
Friday 25 March 2016

Do you have goals bloghop...share them....Novels, novellas, short stories...

I joined this regular monthly Friday bloghop hosted by Misha Gericke and Beth Fred. The idea is simple. It's to keep us honest about what we hope to achieve in our writing. We post the last Friday of every month. Can you believe it's the last Friday of March today?!?

You're more than welcome to join this bloghop. All you need to do is read and follow the guidelines then SIGN UP HERE...

1) Beth and I Misha will be co-hosts of this list.
2) If you do enter your link into the list, please be supportive of the other entrants.
3) Keep us up to date with how you're doing. Update Day is on the last Friday of every month. Even if you don't think you achieved much or anything, write a quick post to say so. We can't encourage if we don't know. 
4) When you enter your blog's address write your goal as the link title. For example, my link's title will be "earn $7500 per month." Not your name or your blog's. This is so we can keep track of who's doing what. 

I signed up as 'publish a novel and submit short stories' this year.


I have continued researching for the second in my paranormal romance series to follow Under the Tuscan Moon and the adventures of Vipunin and Cuchulcain. I have tons of notes and have begun structuring the story. My favourite research was on the ancient wine presses used in the 16th Century. 

A basket press from the Provence region of southeast France.

Well-oh-well. My Paris short story has grown from a 1,000 word flash fiction originally published for #fridayflash. When I picked it up again, it soon grew to 2,000, then 4,000 words and someone offered to translate it into French! Tres exciting! But after sending it off to a critique partner, I received several suggestions on expanding some scenes. They were excellent suggestions. As a result, I now have 12,000 longer a short story by some reckonings, but heading for a 15,000 word novella. Well, will my translator still be interested? I'm so excited. I'm loving how this story is growing.
TRAVELLING AGAIN 中国 late March/early April I am travelling to distant lands. More in my IWSG post next week. When I return to the land of Oz, I will be working on my own little NaAprWriMo again and write every day. Last April I wrote 25,000 words on a Paris Cookery novel and hope to pick it up again as I'm SO EXCITED about this book but haven't been able to get to it for months! But the research has been delicious! So I'm pretty busy. 

Overall, March has been a very successful, wonderful writing month even though we embarked on major renovations at our beach house. Somehow I've clawed more time into my schedule, so maybe this bloghop is helping. Dropping one teaching day has definitely helped.

It's always a good idea to set yourself achievable goals, but it's even better to use the turbo power of imagination to help you get there. For example, you may decide that you'd be happy to have your body in better shape. Instead of just thinking: 'I'm going to tone and trim my waistline', bring on the drama. Try rephrasing that into something like: 'I want to turn heads as I walk down the street and wow people when I walk into a room'. Remember, when you use colourful, vibrant imagery it will be easier to achieve your goal and turn your dream into reality.

So...when you dream of your finished story...instead of just wishing you could reach the finish line, add drama. 'I want to write the most riveting, amazing story that people will love so much they will say to everyone in their reviews on Amazon and Goodreads--'You've got to read this story!' Imagine that!

How are you going with your 2016 Writing Goals? Please share in comments below or join the hop.


  1. Congratulations on the translation! I bet they will still be interested now that it's longer.

    1. I hope so Alex! I'm pretty excited to think about my work in French!

  2. So cool, Denise, I love hearing your progress. It's truly inspiring! I think one day soon we'll see you stressing over a three book release! :) Don't worry, we'll all be here to help you pull if off!

    1. Thank you Yolanda. Hmm. Somehow i'll get there. Maybe I'll have to turn selfish!

  3. I love how your flash turned into a novella - the story always knows what length it should be.

    1. 'the story always knows what length it should be.' It does for sure. Thank you Annalisa!

  4. Hi Denise - you do have lots going on; I'm sure the flash fiction could be made into a short story in French too ...

    Then your Paris cookery sounds deliciously delightful .. look forward to more - cheers and Happy Easter with your plans - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary! I'm definitely sending you an advance copy of my Paris cookery school novel. Thank you! Happy Easter!

  5. You turned that sentence around instantly, into something to want to read. Good point indeed.

  6. That's great that you're working on a sequel to your novel and that your short story has become a novella! I've never written a series, but I'd like to some day. Have a wonderful weekend, Denise! :)

    1. I hope you do a series Lexa! It's great discipline to continue the story.

  7. Wonderful news, I am sure they will still want to translate it Denise. Wishing you all the best with your writing.

  8. Going to China?

    I like your approach to setting goals, and it looks like you're making good progress. Fingers crossed that your translator still wants to translate. :-D

  9. I love the way you phrased the last paragraph. Getting positive reviews really does warm the heart. Happy travels!

    1. Thanks J Lenni. I'm sure I'll have a great time!

  10. I envy your China travels. Looking forward to hearing more about them. Good luck with all of your goals!

  11. Hi Denise,

    I am so looking forward to the sequel to UtTM. Beyond cool about the translation, and of course they will still want to translate! Happy travels and I am sure you will get a whole lot of new story ideas from there. :)

    Best always,

  12. Congrats on doing so well with your goals, and wow.. you're novella has grown massively. It can only mean great things are happening in the story:)

  13. I need to check my goals to see if I'm even half way to accomplishing them. Congrats on yours.

    Enjoy China. I was there before the dam opened, so I'm looking forward to your impressions.

  14. Congrats on the story expansion, that's exciting. So is the translation.

  15. Good luck on your goals. I can't wait to read the continuation of Under the Tuscan Moon.

  16. You have a busy year planned. Good luck. My goals are pretty loose. I take it one day at a time.

  17. Hey Denise! I'm going to join this blog hop next time and I'm looking forward to getting back into my writing mojo! :)

  18. I love your thoughts on aiming high - I think that envisioning amazing finishes is a great way to get there. (Not sure I worded that right, but I hope you know what I mean.)
    I love that your flash fiction story has grown to novella size - that's awesome!
    Way to go with all of your goals and have a wonderful vacation!

  19. Good luck with all your awesome goals. It's always good to have goals to stay productive.

  20. Hi Denise! Sounds like busy times ahead!

    I tagged you on FB, your interview for the IWS program was out this month.

    All the best!


I love hearing from you! Hit me with your wisdom!