
Tuesday 29 April 2014

HELP!! Pay it forward - Carrie Butler and Pk Hrezo need bloggers' help to compile an e-book.

Hello everyone!

Here's a very useful blogfest which will culminate in a free e-book. You can post anytime in the week beginning May 19th. I'll let Carrie Butler explain...

I Need YOUR Help!

Hey, guys! To celebrate my third blogiversary (coming up in May), I want to do something different—something to pay it forward—but I need your help. It involves a blogfest, new writers, and pretend time travel. Intrigued yet?

I want to compile a free e-book for writers who are just starting on their road to publication, using advice from the most brilliant, up-and-coming voices in the industry: you guys! Here’s what it would involve:


Please write a letter/note to yourself when you first started writing toward publication. The only thing I ask is that you keep it under 800 words, including as many (or as few) of these elements as you like:

   - A lesson you learned the hard way
   - Something you didn’t expect about the industry (positive/negative)
   - A writing-related resource you could never do without now
   - One thing you’d change about your journey
   - One thing you’re glad you did
   - Your number one tip for pursuing publication
   - Anything else you feel is worth passing on


   - The name you wish to be credited as
   - The title (if any) you wish to follow your name, i.e. author of the series
   - One major link where people can find you, i.e. website, blog, Twitter, etc.


   - Whether or not you give me permission to use your entry in the e-book compilation. Don’t feel bad if you don’t want in. We’d still love to read what you have to say!


Please note: I won’t be editing the entries, other than to proofread for misspellings or duplicate words. Try to have it pub-ready when you post it. :)


The lovey and talented PK Hrezo is going to be joining me as co-compiler! As it turns out, she had a similar idea awhile back, but didn't have time to plan it out. I took it as a great opportunity to work together!  

Anticipated FAQs

Q: Do I have to be published in order to participate?
A: It may be easier to answer the questions if you’ve been published (either independently or traditionally), but it’s certainly not a requirement. We’re just looking for friends with experience navigating the authorial waters. You do not have to be published.

Q: Do I need a blog to participate?
A: No, you do not need a blog to participate. Feel free to e-mail me your letter directly or post it via a social media like Facebook or Google+.
Q: How will the book be available?
A: I will format it in PDF, MOBI, and EPUB, and then I’ll make those files available for us all to share. If you guys want, I could also make it a freeEPUB on Smashwords, and then distribute it to a few other retailers that accept free titles.

Q: When should I post my letter?
A: Anytime during the week of May 19th!

Q: What can I do in the meantime?
A: Kindly spread the word! You can do this by posting, utilizing your social media channels, rocking the button in your sidebar with a link to this post, etc. Also, I'd really appreciate it if you used the link-up below to sign up. It will help me compile everyone's posts the week of May 19th. I would hate to miss anyone!

Thank you so much! ♥

I hope you'll join me in this project!


  1. Hey, Denise. You're a peach, as always. Hadn't signed up for this, but I'll go and do so now. Hope you had a lovely Easter.

  2. Signed up. Really is a great idea that Carrie came up with. PK, too!

  3. Thank you so, so much for spreading the word! <3

  4. Hmm, this might be interesting to participate in.

  5. That sounds very interesting, look forward to reading your entry, Denise!

  6. It will be interesting to read. Not a writer.

  7. Good Luck! to Carrie and PK. Is this going to be targeted towards a particular age group? i.e., to new young adult writers, or to older writers? Great of you to support this effort, Denise.

    1. D.G. it's targeting new writers of any genre, so general tips that are helpful for everyone.

  8. I found no link-up, but I will do it, for I always try to support you in your endeavors! :-)

    1. I've fixed the link Roland. Thanks for your support as always.

  9. I am interested in doing this and will try to write something. I might not be able to post it on my blog during that week, but I can definitely email it then.

  10. I'd love to, but not sure if I'll have the time. If I manage it, I'll just email it to you. It's my birthday on the 19th May :-) not that that's got anything to do with anything, but it sort of triggered it...

  11. What a wonderful project! I'll definitely check back to see how it's going :)


  12. Hi Denise .. I shall definitely be reading along - as I hope to be on that path this summer ... Wonderful idea to help everyone ... there's so many opportunities out there ... cheers Hilary

  13. I have not gotten that far yet. I have pitched to agents at a conference, but I am just at the beginning of that path. I will be interested to follow this project and pick up a few tips.

    1. And i'm sure you've learned so much already Ann!

  14. I don't write romance not sure how much my input would help if it's targeted to romance novelists. I'd love to read it, though.

    1. It's about general writing tips Stephanie. I'm sure you've got lots to share.

  15. OH, I LOVE this idea. I want to participate!

  16. HI, Denise,

    Thanks for the birthday wishes! Signed up for this when it was first announced a while back.... It will be great!

    1. Glad to know we have an entry from you to look forward to Michael.

  17. Sounds like a great opportunity, thanks for highlighting this Denise!


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