
Wednesday 4 August 2021

#IWSG August - Question: My favorite #writingcraft book?

 Hi everyone!

This month at the #IWSG, we're discussing #writingcraftbooks.

Here is the complete August 4 question - What is your favorite writing craft book? Think of a book that every time you read it you learn something or you are inspired to write or try the new technique. And why?

The awesome co-hosts for the August 4 posting of the IWSG are PK Hrezo, Cathrina Constantine, PJ Colando, Kim Lajevardi, and Sandra Cox!

My contention is that writing books that are inspirational are the ones that speak to where you are in your writing journey at the time. Which is why a recommendation often falls flat as you're just not ready for that advice or you've moved well past it. Like I never understood From First Draft to Finished Novel when I bought it years ago. Perhaps now I will. 

Sometimes craft books just wait too long to get to the point. But also reading craft books causes a brain freeze for me. I'm just glad one of my critique partners missed her calling as a writing coach. Boy does she know her way around plot and structure and Story Genius (more later).

The first writing book I found useful was David Maas's Writing the Breakout Novel and its accompanying exercises. Well, we're all going to write that breakout novel, aren't we? Has eluded me so far gotta say! The most useful thing about Maas's book was his writing exercises. He'd give you a starting point/topic, and away you'd go. I think this is probably where I developed my love of #flashfiction. I bought his Writing 21st Century Fiction but don't remember much about it except that he'd gathered all these experts who all had different ideas. 

Nevertheless, they look nice on the shelves, don't they? If only I could spare more room!

I've read/partially read the books I just know will turn up this month. No authors. They'll be a cinch to find on Google:

Save the Cat

Take off your pants

On Writing

James Scott Bell 

Goal, Motivation, Conflict etc etc.

But these 14 or so years since I decided to teach myself to write properly, my go-to books are:

Manuscript Makeover

Secrets of a Best-Selling Writer...and...

Story Genius (ever since a big publisher advised me to know everything about my characters from the time the Tooth Fairy first visited. Ha, I jest, but just about. So now I 'story genius' my characters so they are more intriguing in their motivations. I hope so, anyway.


Speaking of #flashfiction, WEP's August challenge is up on the site -

Please join us!

And how do you like my little group of lovelies? I've been pretty busy putting all those writing craft books to good use!


And I just created my first FB ad on Book Brush! Yeah, it needs work, but here we go...




  1. Love your BookBrush ads!! Great job!
    I like Take Off Your Pants from the ones you listed. My bouncy brain struggles with most craft/plotting books but I love that one!

    1. Thanks Jemi. Yeah, TOYP is pretty easy to follow, unlike some.

  2. Exciting times - and huge congratulations.

    1. Thank you Sue! I hope all goes as well as it can!

  3. Hi Denise - I imagine the journey throws up so many learning curves ... and yes we need to be ready to put the various ideas into their place in our style of writing. I just admire any author ... I've never heard of Take Off Your Pants ... but if I see it, I know to have a look at.
    I've got Freedom of Speech WEP in my sights - cheers Hilary

    1. It does indeed Hilary. Great that you're ready for FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Some are afraid of this one.

  4. Probably wouldn't get into the writing exercises but there are gems in every book on the craft.
    Boy, is that a timely theme for WEP.

  5. I'm like Alex and wouldn't do the writing exercises. Yes, there are a ton of craft books out there. It's good that you found three that help you.

  6. Like you some of those left me cold too, but I have a collection. The most fun was On Writing for me, and I still love many of his quotes. But the first book I ever wrote was done all by myself. I knew what I wanted to read and just went for it. I think I did a damn good job. LOL At least I think so, right. :)
    Lots of other lessons failed me though, or did I fail them? ;)

    Love your ads!

    1. I wish we could just write the way we want to. But then I guess reviewers would pick us apart.

  7. Hi Denise. We all learn as we grow. My foray into craft books happened pretty late and although I haven't read many, I have been consistent now. I try to gather whatever I can from other books that I read.

  8. Hi Denise, I've Donald Maass's Writing the Breakout Novel workbook but I have never read it. Will do it this month.

    1. You're probably too far along in your writing journey for it, Rachna.

  9. Hi,
    Fantastic! I will have to go on Amazon Germany to see if they are listed there and pre-order.
    I too have many craft books but I don't use them very often at all. I take what I need from them, maybe a chapter or two and that's it.
    Wishing you all the best with your ads.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Thanks Pat. Let me know how you go finding my books.

  10. Fun ads! The new release is a perfect fall read.

  11. Save the Cat still ranks highest on my list. I loved the clean, quick-witted humor and the writing craft information.

    1. Seems it's everyone's, well, most people's fave. I know it's Alex's, he's said so before.

  12. He'd gathered all these experts who all had different ideas - isn't that the funny thing about writers? We are all so different.

    1. Very true Diane, but confusing all the same.d

  13. Those ads look good to me.

    That's a nice-looking collection. I agree that not all writing books hit the spot, for whatever reason. But if you have one that works, even just thumbing through it can be great for inspiration when you're stuck.

  14. I think some writing books serve better as textbooks for beginner writers, while others you have to grow as a writer yourself before you can appreciate them properly.
    Love your Book Brush ads.

    1. Yes, Olga, we need one to suit us in the here and now.

  15. Way to go, Denise! Your ads look great. Happy writing in August. Take care!

  16. So happy to find another fan of MANUSCRIPT MAKEOVER! And Donald Maas! Back in the day before I became an indie writer, I sent my mss to Donald Maas -- and heard back within a week. His comments were direct and so helpful, even if my work wasn't a fit. Congrats on your Book Brush ads. They look great. Strategic to use them here in your blog post with many readers. May this be a very good month for you.

    1. Love that book, MM. And Donald Maas. His daughter writes great fantasy too. Some of my students are addicted.

  17. I LOVE how busy you've been and how you've embraced the indie life. I'm so excited for you. May you have many sales and many great reviews.

  18. Love your selection of writing craft books!

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Being Busy vs Being Productive

  19. "My contention is that writing books that are inspirational are the ones that speak to where you are in your writing journey at the time. Which is why a recommendation often falls flat as you're just not ready for that advice or you've moved well past it."

    Yes. This. I commented on another author's blog that I wish there was a chart of popular craft books that listed their topic(s), strengths, weaknesses, and target audience (newbie, middling, or seasoned writer). I also wish there was a quiz we could take that would tell us which specific skills we need to work on and which ones we have mastered. It would make choosing which craft books to read a whole lot easier.

    1. Sadly, there is no such thing. All we can do is shop around and hopefully find some to resonate with us.

  20. With so many writing books out there, it's important to pick the right ones for you. The observation about books speaking to where you are in your writing journey is a crucial insight in helping narrow down the field.

  21. I have read or encountered several of the books you have pictured here! Good choices.

    Did anyone from your area win at the Olympics this year?
    Joe Kovacs, from neck of the woods, won silver for Shot Put Throw.

    1. Yeah J Lenni, many of our swimmers won gold and some came from my neck of the woods. Very proud of them for all the hard work they put in.

  22. Good choice in books, and woot for your collection!

  23. I've experience three glitches trying to leave a comment, probably an issue on my end. Hope this one sticks.
    Thanks for all your book recommendations.
    I'm currently reading Fast and Furious.

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I love hearing from you! Hit me with your wisdom!