
Monday 27 October 2014

Joy Campbell - Island Adventure Romance Blog Train - Caribbean Stories - Taming Celeste

Hi everyone!

Thanks to all those who participated in the Survive and Thrive blogfest. It was so informative. The message was clearly to take charge of your health. Thanks to all of you who kindly commented on my melanoma tussles. I go in for further surgery on Tuesday.

Sure, it's time for the WEP Ghost Story challenge in a few days, but today and for the next couple of days, Joy Campbell is hoggin' my blog. 

Joy's on a blog tour to tell us all about her stories set in the Caribbean. Those of you who've read one or more of Joy's books know that she's a great writer, one I highly recommend.

So, Joy, over to you!

Taming Celeste

Thanks so much for stopping in to visit. The Island Adventure Romance series covers the adventures of various characters in fast-paced stories set in the Caribbean.

Taming Celeste captures the journey of a feisty female character who accidentally gets involved in software piracy, murder and kidnapping. Readers first meet Celeste in Chasing Anya and for many, she will not be the most likeable person.

She comes into her own as her story unfolds and she faces tough personal challenges to do with her choices. The book explores what happens when people do things for the wrong reason and the repercussions that follow.

If you want a no-risk taste of the start of this series, Anya’s Wish is my gift to you. This free download is accessible here. I hope you enjoy the introduction to a set of characters whose lives intertwine in different stories.

Over the period of the tour (October 20-31), the prices of all the books in this series will be discounted to 0.99. Also, you may enter on the Rafflecopter to win a ten dollar ($10.00) Amazon voucher or an e-copy of the entire collection, which includes Chasing Anya, Contraband and Taming Celeste. You may enter on the Rafflecopter here.

The Island Adventure Romance series has been described as compelling and well-written, with vibrant characters. 

J.L. Campbell's profile photoJ.L. Campbell lives in Jamaica   and writes romantic suspense, women's fiction and young adult novels. She also writes non-fiction and is a certified editor. Visit her on the web at or at her Amazon page. She's enjoys good company, so feel free to follow her on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest.

Thanks for welcoming Joy today. Don't forget to download Anya's Wish for free, and/or enter the Rafflecopter for more generous prizes.


You'll  notice ghost story themed posts around the blogs starting in two day's time from the 29th October to 31st October. Still  not too late to submit something ghost related, whether fiction, non-fiction or visuals. 

Distopicamente: Dez metas literĂ¡rias para 2013
So, next thing, NaNoWriMo begins November 1
Are you in?


  1. Interesting to write a book about a possibly unlikeable character.

  2. Alex is right. Such an up to the minute premise Joy. I hope your tour is going well. :)

    1. Thanks, Denise. Everything has been going well so far. Not sure if I commented on your Survive & Thrive post but I did read it. I hope things go well when you go in on Tuesday.

      The paranormal hop reminds me of something I wrote for one of your hops. It's a paranormal story that can be developed into something bigger. So many books, so little time.

  3. Hi, Denise,
    Something told me to pop over. It's Sunday night here, but already Monday on your side of the world. :)

    Thanks sooooo much for hosting me, Denise.

    1. Ha sorry Joy. I thought Jamaica was closer in time to Brisbane. Monday is half gone here...:)

    2. Hi Denise.

      I hope the surgery went well!
      Sending you positive vibes all the way across the blogosphere----WHOOSH----
      (((UBUNTU HUGS)))

  4. Hi Denise and Joy - that's great I'll be over to get my copy ... the software idea sounds interesting ...

    The Survive and Thrive blog hop was a great idea ... so many health challenges mentioned and touched on to make us aware ...

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Hi,Hilary,

      Thanks. I thought the software angle was different too.
      The blogfest made me aware of health issues that I hadn't thought about before.

  5. Congrats, Joy! What an interesting setting.

    And no, I'm not doing NaNo. Not enough time to commit.

    1. Thanks for dropping in, Natalie.The setting in my novels becomes another character and that has become habitual.

  6. Congrats to Joy! Very interesting characters.

    Sorry Denise, did not catch your survive and thrive post when it was on...but you know why. wishing you the best for Tuesday. You're in my prayers.

  7. Those unlikeable characters tend to be the most interesting though. Congrats, Joy!

  8. Some nice blog hogging today! Congrats to Joy. Did you see Hilary's complete list of topics the Survive and Thrive Hop covered? Very impressive. Glad I joined. Enjoyed reading yours a lot.

  9. There all kinds of people in the world and fiction should portray that. We can't only write about nice people. Congrats Joy and go Celeste!

  10. I very much like the premise of this one!

    1. It was a fun story to write, Holly. Two difficult characters and a frightening situation.

  11. The software piracy angle also captured my imagination! And I'm looking forward to reading about Celeste's waspish ways!

    1. Celeste - one of the feistiest characters I've written to date. She has her struggles because of her history. Life around her is full of excitement though.

  12. Denise, thanks ever so much for hosting me!


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