
Wednesday 6 September 2023


 Hello all!

WEP celebrated it's 10th anniversary in 2020, so that makes us a little 'older' than the IWSG! Quite a milestone for both of our groups in this fast-moving age. 

The awesome co-hosts for the September 6 posting of the IWSG are Sonia Dogra, J Lenni Dorner, Pat Garcia, Sarah - The Faux Fountain Pen, and Meka James!


Which brings me to the month's question - The IWSG celebrates 12 years today! When did you discover the IWSG, how do you connect, and how has it helped you?

I'm number 8 on the IWSG list and I've always been a strong supporter of the monthly bloghop. Even when traveling overseas, I've usually posted and read posts. Probably missed writing 2 posts in the 12 years. I like the optional question each month which shows how amazing writers are in that each answer is so different.

I read the posts on the IWSG site and the Facebook site. The Facebook site is great for those who no longer/don't blog. I like how it offers promotion and answers questions. So helpful for newbie writers and established writers.

As the founder of WEP, I can't help saying I love that both WEP and the IWSG are writer-focused and offer services to many writers around the globe. WEP offers writing opportunities, while the IWSG offers so many helpful services. Writers help each other. I took note that 3 out of 5 writers helping Alex this month are WEP writers who give generously of their time and talents in so many ways. Belonging to groups like these two help writers feel included in the huge writer-verse. WEP and the IWSG are loosely aligned and I look forward to bigger and better things as we forge ahead into the future. 

Alex helps WEP by promoting our bi-monthly challenges (when we get the copy to him) and some of the IWSG admin are very supportive by writing for us when time permits. Special thanks to our unofficial liaison, C Lee McKenzie. 

Long live blogging and collaborative support!


  1. I've missed maybe 3 or 4 posts in the past 12 years. It's just a stability in this crazy world.

  2. Hooray for collaborative support. I am blown away on a regular basis by just how talented and how supportive the WEP and the ISWG teams are.

  3. I just read Victoria's post and she spoke fondly of WEP. Together, WEP and IWSG have touched lives.

  4. That's amazing that you only missed about two posts in all these years and have been with the IWSG since it's early days. I love the support. I'm not sure if I would have remained as committed to my blog without the support.

  5. Hi Denise! All I can say is that I'm glad I found the WEP through the IWSG. Happy IWSG Day!

  6. That's awesome that you've been with the IWSG from the very beginning! I stumbled upon it about 10 years ago and I'm so glad that I did.

  7. WEP and IWSG are such amazing communities!

  8. Both amazing groups. I didn't realise WEP had been going longer, in fact. Testament to how valuable these groups are that they have such longevity.

  9. Hi Denise - yes excellent that WEP has been going so long - and I'm glad I eventually joined ... but congratulations to IWSG - and then the tie ... lots of encouraging support for anyone who joins in ... writers, bloggers et al - cheers Hilary

  10. Denise, Thank you for being a founder and for being a part of my writing life.

  11. Your liaison has been MIA, but I have a doctor's note! So sorry I'm late in getting the word out about this last WEP, but I plan to doubling down and taking care of that ASAP. Thanks for the great shout out for IWSG and for being such a wonderful member.

  12. I've missed 8 IWSG posts, but 3 of those were due to major computer problems: on one occasion the computer motherboard crashed, and on 2 other occasions the posts were wiped out due to technical glitches etc.
    The IWSG has such a wonderful sense of community, which is hard to find in online groups. WEP is also an amazing community and I really miss the WEP challenges... but that's another story for another day.
    Happy IWSG Anniversary Day, Denise!

  13. Not sure if my comment was eaten so I will try again. Happy Anniversary to WEP and IWSG!

  14. I'm a big supporter of our group too, Denise! The members have been kind, supportive, and encouraging to me over the years. And I have learned so much. One of these days I may participate in WEP too, but my plate is pretty full right now. Thanks for all you have done and continue to do for writers! Take care!

  15. A very happy combo indeed. WEP, IWSG, and A to Z give me reasons to blog. It's great to connect with so many great people.
    "The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library." – Albert Einstein quote
    September is library card sign-up month! Get one, use one, and be grateful such places exist.

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Speculative Fiction &Reference Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and

  16. Happy Anniversary! It's awful, I mean amazing how those years keep creeping upwards. LOL But damn, it's been a good time all the way around. I started this process in 2008 - and hope to keep at for as long as possible. Love all the changes, new ideas, and adventures!

  17. I am a long term IWSG member. Perhaps it is time now for me to widen my horizons and explore WEP. Thank you for all you do for other writers.

  18. Well that makes someone else who has an anniversary in addition to IWSG! Congratulations on your finding and all these years of support for WEP! It's really neat that different writers groups can work together and be supportive of each other.

  19. I like both IWSG and WEP too. They both help writers in different ways, and they both support and encourage me in my writing journey.

  20. That's an amazing commitment, to be part of two such influential and long-running groups all that time. Well done!

  21. There are so many awesome writing support groups and it is important to find a couple that really mesh with your vision and stick to them to build deeper relationships. That is probably my greatest struggle. But I'm honored to be a part of this group and will check out WEP as well.

    1. Hi Heidi. It would be awesome to see you at WEP sometime! You're most welcome!

  22. Yay for writerly collaborations! The results are always win win and a delight to read.


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