
Monday 22 September 2014

The Ninja's Blogfest - UNDERRATED TREASURES - Have you heard of these gems?

Hi everyone!

Click for more entries
As Alex J Cavanaugh says, everyone has a favorite movie or band that no one else has ever heard about (well, I question that). For whatever reason, they remain undiscovered and underrated. Now is your chance to tell the world about this obscure treasure! 

On Monday, September 22, post about your favorite unknown –

MOVIE – BAND/ARTIST – TV SHOW – BOOK. Post about one or all four – dealer’s choice! 

Here's my entry. I decided to go with Australian, as there's more of a chance you'll not have heard of it/them...: I haven't included youtube clips, as they slow down the upload for many bloggers. I'm sure you're capable of checking them out if you like the sound of the band/singer...

Image result for inxsUNDERRATED BAND: INXS. 
OKAY, this Aussie band had the world by the ears for awhile, until lead singer Michael Hutchence died. The recent telemovie brought this amazing band back into the spotlight over here in Oz. Not sure if it played worldwide. Oh, boy, their music is amazing,especially their ballads, and the words and music never leave you. They were '80s, but over the years have tried to replace Michael and have never quite made the cut. Their song, 'Never Tear Us Apart' from the album, Kick, is one of my favourite songs of all time.

Image result for images jessica mauboyJESSICA was the runner-up for the 2006 season of Australian Idol.  An Australian R&B and pop singer, Jessica is also a great flag waver for Indigenous Australia. A guest appearance at the Eurovision Song Contest this year brought her worldwide attention. She's also appeared in two movies, one being The Sapphires, the story of an Indigenous pop group entertaining the troops in Vietnam. 

MANY of our TV shows are imported/based on overseas' shows, but Offspring is Australian. Quirky characters, quirky storylines, quirky families. I avoided the first season as I knew I would be hooked, but I did watch this season and it was great. Makes you laugh and cry. Not exactly 'feel good' like some US comedies--the comedy here is darker and more realistic. Great show. Can't wait for the next season.

Eyrie by author Tim WintonWINTON is a fabulous Australian writer of literary fiction. Some of his earlier novels are favourites of mine also -- such as Breath (surfing in the '60s, but so much more...) Eyrie is his latest and, kapow... a superb novel: a novel of disillusionment and redemption in modern society set in Fremantle, Western Australia. Loss and beauty, the taking of responsibility and the overcoming of disappointment. I found myself re-reading passages for their unbelievable writing. The ending is the best I've read in awhile. I'm still reeling from it.

Continuing with the UNDERRATED theme, I'd love to see more writers, poets, artists etc joining the Write...Edit...Publish blogfest. Great feedback for your work. In two days' time we have CHANGING FACES as the theme. Be lovely to have your support. You can sign up in my sidebar.

Thanks for calling! And thanks to all of you who wrote a cancer story for Melissa Bradley. She needs our on-going support. Her GoFundMe campaign is here.

And you can now buy the book, How I Found the Write Path, a collection of letters over sixty authors have written to their past selves. There are so many buy links I will send you to Pk Hrezo's blog for them all. It's supposed to be FREE, but I had to pay 96c on Amazon. Smashwords appears to be FREE. 


  1. Good choice to go with Australians and expose us to a slew of people and stuff we probably don't know.
    I did know INXS. They became popular my senior year in high school.
    It sounds like Jessica has a great career ahead of her.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  2. I have heard of INXS. They were good. Thanks for introducing me to new stuff too!

  3. Love INXS and I did enjoy that telemovie about them. I had no idea how much work they put into their band and how often they were on tour. Yikes!

    1. That telemovie was an eyeopener for sure. That lead guy was amazing.

  4. Great choices, Denise! I could have named many underrated Aussie bands, but I just went with a TV show (not Aussie) in the end, as I had more than enough to say about that alone.

    Looking forward to WEP.

    1. I'll be interested to see what you went with. I decided it was time for Aussie Aussie Aussie. Oi, Oi, Oi. We are so underrated, hahahahah.

  5. I've only heard of INXS but that was via someone else. I'm not familiar with a lot of Australian celebs. . .BUT, I'm on the list for 'Changing Faces' on Wednesday at WEP.

  6. Hi Denise .. I know INXS ... but all else I need to catch up on ... we need to know more about other cultures ... Cheers Hilary

    1. Well, Australia is a little America when it comes to TV, with a little British thrown in. The truly Aussie shows are great, usually.

  7. Haven't heard of any of these, but then again, I tend to live under a rock when it comes to pop-culture, haha. I'm really intrigued by Offspring. I love it when comedy takes darker, realistic turns!

    1. I hope you can get your hands on Offspring. Maybe check out their promos on youtube for a start...

  8. I haven't heard f any of these. Like Heather, I probably live under a rock. Wish we could get some of your Aussie TV. The show sounds good.

    1. Aussie TV is mainly rubbish, but a few excellent shows stand out. We copy America far too much.. Interestingly, Offspring was never meant to be a success, but it's like WOW.:(

  9. I have heard of INXS too and just loved them growing up. Haven't heard of the others though.

  10. Wow! I remember INXS. It's been a while. Love your choices.

  11. I'd love to watch a genuine Australian show.

  12. I've heard of INXS but first I've heard of the show, sounds good indeed

  13. Hi, Denise. Thanks for sharing your picks for the Underrated Treasures Blogfest. I have heard of INXS.

  14. It's interesting to hear your selections from another continent.

  15. I have that CD "Kick". I loved that band and the whole sound. It was such a shame when he died. Thanks for showing Australian info

    1. Great that you have that fantastic album Birgit.

  16. Ah, I remember INXS. Great list. :)

    1. Thanks Margo. Seems INXS is the well known from my list.

  17. INXS was a great group many awesome songs and tragic end to the lead singer and that will forever haunt their futures.

    Jeremy [HWR:OLM]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

    1. Hi Jeremy. Just imagine if Michael was still alive.

    2. I know it would similar to the success of U2, they would have moved musically to the times and would still be a strong musical force amongst the "current" music offerings.

  18. Actually, I've heard of Offspring before. I haven't seen it, but someone recommended it to me. I think I'll have to watch.

  19. I have not heard the names of any of your Australian entries – I’ll check them all. Thanks.

  20. I am sad to say that I haven't heard of any of these gems, so thank you for sharing them!

    1. I thought that may be the case with several participants.

  21. I found Eyrie at the public library here, so I placed a reserve on it.

  22. Great list. I'm off to look for some of these as they sound interesting.

  23. Thank you for sharing all these Denise.

  24. I actually started to comment on this post a couple days ago, realized it wasn't too late to participate in the bloghop, ran over to Alex's to sign up, and ended up forgetting to comment, so I'm back. First off, thanks for the heads-up, Denise. I nearly missed this one.

    Other than INXS and Tim Winton, your choices are new to me. What really captured my attention, though, was Offspring. Sounds fabulous. I wish they'd show it in the U.S. (as opposed to Americanizing it in a remake. That always ends up in disaster). Eyrie also sounds amazing. I've never read Tim Winton. I think it's time.

    VR Barkowski

  25. I think my cousin really loved INXS, but other than that, I haven't heard of any of them. Interesting choices!

  26. INXS is awesome!! I haven't heard them in forever :-)

  27. INXS I've heard of, but the others I have not. Good selection. :)


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