
Wednesday 6 July 2022

#IWSG July - Living in book worlds. #Paris is a visual feast.

 Hello all!

Time for another #IWSG post. What goes around, comes around, right? This month we're going to have a sneak peek into our writers' personalities wherein they choose a book world.

July 6 question - If you could live in any book world, which one would you choose?

No surprise. I don't write sci-fi or fantasy (other than vampire fantasies and I wouldn't want to inhabit that world, LOL) so of course I'd like to live in the Paris bookworld where my Paris Dreams characters live. 

Paris is a stunning city and I've practically walked every cobblestone, clambered up every hill, poked my nose into fantastic gardens, museums and art galleries, and there would be worse fates than living in Saskia's world of fashion or Raphael's world of art. 

Pretty groovy. 

So after numerous trips spotting locations, my next Parisian bookworld is in the world of French food. Yummy. Food, friends, passion and mystery. Delicious. Be ready for its release in October, all going well.

Let's have a visual feast. Here is my inspiration using my own pics:

Many meals and some scary stuff goes down at one of my favorites, Cafe de Flore.

Sacre Coeur and Montmartre feature.

One of the characters is a huge Hemingway fan (what a surprise!). Here's the door to one of his apartments at place de la Contrescarpehe, closest to where my story is set in St Germain des Pres.

One of the characters puts a love lock amongst the thousands which have now been moved to Pont Neuf.

Catching the metro is always fun, especially if they're art nouveau like this one at Place Collette.

One of the main characters sketches this statue of an angel I snapped at Pere Lachaise cemetery.

This lovely homeless guy and one of his dogs features. But he's not so lovely in the story.

When asked to describe my WIP, this is the entry I wrote for the #IWSG Anthology webpage. I shared my taglines-in-progress:

“Drama, romance, and passion are layered, flavoured, tasted, left to simmer, not unlike the traditional French recipes scattered throughout the book.”

“Food, love, passion for Paris, combined with characters layered with shades of darkness combined with a good measure of charisma.”

“More than cooking goes on in this kitchen.”

“Absolutely delicious … like a warm hug.”

“If you love reading about food, Paris, love, feisty characters, this is a book you will relish.”

 Which tagline do you like the best?? I need one for the cover and maybe I could incorporate some in the blurb.

Like the sound of my bookworld?

The awesome co-hosts for the July 6 posting of the IWSG are J Lenni Dorner, Janet Alcorn, PJ Colando, Jenni Enzor, and Diane Burton!

  Be sure to visit the
Insecure Writer’s Support Group Website!!! There's so much to help a writer along!

So while you're here, this is WEP's next challenge in August. This is a writing contest open to all writers. Please consider the prompt and pen something 1,000 words and under and join the fun. We love newbies! You never know, you could be one of three winners!

Thanks for coming by!
I'd really appreciate knowing which tagline you like best. Let me know in the comments.Thanks!

Hope you enjoyed the pics.

Many have complained that they can't comment on mine, and several other blogger blogs. Until Google fixes the problem, the solution is to return to the boring old pop-up comment system where I can't reply individually. Pass the word! Better than nothing! 


  1. You've really explored Paris.
    I like the first one if it's not too long.

  2. The second and last tagline catch me the most. I do like books with food and Paris, as a matter of fact, and now am interested in reading.
    Great pics! Thanks for sharing. I pinned the one with the angel statue because WOW 🤩.
    For the IWSG July prompt asking which book world I would live in, I narrowed it down to three choices.
    One is a short-story I published. One is from a popular series. And one is better known from television, but there are books. It's all on my blog.
    Today's Google Doodle This is a tribute to Charlie Hill of the Oneida Nation, the first Native American stand-up comedian to be on a nationally broadcast television show.
    Over at Operation Awesome, our Pass or Pages query contest is open this week with July's family saga genre. Know any writers who might want to enter?

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author

  3. Not surprised you picked Paris. I like #3 best, though maybe you could expand on it.

  4. Paris is a great choice!! I like the 3rd tagline the best - pithy.

  5. You're lucky you've gotten to explore Paris in depth and can write about it accurately.

  6. I'd chose #1, but tighten it some.

    1. Thanks Liza. I do like #1 but maybe as part of the blurb.

  7. I had no doubt, your pick would be Paris! I mean, beautiful place! For taglines, I like short and snappy, so my favorite is #3. You know there's food and romance in a sentence.

  8. I'd love to visit Paris one day!
    For the tagline, I like the last one best, but I'd tighten it: Paris, food, love, feisty characters. A book to relish!

    1. I hope you get there Jemi. Magical city to me. Thanks for the input into my taglines.

  9. There's so much to love about Paris! Especially the food and wine!

    I like the third tagline - just a hint of naughtiness.

    1. I'm with you there, Lee. And the way it's guilt free! Thanks for your input into my tagline.

  10. My favorite tagline is #3.
    You write about Paris so well, I yearn to visit. I have never been there. Maybe one day...

    1. Thanks Olga. Thanks also for your input into my taglines. I hope you get to Paris one day!!

  11. More than cooking goes on in this kitchen, this would be my pick. You got a great story in those pictures. Especially the lovely/not so lovely homeless guy.

  12. Hi Denise - yes ... no surprise you picked Paris ... I love that Angel sculpture - great pic ... as usual I prefer a different tag line - # 5 ... but I look forward to reading all about the food, tastings, history etc and the odd death by the sound of it ... cheers Hilary

  13. Paris, how wonderful. Love the pics.

  14. What a beautiful world indeed :D This is wonderful!

  15. I like the first tagline, Denise. Your Paris books sound awesome. Terry and I spent four long and magical days in Paris, and I'd love to return. The French people were lovely to me, and they took pity on me when I tried to speak French and spoke to me in English. We stayed in St Germain des Prés, which we loved. I'm glad we saw Notre Dame before the fire. I'm looking forward to the release of your book! enjoy your summer!

  16. Memories triggered of my Paris trips over decades - thanks.

    3rd tag tempts or
    “Food, love, passion for Paris, combined with characters layered with shades of darkness combined with a good measure of charisma.”

  17. @Sonia - Thanks for the tagline help. Glad you like the pictures.
    @Hilary - Thanks for the tagline help. I'll send you an early copy when it's ready.
    @Diane - Thanks
    @Damyanti - Thank you. Glad you like it.
    @FundyBlue - Thank for the tagline help. Glad you enjoyed the Paris pics and that it brought back memories. I'll remember to send you an early copy of the book when it's ready. You'll be familiar with the locations.
    @Roland - glad for the memories triggered Roland. Love your tagline suggestion.

  18. Some absolutely beautiful locations there. So much to explore.

    I like #3 because it's catchy and leaves the reader wondering.

  19. @Nick - thanks so much for this.

  20. I love Paris! My husband and I have been their twice and loved all the wonderful art. We particularly like the Impressionists, but the whole city is a work of art.

  21. Thank you Elizabeth. Yes, Paris definitely is a work of art I never tire of ogling.


I love hearing from you! Hit me with your wisdom!