
Wednesday 29 May 2013


Hello there! Thanks for stopping by. I know you've got a lot of hoppin' to do, so I'll just give you one hint that works for me.

I'm a writer and a teacher. Both sedentary occupations. I have to work at optimizing fitness into my time-poor day.

I love to run, so I run when I can rather than walk. I teach at the State Library of Queensland, now about 1 kilometre from home since I've moved (instead of 5 minutes), so I pack all my books, notes, pens and laptop into my smallest pull-along luggage bag and jog, jog, jog as much as I can with it bouncing along behind me. Helps to keep it nimble between overseas trips added bonus. So my motto for getting/keeping healthy -- run, run, run....
Thanks to Stephen Tremp, Alex J Cavanaugh, L Diane Wolfe and Michael di Gesu for hosting this awesome, life-changing bloghop. A full list of participants is here.

  • If you think I'm not blogging anymore, think again. For some reason, my posts are not being updated, so I'm trying to fix the problem. Meanwhile, if you can remember to visit, I'd be mighty grateful!


  1. I wish I like running more. I recently committed to do a Couch to 5K and hope that helps me learn to at least like running.

  2. I'm in awe of anyone who can run. I'm not a fan of all that jolting about (maybe I'm doing it wrong? lol). But I love to walk!

    1. Running is addictive once you get into it.

  3. I not allowed to run owing to a health issue but I do enjoy walking especially along the nearby beach.

    Hope you get your blog problems sorted.

  4. I tend to walk quite a lot, I'm a great walker. It's my favourite form of exercise. Brisk walking, not slow walking :)

    1. Slow walking doesn't do it for me unless it's along the beach.

  5. I used to run to work, and would take the long route (8 Km). Part of the reason for this was because I was a starving student who couldn't afford the bus pass. Plus why take the bus when you can run to work and walk home (4 km).

    When I can't run I walk. And I walk fast.

    1. Yep you need to walk fast to make it effective.

  6. hat's great that you pick up the pace rather than merely walking. I'm going to make it a point to do just that this week.

  7. What a great idea, glad you have found something that works for you.

  8. Wow-- as Suzanne said, you've certainly found something that works for you -- that's awesome. I jog regularly although can't claim to love it. But it's such a great way to get the heart rate up and clear the mind!

  9. I'm not a natural jogger, but I really want to take it up again. It flattens my stomach like nothing else.

  10. I started jogging in January and I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoy it. Glad you found a way to do it so efficiently :D

  11. I'm not a runner, but it sounds like you really enjoy it. Hope your blog problems get straightened out real soon!

  12. I'm a fast walker and prefer to break into a quick trot just to get somewhere fast. But I've always wanted to run.

    I wondered why you weren't posting anymore. I'll try to remember to check for your posts.

  13. Great advice Denise! And I do remember how you jog and now that your place is a bit further so it's better all around!

    I need to start!


  14. I must admit I just can't get into running, but I think that's partly because of a mental block from always coming last when running at school; and now from being so overweight that I'd probably fall over my own feet on the first stride!
    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

    1. It's always best to start gently. Running's not for everyone. but it is very effective.

  15. This is such an encouraging post! Good for you that you can jog to work every day!

  16. Sorry you're having issues with your posts :-( I can't run, but I am looking forward to swimming now that we've FINALLY got some warm weather here in the NE USA. (They had 2+ feet of snow this past weekend in upstate New York!)

  17. I walk a lot but I've still never tried a run! Not even on a treadmill. I guess it'd be more fun with a jogging buddy!

    1. I'm happy. to do it alone then no one's competing with me.

  18. I'm a walker, running gave me inflammation of the kneecap. So I had to resort to other things like weight training. I was trying to picture you running with the suitcase bopping along behind.

    1. Sorry to hear that. Running can help a lit of conditions too.

  19. Hi, Denise,

    YAY for you. What a great way to start and finish your day! Thankfully you are having nice weather.

    Movement is so important and I am glad to hear you have an option that works for you.

    Thanks for posts and supporting the HOP!

  20. I remembered to look - take that blogger!

    I need to get back into the running. Did my walk again tonight, and at least it waited until I got home to rain this time. Maybe when my monthly challenge to walk every day is up, I'll notch it up to running every day instead... maybe.

    1. Yeah and I am a 2-day success with my editing.

  21. I'm not a runner but I'm a big fan of walking. I love the image of you jogging with the suitcase bobbing along behind you.

  22. Sorry for your computer glitches. Hope all is well soon.

    I applaud you for running, my hubby is a runner, but will walk with me. I've tried and failed miserably although we used to jog together, he's always slowed down to keep up with me! :)


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