
Wednesday 12 August 2015

Talking about settings and WEP at Damyanti's at Daily (W)rite!

Hi there!

Today Yolanda Renee and I are talking about Write...Edit...Publish (WEP) at Damyanti's blog, Daily (W)rite. We'd welcome your visit/comment at the wonderful Damyanti's place.

I won't turn comments off in case you have a message for me, but in the interests of saving you time, please head on over to Daily (W)rite and see what we have to say about the creation of WEP and writing for the Spectacular Settings challenge on August 19th-August 26!

Thank you

Fictional settings Blogfest
Click here to sign up for the challenge!
Or sign up in my sidebar!


  1. Replies
    1. Ooh, Alex, Yolanda and I would be so honoured to have you on board. :-)

  2. Okay, heading over there now :-)

  3. I have a lot of catching up to do with blogs, again. I was gone for awhile with no computer access then when I came back my main computer kept crashing, hopefully it is tired of crashing and will stay put now. I really enjoyed your photos of New Caledonia. My daughter had an au-pair for 6 months who was from New Caledonia and we talked about it a lot (in French). I’d love to go there and also to the Marquesa Islands, but it’s such a long way from here. I need to go somewhere at least once a year or two to a place where I can speak French. Last year we went back home to Paris, but this year I have not been anywhere to speak it, and I did not see much of the Tour de France on TV. Maybe we can get to Canada before the end of the year. It’s hard never to speak one’s own language. When I get tired or frustrated I forget my English vocabulary. I did get some French books, second-hand, in Alameda though, so that was neat.

    1. Welcome back Vagabonde. It's frustrating when you can't keep in contact online. It's so lovely to hear from you. I downloaded Windows 10 and have had a lot of problems with virusus ever since.

      Loved NC and am working on my travel article/s now. Getting the time is the problem. Now I really hope to go back. My French was just coming back to me when we left. Now I must keep up with my lessons more regularly.

      Lovely catching up.

      Denise :-)

  4. I'm off to check it out-----------

  5. I'm set to go. The post will go live on the 24th, but I'll hop around to see what others are posting. This should be fun.


I love hearing from you! Hit me with your wisdom!