
Tuesday 12 August 2014

What gives you energy when you're on a writing marathon?

Hi everybody!

I'm tweaking my blog posts a little. Today I'm sharing with you another passion of mine -- food. When my children were little, I began studying Naturopathy. I've always been interested in nutrition and once subscribed to several health magazines such as Prevention, but Google changed all that. I didn't finish the course, but I'm happy to share that one of my daughters is currently studying Naturopathy and has opened her own vegan, vegetarian, organic cafe, which has taken off like a rocket!

Photo: | In the cabinet | Gluten free black bean brownies | Chocolatey deliciousness |
Gluten free black bean brownies -- I love how you
can have your cake and eat it too when it's made
from healthy ingredients!
Anyway, my lifelong study of food science has never wavered. I throw out the faddish ideas and concentrate on what really works -- remember those days when everything was bad for you -- eggs being the top of the list. Well, some of you may still think so as egg white omelettes continue to do the rounds of the brekkie cafe culture, but I'm for whole food!

Where's this going? Well, I've shared the occasional recipe here, mainly Christmas plonk and Toblerone Cheesecake (swoon!) -- chocolate is so good for you, hahahahahah! (I also subscribe to the belief that moderation never killed anyone, but it is hard to be moderate with chocolate).

Today I want to share a healthy recipe that keeps me going when I write. I make it nearly every day. Gives me such a {{{zing}}} and saves me from endless cups of tea and snacks. I've always been a lover of smoothies, but this one takes the cake...or saves me from cake...

My green smoothie in its healthy setting --
the greenhouse outside my kitchen sink with
the aloe vera within arm's reach


Throw all the following ingredients in a super blender (I have a Bio Chef), then enjoy throughout the day.

INGREDIENTS - (Don't get precious. Adjust portions according to your likes/dislikes)

- half cup chilled water
- half cup coconut water (no added sugar variety of course) 
- dash of aloe vera juice or squeeze a little fresh aloe vera from your plant - don't have it every day
- 2 heaped tablespoons protein powder of your choice 
- a good portion of fresh ginger (I use about an inch) - or add a teaspoon of ground ginger
- a small portion of fresh tumeric (I use about an inch) - or use a teaspoon of tumeric powder
- 1 teaspoon spirulina powder (organic if possible)
- 1 dessertspoon flaxseed oil (keep in its carton in fridge - the darker the better or it will oxidise and then it's bad for you)
- half a fresh avocado, nice and ripe
- between half a cup and a full cup of fresh or frozen blueberries (I usually use frozen as blueberries aren't grown locally and cost a fortune fresh here. Frozen are still good nutrition).

That's it folks! This makes a super healthy breakfast and a constant source of energy throughout the day. Don't keep it too long or it will oxidise and be bad for you!

So let's drink to long writing days and sizzling good health!

In a few days I will be having Nas Dean staying at my place. On Saturday we're attending a Writer's Conference in Brisbane where Nas will be presenting her editing tips. A fun few days!! I may share a few gems with you next week. 

I wonder if I'll convince Nas and Ragesh to join me in a green smoothie for breakfast??


Many people confessed they don't like book reviews/launches on blogs, well, I did one here for Australian self-published debut author, Ella Carey, The Paris Time Capsule, mainly because I'd read it and IT ROCKED!! And just last week I saw this:

Photo: Yay! Woot! Woot! Congratulations to Ella Carey on the #1 Best Seller in Women's Romance Fiction! Look at that yellow sticker!

Ella reached #1 Best Seller in Women's Romance Fiction!! 

If you'd like to read my interview with Ella on her books' debut, go here... Maybe your book might be next!!

And for those of you who now have all that excess energy, perhaps you'll find the time to post for Write...Edit...Publish's August challenge -- anything using TAKING CHANCES. Check it out in my sidebar. Love to have you! We've just started signing up...


  1. I knew that wasn't' green but blue, 'er maybe purple! :)

    That's great news about Ella's book. I still like the launches, but it's time to change them up. It is the Internet after all. We get bored easily, no?

    1. It turns green pretty quickly as the spirulina overtakes the blueberries. Well spotted!

    2. Thanks Southpaw HR Sinclair for your kind comments regarding my book! I think the berries would make this drink delicious.

  2. Congratulations are in order for your daughter.
    I think I can find most of those ingredients here. Sounds like something cool to try. When I saw that Nas was in your neck of the woods, I suspected she'd be staying with you and I was right.
    Congrats to Ella. That's wonderful!

    1. Thanks for you congrats to Georgia. Can't wait to see Nas. We always have a ball and our husbands get along very well too.

    2. Thank you J.L Campbell for your kind words. I think Denise and Nas will be having a wonderful time!

  3. Congratulations to Ella!
    Not sure we have some of the ingredients you listed, but I could mostly make that smoothie.
    We eat a lot of natural foods and I refuse to buy anything in a can.

    1. Good on you Alex. I'm pretty sure your health shops would have everything listed.

    2. Thank you so much Alex - and I'm with you on the canned food. xx

  4. I would love to eat at your daughter's cafe! I live in the middle of hog country - vegan and natural is so hard to come by here.

    1. I know. That's why she's doing so well! And it is so pretty and clean, unlike many vego/organic places.

  5. Your smoothie sounds scrumptious. On the weekend I bought a juicer and have been having yummo juices. I haven't branches out into the weird combos yet, but give me time!

    1. Sounds weird, but it actually tastes me, anyway. Good quick brekkie.

  6. I still make that Toblerone Cheesecake from time to time. Yum!

    As for energy when writing, I don't have a nutritional solution but I always draw energy from an inspiring view, preferably involving water and mountains.

    1. Ah, Botanist, that helps too. I always make that Toblerone Cheesecake for special get togethers.

  7. I'm looking forward to meeting you again Denise! And yes, I'm game to try that green smoothie too.

    Awesome about Ella Carey's book. So exciting for her!

    *Nas sitting at Cairns Esplanade jotting down notes for her book!*

    1. For your Medical Romance? Awesome! It would be gorgeous on the Esplanade today. Pretty gorgeous in Bris too! Can't wait to see you. And so excited for Ella! Can't wait for her next book!

    2. Hi Nas, hope your book is coming along wonderfully! Thank you so much for your support with my book. xxx

  8. I can't get all those ingredients in deepest Wiltshire, so am afraid I have to make do with chocolate. Though I do have blueberries in the garden, which make their way into an occasional pie.

  9. Hi Denise - I'm sure I can get all those ingredients here ... sounds a fascinating smoothie - blue to green - can't be bad: especially if it invigorates. Georgia's cafe sounds and looks amazing ... I popped by ...

    It'll be fun to see Nas and Ragesh and enjoy that Conference ..

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Glad you popped by Georgia's cafe. Thanks Hilary. I will have a great weekend.

  10. I know all about food indeed, eat no gmo garbage, processed anything, gluten, literally can't, or what have you. All real food, none of that filler crap.

    1. Glad to hear. Sometimes hard to know that it's GMF.

  11. Congratulations to Ella!!!

    I would love to try that smoothie. Yum. :)

    1. I hope you do Chrys. Very yum.

    2. Thank you so much Chrys! I'm with you on the smoothie. xx

  12. Yay, Ella!!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome!!!

    I tried juicing and I just can't get it to not taste horrible. If I ever replace my blender, I'm going to try this one!

    1. I hope you find the secret Stephanie. I love all sorts of smoothies, but this one is the healthiest.

    2. Hi there Stephanie! Lovely to see you and thank you for your thoughts!

  13. These sound yummy Denise x

  14. Can I just hire you to come make smoothies for me? Please? No seriously, this sounds like a great recipe and I'm going to try it out. Thanks!

  15. What a lovely recipe, Denise. I'm afraid I'm useless when it comes to food. Just not interested enough in it to be bothered most of the time, but I think I'd love these smoothies. Eating made easy :)

  16. That drink sounds very refreshing! I'll have to give it a try while I'm pounding away at a story. I always need help when I'm writing.

  17. That green smoothie sounds good but you had me swooning at Toblerone cheesecake :-)

  18. What a lovely post - Denise, I think your healthy idea for a great smoothie while you are writing is fabulous. Thank you so much for mentioning my book. I have appreciated your support enormously. xxx

    1. I'm glad to tell everyone when a book is excellent Ella.

  19. Yay! I tried and loved Denise's green smoothie...loved that tangy taste of ginger. It turned out to be quite filling. Thank you Denise for having us over...we enjoyed our stay with you and look forward to seeing you soon!

    Thanks for taking us to Georgia's GREENHOUSE CAFE...what awesome place and such lovely delicious food!

    1. Was lovely having you Nas. Glad you enjoyed the smoothie and Georgia's cafe. x


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