
Wednesday 16 October 2013

My bags are packed...I'm ready to go -- back in time! PK HREZO'S BOOK COVER REVEAL AND BLOGHOP.

Pk Hrezro goes live today with her cover reveal! This is not your run-of-the-mill cover reveal; this one is all about time travel. (Her book launch is on 11-12-13 whatever that means. Not used to that date format! Aha, 12th November, 2013, right?)  

Here are the deets ...


Pk wants to know - Where and When you'd book your trip and Why...

In the here and now, I love to travel. I don't expect to visit all the places I want to see in this life as it is, but if I could travel anywhere in time, that would add another dimension. I would go back in time...with the help of the staff at Butterman Time Travel (Inc)...

Grasmere is a village, and popular tourist destination,
 in the centre of the English Lake District.
It takes its name from the adjacent lake,
and is associated with the Lake Poets,
Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey.

I have a fondness for English Romantic poetry, so I would love to travel back in time and visit with William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge --check out their homes and 'wander lonely as a cloud' in the Lakes District, a haven from the ugly spread of the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s. How amazing that would be--chatting about the environment with these early environmentalists and reading Wordsworth's lines in the very setting that inspired him. I'm sure he could give me some writing tips.

Hemingway set a scene in his novel Fiesta in Le Select on Boulevard Montparnasse.

On my way back to the future, I'd call by Paris of course, and chat with the Lost Generation of the 1920s, notably Ernest Hemingway (who coined the term in The Sun Also Rises), F Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, James Joyce...sharing a whiskey and a chat at La Select and partaking in cocktails, dancing and all that jazz...

Here's the blurb for Pk's book...

Welcome to Butterman Travel, Incorporated
We are a full service agency designed to meet all your exclusive time travel needs. Family-owned and operated, we offer clients one hundred years of time travel experience. A place where you can rest assured, safety and reliability always come first. 
Anxious to attend a special event from the past? Or for a glimpse of what the future holds? 
You’ve come to the right place. We’re a fully accredited operation, offering an array of services; including, but not limited to: customized travel plans, professionally piloted operations, and personal trip guides. *Terms and conditions do apply
Contact us via phone or Web conferencing directly from our site. Our frontline reservation specialist, Bianca Butterman, will handle all your inquiries in a professional and efficient manner, offering a tentative itinerary and free fare quote, so you can make the most of your time trip.
We look forward to serving you at Butterman Travel, Inc., where time is always in your hands.   

PK Hrezo is a native Floridian whose life could easily be a Jimmy Buffet song. She shares her home with her firefighter husband and their two children. When not creating characters and their worlds, PK can be found at her other job of rearranging passenger’s itineraries for a major international airline. The only hobbies she loves more than traveling, are reading, writing, and music, and when the four are combined she exists in total bliss.  

She blogs regularly at PK HREZO: Fearless Fiction
Twitter:  @pkhrezo

So where and when would you travel to?


  1. Ah yes... what a treat, indeed! Sipping whiskey with those brilliant writers and contemplating life. How'd that be for inspiration??

    Thank you so much for joining in Denise!! :D

  2. I would love to travel back in time and meet some of those poets as well Denise! Some of the most talented people ever to put pen to paper.

  3. Hi, Denise. Sounds like an interesting time travel trip indeed. CONGRATS to Pk and her book cover reveal.

  4. Hey, Denise,
    I see you're quite fascinated with the literary set. Knew you'd want to make a stop in Paris. :)

  5. Love the idea of those old writers... you know what would be great to get in on? That writing contest that resulted in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein... I would LOVE a week with 4 writers, all trying to scare the pants off each other!

  6. Congrats to PK. Time travel is so much fun to dream about. Would the reality measure up? (is there such a thing as time travel sickness?)

    Can I go with you, Denise, when you stop back by Paris? Montparnasse was an area we didn't get to see enough of. Seeing Hemingway and who knows who else (a nice time travel dream). I'd buy your drinks. . .

    1. Montparnasse is not my favourite area of Paris, but like all areas, it has its charm. That lipstick looks a little weird on the horizon!

  7. You booked a very lovely trip, Denise. It would be fun to chat with the Paris lot.

  8. Clever to book several stops on your trip!

  9. Being among famous writers would be a dream. I could only imagine the things I'd learn from them. Could I come along with you after my time trip? I'll buy you a shot of whiskey. ;)

  10. A lovely time travel idea! I'd love to meet and talk to TS Eliot, but also to George Eliot…that would mean going even further back! Can I join you?

  11. I would love to talk to F.Scott about The Great Gatsby. It might be against the rules, but I would have to tell him that even in 2013, his book is relevant and tell him how he touch me how to write detailed scenes and build tension in a book.

  12. I love your choices Denise!
    I love Wordsworth's The Daffodils... such an ageless and feel good poem.
    I'm fortunate to have had the opportunity to visit Paris, my favourite city!
    I love Dr. Seuss... and considered travelling back in time to meet him... but then changed my mind in favour of somebody else...

  13. I would love to have been in Paris for the 1999-2000 New Year celebration. Don't really know why except that was when my fascination for Paris began!

    But to sit and talk with Margaret Mitchell - ideal!

  14. I'd definitely come with you on that trip, Denise!! How wonderful!

  15. This is a fantastic idea for a book! I can't wait to check this out...

  16. PK's book sounds awesome and that cover looks great. I think it would be great to go back and meet all of those literary figures, but if I were to time travel I simply wouldn't know where to start! So many choices... Thanks for sharing :)

  17. My friend and I visited Grasmere when we travelled last year. I can't remember it but I do remember seeing Wordsworth's grave (I think it was his).

    Love the sound of PK's book. Reminds me of Total Recall. :D

  18. Sounds like a great trip, meeting up with some wonderful authors.

    ~Rhonda (Time traveling today from Laugh Quotes )

  19. that spot could wake up the romantic in anyone.


  20. HI, Denise...

    Lovely thought.... How amazing and pure the world was before 1700 and the machine age.

    BUT... I'll just hang around in Paris and wait the the 25 to 30 years for your visit... I'm sure I can find something to do from 1890's while I'm waiting.

    I'm a great dancer by the way... LOL.

  21. I love that cover, and especially love the title. Sounds very quirky!

  22. Gorgeous cover--gonna drop by and congratulate PK. As for the time travel, I like where you said you'd go--hmm, maybe a bunch of us could sign up and get a group rate. In the meantime, have a fab weekend!

  23. I would love to go to the Lake District as well! I am very glad to live in the present rather than our comparatively violent past, but I wouldn't mind visiting the early 19th century, where I've set a novel. Nothing like on-the-ground research. :)

    Love the cover!

  24. Great cover, love the sound of the book. Oh, if only. Would love to travel back in time.


I love hearing from you! Hit me with your wisdom!