
Wednesday 2 June 2021

#IWSG #June - What is your #drafting process? The result of my #drafting leads me to this - sharing my first books...

Hello fellow IWSG-ers! How are you doing this month? Had a good one in May? Hope so. So let's do the rounds and see what's happening ...

  Be sure to visit the co-hosts and the 
Insecure Writer’s Support Group Website!!!

Alex's awesome co-hosts for the June 2 posting of the IWSG are J Lenni Dorner, Sarah Foster, Natalie Aguirre, Lee Lowery, and Rachna Chhabria!

 June 2 question - For how long do you shelve your first draft, before reading it and re-drafting? Is this dependent on your writing experience and the number of stories/books under your belt?

I'm not the right person to answer this question, as I have a habit of shelving first drafts, then second drafts, then third drafts, having a hard time believing I can't still improve the story. Those of you with several books published know that's really not a great attitude or process. (I console myself with the story that Harper Lee re-wrote the first chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird 60 times). But when I broke her record, I started to worry. This perfectionism or whatever it is, has certainly held back my publication process. Nevertheless, I've made a big jump this past month, prioritized my writing even to the extent of missing last month's IWSG. (((face palm)))

What WIPs have I been endlessly drafting/editing? I'm getting 2 books of short stories (many written for WEP and extended greatly) and my Paris novel, Paris Dreams and the first in my vampire series, Betrayed polished and ready to hit the shelves. All will be available on Amazon and/or through the Bookfunnel promotional site very soon. 

After all these years of gathering my collection alone, I hope you'll indulge me as I share a little peek at the stories I've been endlessly drafting. Getting covers done held up the process. I finally found an artist I could work with. Here's what I have so far. I love them. How about you?

FREE when you sign up to join my newsletter list on Bookfunnel. (If you subscribed through the MailerLite pop up, you will receive the same ebook). A second book of Paranormal short stories under the pen name Silver Tree  will be published soon.

Women's fiction. A love story beside the Seine - fashion designer meets artist. For our hero, Saskia, sometimes a new life comes at a cost.

The Paris Dreams cover is not the one I'll end up using. I'm working with an illustrator who is trying to recreate my vision. (And the author will be Denise Covey).

Pre-order Paris Dreams on Amazon

I've written the first three books in the series, so will be rapid releasing. 
I like to think of my vampire series as - glittering Renaissance vampire romances with no social distancing.

Duke Vipunin de Castellina is the hero of this paranormal romance that moves between Florence and the hill town of Castellina (where the castle in the story still sits proudly on top of the hill) in Tuscany. Underpinning the story is the duke's relationship with the powerful de' Medici family, rulers of Florence at this time in history. Book Two picks up the story in the South of France where we remain until Book Four. In Book Four, the action moves to Paris.
Watch this space.

Thank you to my writer friends who I so appreciate, who've become ARC readers for my soon-to-be-published works. I hope that endless drafting pays off.

And we know there's a ton of work to self-publishing. Adding a pen name makes it more complicated. It's taken me years to decide how to go about it. In the end, Denise Covey and Silver Tree are writing different sub genres of romance, so they'll share the one webpage and email list. Thinking about doubling up gave me heart palpitations. I have enough trouble with one lot of social media. (I will admit I wasted months creating a dedicated website for Silver Tree, but gave it up and combined what I had).

I hope you didn't mind my MailerLite pop up that popped up. It's been in the works for so long. So now I don't have as much time to draft and re-draft, I'm overwhelmed with all the extra-curricular activities which come with being the one-stop shop to ownership of your work. I hope you'll subscribe and keep me on my toes. (Don't worry if you subscribed twice. I'll sort it out). 

Looking forward to reading your stories.

And WEP has its June 1 post published. Pop by and see what we have offering this month in our gorgeous Year of the Art.



  1. If you've gone over sixty, then put a fork in it, it's done!

  2. I generally call it done when I find I'm tweaking but not improving. Besides, editing and revising is my least favorite part of writing (other than marketing) so I'm motivated to say enough is enough before it gets too out of hand :)

    1. I actually love editing and revising which makes me a strange beast. I don't want to let go.

  3. Blasted blogger just deleted my comment.
    Wonderful news. This greedy reader is looking forward to reading more of your work.
    As an aside I got an email from BookFunnel this morning and deleted it because I didn't recognise it. Error corrected.

    1. Thanks Sue. Yep. I asked them to send you a free book to cheer you up!

  4. Thank you. Books are always welcome.

  5. Hi Denise - well that's lots of books in the process ... all the best with all the work you're doing in the publishing process. A huge sense of accomplishment is just around the corner ... stay safe and all the best - Hilary

    1. Thanks Hilary. It is a sense of accomplishment for sure after all the dithering about. You stay safe too!

  6. That's so awesome that you went from editing your manuscripts to moving forward with getting published. I'm so impressed. Love your covers.

    1. Thanks for you comment about the covers. I was anxious to hear what people thought. It was so hard to find someone I could work with and I FINALLY did it!

  7. Hi,
    I don't know why but I just loss my comment. I find your covers to be wonderful and since I was a beta read for the first book in your vampire series, I can't wait to read it as well as the others you released. You can count on me to be a buyer.
    Have a great month of June.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Thanks Pat. You're so encouraging. Your beta read on Vipunin really buoyed me. Glad you love my covers as I do, very much.

  8. Wow! I can't imagine having three books about to be released! I feel like I'm drowning with all the work of getting one out! And yes, I feel like I get stuck in re-writing too many times to make it "perfect." I love the covers and congrats on everything!
    Kathy--Imagine Today

    1. Lovely of you to visit and say nice things. Yes it's certainly a lot of work no matter how many irons in the fire. Thanks for your support. I must return your visit and see what you're up to!

  9. Busy, busy, busy!!!
    You're doing great! Smart decision on keeping the 2 names but 1 social/website. WAY too much work & time doing 2!

    1. You've been there done that Jemi, so you have a good idea what rapid release feels like. I'm glad I gave the 2 of everything much consideration as I know i would have been swamped.

  10. It sounds like exciting times coming up with all the publishing activity. The endless redrafting will pay off at last! And I like the pseudonym Silver Tree - very intriguing.

    1. Nick, thanks for telling me you like my pen name - I love it and think it's the right tone for vampire novels!

  11. I admit to having a couple of manuscripts tucked away, and I'm not sure they'll ever get through the editing process. Glad I'm not the only one!

    I'm looking forward to the next WEP to see what stories turn up.

    1. I have a lot of ms tucked away too, Lee, but I can't see most ever getting polished enough for publication. Too many new stories to write!

  12. Denise, I love the cover of Betrayed. Very atmospheric.

    1. Thanks Olga. I love it too. Atmospheric is good.

  13. Good luck Denise. That is so much hard work and I am sure you will do well. Look forward to your short story collection.
    Sonia from

    1. Thanks Sonia. I hope you enjoy the short story collection!

  14. Oh my gosh, You've hit the ground running. You've achieved so much and I don't doubt it will all be fantastic. Best wishes for your new releases.

    1. Well, Lynda, you know the troubles I've seen, hallelujah! Finally made the plunge rather than tipping my toes in the water. (Thanks for your work on the 'Silver Tree' name. Still using it.

  15. Love the covers! Good luck on your upcoming releases. I can definitely understand not wanting to double up.

  16. Wow, 60+ rewrites. I think you may be ready to move forward.
    Congrats on preparing for release! I'm so excited for you and happy to see some of the stories I've previewed finally get shared with the world.

    1. Thank you Toi. I hope you like the expanded versions of the shorts I wrote for WEP. (I have organized a free book through Bookfunnel for you.)

  17. I must have a pop-up blocker on because I missed the pop-up.

  18. Thank you Denise for your blogging and great work on WEP. I admire your perfectionism and courage to tackle the long haul of self-publishing.
    Hope your Paris dreams come true in a not too distant future.
    Maybe see you on WEP … uncertain times…

    1. Thanks Susan. If I can't visit Paris, I can write about it. How good is that?
      Hope you make it to WEP this month!

  19. The covers look super!! So exciting! All the best, Denise.

  20. You have a lot in the works! Fast and Furious fan fiction--nothin' wrong with that!

    1. Thanks Jacqui. It's not fan fiction...just a super cool name for my stories!

  21. HI Denise!

    WOW, what a lineup! Congrats on all that is happening. I agree with Olga, LOVE the BETRAYED cover. Looking forward to seeing the new cover for PARIS DREAMS. I am so thrilled that it is all finally happening for you. I believe we are the last two hold outs. LOL But, not for you anymore. Wishing you great success in your writing and publishing endeavors...

    For me, well, I decided to end MK approx where I had on the first draft. It is too complicated to finish the way my editor wanted me to, mainly because of the person I am writing about; the daughter wants major aspects of her life not mentioned. Well, then it is impossible for me to give the COMPLETE and emotional story, which is what the editor wanted. Oh, well... back to a light and breezy MK story... It may just be for the best.

    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Then there's Donna Hole waiting in the wings.
      Glad you like the Betrayed cover. I've had mixed reactions, but have kept with it as I love it and that's important, right? Well, I have so many books to publish, I'd better get started already!

      I'm glad you went back to your original MK. You sounded happier about it. Are you any nearer to publication on it?

  22. WOWIE! You've been busy. Lots of variety and great covers.

  23. I completely rely upon the published author stories as to justification - Stephen King had four complete novels on the shelf before he sold #5, which was Carrie. I do love your covers. Cover art inspires me and is something I do myself for all of my projects.

    1. Thanks Lee. Love my covers too. I'd love to do my own but I don't think I ever will. I'm no expert on any photo editing programs any more.


I love hearing from you! Hit me with your wisdom!