a lot less enthusiastic about blogging than I used to be, I still prefer it to FB/X/Insta etc. even though I force myself to 'do' these when the spirit moves me. Blogging is much more personal and I do still have a few blogging friends left, not too many, unfortunately. 

Writing can be an isolating experience, so it helps to touch base with fellow writers once a month for the IWSG, and latterly, I catch up with my WEP friends each month or two on the WEP site. All good.

The awesome co-hosts for the April 3 posting of the IWSG are Janet Alcorn, T. Powell Coltrin, Natalie Aguirre, and Pat Garcia!

See you in May!



  1. I certainly prefer it over other social media. It provides more freedom. And more honesty. That's why I feel connected to so many here.

  2. Wow Denise! You've been here and how! I prefer blogging to all other platforms as well. It's less crowded and you know the people you want to be around.

  3. Hi,
    Writing isolate. You can't write and socialize at the same time. At least, I can't. I see you're very busy. I hope you keep blogging.
    All the best and take care.
    Shalom shalom

  4. Blogging has changed, but while there are fewer doing it now, it's more connective. When I began in 2005, there was no connections. We blogged in a vacuum.

  5. So true! It is so isolating. I mean, it needs to be, so stuff can get written, but it is weird.

  6. You've been through a lot of iterations and I'm glad you're still here. It feels like there are just pockets of activity now, like IWSG and WEP, but the connections are solid and worth keeping.

  7. Hi, Denise! I definitely prefer blogging to other forms of social media. You form much deeper connections with others. I decided years ago that blogging was where I'd spend my time. No regrets about that. I treasure the friendships I've made. Happy fall!

  8. I'm with you preferring to blog than to post on FB or IG or any other social media. I'm really fed up with X!

    Glad you switched up your blog to suit what you were doing in the writing world.

  9. You gave a perfect description of blogging. I too use the other social media when 'forced' because I think I should be doing more of it.

  10. I find it's easier to connect with bloggers than on social media. Though FB and X annoy me nowadays.

  11. Yes, writing is an isolating calling, and I'm very grateful for the ways in which the blogging community has made it less so! Blogging since 2012, when I barely knew what a blog was and had no idea what I was doing... I deleted my earliest posts because they were just kind of embarrassing, so I don't know exactly when I did start :D

  12. A lot of my blogging friends left for Facebook too. I like social media, but blogging fills a different need. It's a bigger canvas, and I have so much more control over it.

  13. Amazing all the blogging topics you have covered. You have wonderful experiences to share. Bravo to you, Denise! Have a beautiful weekend!


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