
Wednesday 1 November 2023


 Hi all!

Seeing comments are often not allowed on my blog, thanks Google, I nearly decided not to post. I've got to choose whether to add a new comment system, or move to my Word Press blog. Neither excites me. I'm on vacation so and have no time to fiddle. 

I'm not answering the question about NaNoWriMo in full. Yep. I've done it 5 times, but I don't write that way. I choose to go slow and edit each day's work most of the time. Sure that wastes time sometimes, but I can't help myself. These days many writers have their project fully planned before Nov 1 which wasn't the original idea, but what the heck? You do what you do.

click HERE to read more - including a list of pros and cons for both which we probably all know. 

My latest book, Fijian Princess, (which I started writing in 2015! Told you I was a slow scribe). When I read it again, I liked it, so I decided to polish it up and have it edited AGAIN recently. I'd shelved it after an edit, pretty discouraged. So, about 3 editors have cast their weary eyes over it at different times and at considerable expense to moi. It looks pretty posh now and so it should. 

So do I self-publish? Or do I shop around for a traditional publisher, small or big? I can't believe I'm actually asking this question - I've been on Team Self-Publish from the outset but it's a ton of work. Not that I expect an easy ride if I actually lasso a trad publisher. Just check out Damyanti's FB posts about her latest book. She puts in the hours. 

My final editor says I have a great story, will attract readers around the world, so, hmmm, I'm insecure about this. I need your help.

I won't be doing anything with this ms or my Paris Cookery School until early 2024. The rest of 2023 is ridiculously busy mainly with travel. I'm down in South Australia momentarily and face a long trip home in 3 days.

The awesome co-hosts for the November 1 posting of the IWSG are PJ Colando, Jean Davis, Lisa Buie Collard, and Diedre Knight!


Anyone want to share their experiences with self-pub or traditional? I'd be grateful.

If you have some advice and can't comment, please flick me an email ...

Thanks so much for reading/helping - 



  1. Good luck which ever path you go down - and enjoy what is left of your holidays.
    Sigh at blogger and the commenting issues. I have found that (mostly) if I swap browsers I CAN comment.

    1. Thanks Sue. Been a great holiday. Leave for home on Friday. I'll keep you posted on my next books.

  2. Just switch to a pop-up window in your blogger settings to make it easier for people to comment. I have to switch to Mozilla to comment on your blog posts now. And I don't think it's either traditional or self-published. You could be a hybrid author. So maybe try the traditional route and switch to self-publishing if it doesn't work. FYI many of the agents I feature also represent authors who write adult fiction.

  3. What Natalie said. Pop-up window always works.

  4. I love self-publishing, but that's because I'm terrible with external pressure & having a publisher would = huge stress for me. You don't lose anything by trying it!

  5. To comment, I have to turn off the "cross-site tracking protection" for all Blogger blogs. Each one individually. I switched mine to the pop-up window at one point and it blew the avatars up to something so huge you could only see a nostril. I should try it again, as it does generally seem to work better, assuming people allow pop-ups? Why the devil can't Google get it right??

  6. Good luck Denise with whatever you choose. Both have their pros and cons, right?

  7. Try querying it first and see what happens. Small to medium sized publishers don't require agents so you can skip that step.

  8. If you don't try, you'll never find out. So I'd say give it a shot. It is a lot of work. I know that. Good luck.

  9. Thanks everyone who has commented so far. Thanks for your advice re trad/self-pub. I appreciate your views.

  10. I'm so glad you switched to the pop-up comment window. At least they work.
    Like you, I'm also a slow writer and I like to edit as I go, so no NaNo for me.
    As for choosing between self-pub and traditional, I can't give advice. I tried publishing with a small publisher. I tried self-publishing too. Each way has its advantages and disadvantages. It is all about priorities. If you want full control, I think a self-publishing approach is better. On the other hand, if you want less of a headache (editing, formatting, book cover, etc.), but ready to relinquish control, than maybe a publisher would work best.

  11. Honestly, it might be worth trying the traditional route first. Do your research carefully and then go for it. Hybrid publishing is totally valid.

    And yeah, I had to switch to pop up commenting too. It's way easier for everyone to comment.

  12. Thanks Olga for returning and for your thoughtful comments.
    Lynda, thanks for your advice.
    Renee, thanks for your vote of confidence.

  13. I agree -- self-publishing is a lot of work! I don't mind the idea of seeking out small publishers, sometimes it's nice to feel that someone's on your side!

  14. Lots of good thoughts here. It's a really tough decision--and so much work either way you go. You've edited it a lot, so you could go either way and be sure of a good result. Ooo, it's a hard one.

  15. Hi Denise - I'm a fan of pop out blogger form ... it works; but if it doesn't I try and make a plan: over the years there've been plenty of blogging hassles!! I'm sure self-publishing is the best way to go - but with back up help from local experts in the field ... who help you through and keep you going. As Yolanda mentions try both and see how they go ... good luck - but the holiday sounds wonderful. Cheers Hilary

  16. Hi Denise!

    I don't see any problems with my blogs with commenting. I've set it up so it's 'Reply' under each comment.

    Now, to your other question. Try submitting it around a bit before going the SP way. Try Wild Rose Press.


I love hearing from you! Hit me with your wisdom!