
Monday 18 March 2013

Alex J Cavanaugh - Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest

TOP TEN MOVIES - IMPOSSIBLE TASK. I'm just listing the first 10 amazing movies that pop into my head, not in any particular order, well, except for Number 1..

1. GONE WITH THE WIND (1940) - Unforgettable (to me) characters. Scarlett, Rhett, Mammy, Mellie, and that milksop Ashley Wilkes - they are a part of my life. So intense was the storyline, so human were the actions/reactions of those caught up in the war against slavery and the war against themselves. It was a huge project, probably too broad for modern producers/directors, but the romantic elements were there and added extra suspense and colour to the powerful story.

Rhett Butler: With enough courage, you can do without a reputation. 

Rhett and Scarlett as we remember them

2.  MOONLIGHT AND VALENTINO (1995) - A realistic look at a wife's life/regrets on losing her husband in a freak accident. Heartwarming role of Whoopi Goldberg as the best friend. A great look at women helping women. Strong female cast - Gwenyth Paltrow is wonderful in her role as the depressed engenue, and Kathleen Turner...she just wants to be loved. Jon Bon Jovi ain't half bad as the house painter either!

3.  SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION - (1994) - How many times have I watched this movie? Lost count. Love its ironical storyline and the actors are awesome. Morgan Freeman is perfect in his role as the friend and confidante of the wrongly-accused Tim Robbin's character. The ending is truly inspiring.

4.  POWER OF ONE - (1992) - I adored the Bryce Courtney book - and I usually dislike movies based on long books, as the director has to cut too much. Even though the movie didn't give enough air time to one of my favourite characters, Grandpa, a book can't delight with amazing, soulful Zulu singing or portray the gun-trucks blazing their way through the townships quite as well. The young Peekay is adorable, and Morgan Freeman delights again as the boxer trainer. Peekay's passion to change the world still runs throughout the movie.

5.  GIRL, INTERRUPTED - (1999) - Woah! Angelina Jolie blazed through her role in the mental institution and made everyone else look drab. She stole the show from Producer, Winona Ryder. A realistic-looking portrayal of life in a mental institution. I usually get my senior students to watch it when they're studying One Flew Over the Cockoo's Nest.

Susanna: You know, taking us for ice creams in a blizzard... makes you wonder who the real whack jobs are. 

6.  CROCODILE DUNDEE - (1986) - A send-up of the great Australian stereotype of the bronzed Aussie yobbo okker. Well, if you go to a pub in Western Queensland or parts of the Northern Territory, you'll find Mick Dundee alive and well and wrestling crocodiles once he's got a full stomach of XXXX beer. Mick, er Paul Hogan ended up winning the leading lady, the American Lynda Kowzlski and they're still living happily ever after in the States.

This is a crocodile!

This is a knife!

7. LES MISERABLES (2012) - Loved Victor Hugo's French historical novel, it was unforgettable on stage, and the film was every bit as inspiring. Loved Hugh Jackman in the lead role of Jean Valjean. Anne Hathaway's portrayal of Fantine and her rendition of I Dreamed a Dream can still bring tears to my eyes. But who will ever forget the little kid! The ending was superb.

8. THE MATRIX - (1999) Love this series of movies, but I like the first one best. Loved the concept, loved the costumes, loved the actors - Keanu Reeves was perfectly cast, as was Hugo Weaving as the bad guy. Loved the syncronated fighting. Was more like ballet. Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss - great!!

9. UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN - (2003) - I adore reading travel narratives, and it is great to see the occasional movie made from one. This is one of the best adaptations INMO. Diane Lane is believable in her role of the American expat. However, like all travel memoirs, the location is the best character. I adored it cuz I've been there. Great to spot places you've visited. Tuscany has got to be one of the most glorious settings on earth - who really cares about the story? Although Sandra Oh from Grey's Anatomy was amazing.

20. SAFE HAVEN - (2013) - I realise I've manily chosen 1990's movies - is that because, like books, the old ones have that extra something that affects you more than the modern? Or is it just because I had more time in the 90s to watch movies? But I do try to see the latest ones -- this movie is based on the Nickolas Spark's novel. He's one of my favourite authors - he can be corny, but her always has great stories. This one is predictable, explores some contemporary issues, but all the big guns come out for a super-duper climax. 

There it is. Hope you enjoyed your trip through my memory lane of movies...

All images copied from Google Images, so I'll be whipping them down in a few days...


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  1. Crocodile Dundee - a little Aussie influence there?
    Matrix - very awesome.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  2. Great choices all, a few I couldn't watch more than once, but that's me.

  3. I loved both MATRIX I and II. CROCIDILE DUNDEE was a great film that I've watched over and over. Who can say anything bad about GONE WITH THE WIND? It was great. I want to see LES MISERABLES when it comes out on DVD. Great list!

  4. Who could be more amazing than Scarlett O'Hara...Gone with the Wind is an extraordinary movie...number one on list as well :).

  5. Hi Denise .. what a great list - some variables in there .. and most I haven't seen and would love to - still need to see Les Mis ... but your recent 2013 "Safe Haven" - I'll keep an eye out for ... while "Under the Tuscan Sun" .. sounds excellent ..

    Fun list - cheers Hilary

  6. What eclectic choices! Love the Matrix and Under the Tuscan Sun.

  7. you put the croc on the list... those films were great fun, yes even the third.

    Jeremy [Retro-Z]
    Howlin' Wolf

  8. Under the Tuscan Sun was delightful! Pure chick flick, but still delightful. The Matrix rocks!

  9. Shawshank Redemption just barely missed making my list. Probably number eleven for me. Great list.

  10. I haven't seen many on your list but this blogfest is giving me a lot of ideas for movies to watch.

  11. Girl, Interrupted made my list too! Gone With the Wind is my all time favourite book, but I fell asleep when I attempted the movie!

  12. Yay, another Shawshank Redemption fan! Dundee was fun, but my favorite Aussie flick is Picnic at Hanging Rock, which probably should have made my list. Argh!

    ~VR Barkowski

  13. I love Shawshank Redemption. I almost put it on my list and I totally forgot about Crocodile Dundee, that's a great one too.

  14. Yes, I did enjoy Crocodile Dundee! (the first one preferably) and many others on your list - Shawshank and Matrix (first one) are classics. Some are new to me.

  15. Shawshank Redemption is the bomb! Loved that movie. :)

  16. Loved all of your choices, but haven't seen Safe Haven.

    Think this is the first list with Dundee. It felt so fresh and original when it came out.

  17. Oh, interesting set. I like the idea of pairing Girl, Interrupted with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest... though the MOVIE One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is fabulous, too.

  18. Lots of great choices! I've seen Under the Tuscan Sun dozens of times!

  19. I forgot about crocodile Dundee. Had some great lines (that's not a knife being one of the best.

  20. Great list! I haven't seen Les Miserables yet, but it's on my list!

  21. Great movie collection. Loved Crocodile Dundee, I could have included it on my list as I did silly travel movies (but I didn't think of it).

  22. CROCODILE DUNDEE! You've just made my day. :)

  23. I've never seen Dundee...going onto the list now. Thanks!

  24. Love the Matrix. Dundee movies were fun. Great list.

  25. I didn't include Les Miz in my list because I was basing my selections on movies I've gone back to over the years, but I agree totally on Anne Hathaway's performance. Blew me away.

  26. Love your choices - how could I forget all about CROC DUNDEE? I don't even have it on DVD ;)

  27. Crocodile Dundee was on tv the other day - such a fun movie. Kinda like Romancing the stone :-)
    I hadn't heard of Under the Tuscan Sun - sounds interesting!

  28. I have Shawshank Redemption on my list. Still watch parts of it when its on TV, which is like once a week.

  29. I really need to Les Mis. My sister and I were supposed to go see it when it hit theaters, but then life happened.

  30. Lots of memories evoked through this list!

  31. Great list of movies; and wow, I so loved Girl Interrupted.


  32. SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION is one of my absolute favourites.

  33. This is an interesting list. Under the Tuscan Sun was such a pretty movie to watch. Crocodile Dundee was a surprise, but then...look who I'm talkin' to. ;)

  34. You're right - it was impossible to narrow the movies down to ten! :)

  35. girl interrupted was seriously angelina's break out movie for me!! she rocked it!

  36. Hi Denise!

    Great list and interesting choices. I did enjoy the trip down the memory lane!

  37. Crocodile Dundee evokes pleasant memories - such a fun film!

  38. You have a few great movies on your list, the ones I forgot about and loved (though they didn't make my top 10) are "The Power of One" (Morgan Freeman is amazing, as if you didn't know that) and "Under The Tuscan Sun". :3


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