
Wednesday 21 June 2023

#WEP #JUNECHALLENGE - Close Encounters of the Third Kind. My #flashfiction, Gone in 60 Seconds

 Hi! Welcome to the June WEP challenge, Close Encounters of the Third Kind using the sci-fi movie as the prompt. 

I'm sharing a nail biter I wrote in 2010 and have never shared on my blog. I think it encapsulates a close encounter. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think in the comments.


 Gone in 60 Seconds


I panic.

Forget everything I’ve been taught.

Okay, 60 seconds of free falling has been sweet, but now the parachute is supposed to take up the slack, but guess what? Yep. Just my luck. The shanky thing gets itself stuck and here I go, free falling, free screaming, heading for the ground at a great rate of knots.

Tug! Tug! Tug!

It’s stuck all right! I lose all hope of hearing that thunderous whoosh, seeing that gentle puff of parachute silk billowing above me. Nah, this time it’s just me, the sky and that old enemy, gravity. I’m no longer floating. I’m dropping towards the ground like a lead ball, faster, faster. I force my eyes open again and try to reason with myself. I probably have another 60 seconds before impact.

Think! Think! Think!

 I manoeuvre my body back into the arch position which isn’t easy when my limbs are stiff with terror. In training I’ve been shown how you can direct your flight in free fall, so with a great deal of effort I pull my arms slightly back at the shoulders and straighten my legs as I’ve been taught. My heart begins to thump again. The adrenalin rushes through me.

I know what to do and I do it.

I move backwards by extending my arms and bending my knees like I’m trying to touch the back of my head with my heels. From this position I can make a left or right turn by twisting my upper body slightly. You might be wondering why I’m bothering but I’d been told in training for my solo jump that you can survive a free fall from up to 50,000 feet if you stay in control and hey, I’m only at 11,000 feet so I must be in with a chance, don’t you think? A survival float, they call it. Choose your drop zone. I know I’ll have a better chance of survival if I land on a nice soft spot. Or in deep water. Or even on a car or a rooftop. Anything but cement. God, not that…

 My tactics seem to be working. I have slowed my speed and am heading towards the beach. Of course I can’t hear the waves crashing or the seagulls calling or the surfers cursing when someone drops in—all I hear is the sound of wind screaming in my ears and my desperate prayers ‘…help me, help me, oh God, oh Godddd...’ About 30 seconds to go.

You know how they say your life flashes before you as you drown, well, I’m drowning in wind and extreme velocity. My life is flashing before me like a flickering movie in fast forward.

I see my children, their trusting baby faces. I see my daughter’s triumphant smile smeared with my bright red lipstick. I see my son’s joyous high five when he won his soccer game. I flash on their birthday parties and am sorry I won’t be there to share any more. Nor will they share mine. Today they’ll be waiting for me to come home from ‘Mummy’s air jump all by herself’ so they can yell ‘Surprise! Clever Mummy!’ I see my husband, his face white with shock when I told him I intend to go solo for my thirtieth. ‘That’s far too dangerous!’ he’d yelled. ‘For God’s sake, you have children. You can’t keep jumping out of planes! You’ll be sorry!’

I’m sorry now. I wasn’t then. The one time I’d been determined to do something just for myself, look what happens! Any moment now. Yikes, here comes the ground, faster, faster.

I’m aware of the beach flashing by. It always lifts my spirits, gives me strength.

I won’t make it. The waves, too far away, in and out, in and out, the rhythm of life. Ah, life. Relax! Relax! More chance if you relax! Bend your knees! Aim for that soft, billowy sand just ahead. Dip shoulder to the left, get ready for impact. Drop zone. Drop zone. Sand dune. Yes! Careening towards me-colours blending-whirling-blue-green-sandy-use balls of feet-point toes-swish-thwomp-roll-bounce-cover head-arms-close-to-ears-use elbows-to-protect-head-hold-tight-grassy-knoll-coming-thump-thump-thump-that hurt-ooh-ah-blessed blackness…

 ‘Hey! Over here! Quick! She’s alive! Call Emergency!’

©Denise Covey 2010 – Fast Fiction – Gone in 60 seconds


WORDS: 705


Please click on the list in my sidebar for more entries in our June writing contest. A win could get you published in WEP's 2023 Anthology.

WEP's next challenge is going to be beautiful! Based on the movie Chocolat. Please join us for this sensory feast!


  1. Oh, that was scary. Heart-pounding scary. It took a great courage not to panic in such a situation, to do what you're taught and hope for the best. Could it be true? Could anyone survive such a fall?

    1. According to my research, it is possible, but unlikely when people panic. Which she didn't.

  2. I don't know whether my comment went to spam or not. If you get two, ditch one.
    Definitely a close encounter. Too close. My heart is pounding. That is one strong woman who can remember what she has been taught instead of 'just' panicking. I hope that strength serves her well in the days, weeks, months to come.

    1. I'm sorry but your first comment must have gone to spam. Frustrating! Thanks for persisting, Sue. I like your take on my brave woman!

  3. Man!!! That was a wild ride!! So well done!

  4. Sky diving is something I'll never do for exactly the reason your character experienced. I had no idea you could survive such a thing. I think she broke a few bones. Well written and heart stopping.

  5. My brother is the daredevil. He's been hang gliding and parachute jumping. Not for me, thanks! I don't even like going on roller coasters.

    1. I'm with you OO. I'll leave it to the daredevils.

  6. That was intense! Heart in mouth as I read. You just lobbed me up in the sky, tumbling through the air in free fall, I feel dizzy - just brilliantly crafted! I am so NOT into extreme sports. Hope she gets herself a nice spa treatment for her next birthday. :)

    1. My plan was to take readers on a ride. A spa treatment seems a much safer way to celebrate!

  7. Excellent build-up, Denise! The pace of the fall came through splendidly in your writing.

  8. No backup chute, either? Yikes. I've heard water can be as hard as steel when hit from the wrong angle. I've read that the life flashing is actually the brain's last ditch effort to find a way to survive. Like, it must have read something somewhere, and is now ripping apart the research library of brain cells in desperation. Not that anyone really knows, just something I read once. Grey's Anatomy had an episode with a skydiver who survived, and the whole thing was caught on camera. And I think there was a Charlie Sheen movie with skydiving and "the bounce" a living body gets when hitting the ground. (Probably 25 years ago.)
    So you're in great company with this story! Lots of adrenaline and action. (No fast cars, like the movie of the same title, ha ha ha.) Looks like this is a close encounter with Death.

    1. According to my research, you can survive. Not that I'd like to take to the skies to prove it!


    I tried several times to get into your comment section on your blog. Unfortunately, I didn‘t succeed. The same thing happened when I tried to leave a comment of your IWSG post. I am assuming that Safari and Google are fighting again and Safari has been blocked. So here is my comment for your story.

    Exciting, being in the jump mode where she is already out the plane and then to find out the umbrella doesn‘t work, raised my blood pressure. It kept me reading to see if she was going to make it. Excellent take on the prompt.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to email me Pat. I'll have to do something about comments. This is ridiculous.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Wow! I truly didn't think she would make it! The movement from those intense images happening as she fell to those internal memories are riveting. Her desire to live is so intense it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for having her land alive -- and through her own efforts! A fine read.

    1. I couldn't let her die, no way. Thanks for your comment.

  12. Hi Denise - I guess she had to make it ... but what state would she be in - I have these dreams where I drop like a stone - but I'm thankful I never arive ... though the heart rate goes up. I'm fine gliding or flying ... but could never jump out of a parachute, and am definitely not happy being on an edge high above the world. Great story telling ... great you've brought to story to life here. Cheers Hilary

    1. Not going to imagine how many bones will be broken, LOL.

  13. An encounter with the Earth of the most horrifying kind! WOW!
    It's as if this was really happening. So scary! Well done!
    I have those dreams too, where you wake up with your heart just pounding. Usually I'm running from zombies. :)

    1. Well, I didn't want her to wake up and say she just had a dream, LOL.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. A huge sigh of relief at the end! I was holding my breath on the way down and dreading that landing! Good job, Denise.

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