
Thursday 16 July 2015

Let's get this party started! WEP is back! Fire up your imagination for the first challenge!

Hello everyone!

Those of you who came by and caught the #6 Sizzling Tips for Writing Memoir, I thank you. If you have a memoir in you, I hope you found Karen Tyrrell's tips useful. I'll be filing them away for the future.

Now those of you who know me, probably know that I began and co-hosted two online fiction writing groups--RomanticFridayWriters and then WEP (Write...Edit...Publish). These online groups have been successful launching pads for several of our participants--so many have gone on to publish multiple novels, short stories and flash fiction. 

WEP closed down because it just got too much for one person, but thankfully, Yolanda Renee, known to most of you, has agreed to join with me and to breathe new life into this favourite permanent bloghop. 

For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, go here for further info. published today. Our first challenge is on August 19th. The inLinkz sign up will go live on August 5th. Don't worry. There'll be plenty of reminders!

Our first challenge will be Spectacular Settings. This challenge allows a wide scope of responses, from sharing a spectacular setting from a favourite novel or a non-fiction tome, to a poem that brings you right into the setting, or a photograph or artwork that speaks to you of setting. You are also invited to write/post your own 'setting' piece in whatever genre you choose! OPEN TO ALL!

Here is an extract from today's WEP post:


Why do we feel so passionately about running an online writing challenge group? Let's try to put our passion into words...

Writing prompts are designed to help us start writing. And I don't just mean fiction. You may be a poet, a creative non fiction writer, an essayist. It doesn't matter. Sure, most who accept the WEP challenge write either flash fiction or poetry, but all writing is creative. Many creative writers use prompts every day to get into the writing groove. Some call these exercises free writing. Once they've jump-started their writing, they often move on to their WIP, energised. 

Not that anyone here suffers from writer's block, but just say you did, a writing prompt can hasten the return of your muse. Sometimes when nothing else works, a writing exercise will! 

The best part of writing challenges such as we host here at WEP, is that your entry could be edited, rewritten, transformed into a longer piece, a short story, or even a novel. Many of us have had this experience. And it all started with a writing challenge, a very powerful tool.

Often someone leaves a comment about how we have improved as a writer with each challenge. It's true. We learn our craft by writing to prompts and editing for clarity and a word limit. Sentence structure, paragraphing, punctuation, grammar, dialogue...all can be improved in this little writer's laboratory.

When you write a story with a beginning, middle and ending in only 1,000 words, well, it's called a challenge for a reason. Cutting, tightening, and rewriting until only the meat of the story remains, is a skill your editors will appreciate. 

Here are our three challenges for what remains of 2015.

We hope you find something that fires up your imagination.

  • Thanks for coming by today. If you have further questions about the online writing group, contact myself or Yolanda or follow the link to WEP and read all about it!

We'd love it if you would Tweet one of these:

#WEPFF 2015 Challenges and dates are now up join the WEP Flash Fiction Challenge  @DeniseCCovey &@YolandaRenee  

#WEPFF The first Challenge is Spectacular Settings – join the fun on August 19 believe.html  @DeniseCCovey &  @YolandaRenee

#WEPFF Winners badges designed by Denise are Perfection! Join the WEP to win at  @DeniseCCovey & @YolandaRenee


  1. Hi Denise - you do much for the writing community ... and I do hope those challenges will be taken up ... good choices for everyone's WEP ... take care and I'll be around in September ... so pleased you had such a good holiday ... and back to snow and cold - or did it not reach Brisbane?! Cheers Hilary

    1. Missing your posts Hilary, but it's lovely to see you around the blogs. Looking forward to hosting you in September!
      The cold reached us. Shivering away now. Having our week or two of winter. I don't mind at all! :-)

  2. Yay, WEP's back! I always find ideas flowing when I respond to writing prompts. Hope I can make time for this one now and again.

    1. It would be lovely if you could take part when you can Deniz!

  3. I was thinking recently about the fact that I haven't written anything based on a writing prompt in years. Some of my best are from prompts. So I shall return. Thank you, Denise, for visiting. I'm glad I dropped by.

    1. Great that you feel about prompts as we do Robyn! Would be lovely if you could join us when you can!

  4. That's great that Yolanda could help out. Writing prompts really can help a person find the inspiration they've been searching for.

    1. It certainly can, Cherie! I couldn't think about it without Yolanda's help!

  5. Hey Denise, I'm thrilled to be part of the WEP, and looking forward to the first challenge. Since I know what it is you'd think I'd have written it already, but no, waiting till the last minute - LOL - actually I have it on the back burner, simmering! See everyone there August 19!

    1. I admit I've thought about it Yolanda, but haven't written anything either! Thanks for coming by! :-)

  6. What a great exercise. There's nothing like a writing community to get you moving forward!

  7. Glad you have a partner. That will make it easier to keep going. If you do it next year, I'll be tempted to sign up. Just can't this year. My focus is focused. Did I write that? You see, I do need a WEP.


I love hearing from you! Hit me with your wisdom!