
Wednesday 18 July 2012

Reading, 'Riting and tRavelling in Fiji. What have I been reading? Heaps of books!

When I'm not reading or writing I'm checking out the islands. Here's the singers welcoming  us to  South Sea Island
So this holiday is a bit different from my usual travels, where I spend every waking moment sightseeing. Seeing I have such a long time in Fiji, I'm able to pace myself - a day at home to read, write, blog, fb, tweet etc and the next day to hit the road, the towns or the islands.

It's been a good plan. I've had time to keep in close touch with my Writing Group which meets at the Queensland Writer's Centre in Brisbane. We're collaborating on an epic fantasy novel. At this stage we are world building, profiling our characters and plotting. All good for pantser me. 

Partly in preparation for writing my fantasy characters, I've been reading fantasy novels. Several.

Nas' daughter had a Tamora Pierce lying around - Alanna, the First Adventure. This was timely, as I imagine my female princess character sharing some traits with Alanna, a girl pretending to be a boy training as a knight. Now I'll have to look for the rest of the series.

Free ebook
I also read Nancy Williams' Magic of Windlier Wood. I've had this beautiful little fantasy short story with enchanting characters and settings on my TBR list for sometime now. Nancy, whose novel Treasures of Carmelidrium was gorgeous, certainly knows about world building, something our Writing Group has spent a long time on. 

Blogger India Drummond's Contemporary Urban Fantasy, Book 1, Blood Faerie has been languishing in my Kindle for several months. I'm finally getting to read it. I haven't finished yet. It's not the sort of fantasy our group is writing, but I'm learning a lot about India's fantasy writing and world building. The main character Eilidh is on the run from faerie land, escaping a death sentence. But she finds herself having to make some big choices when she lives amongst humans and a mutilated body is discovered. (You can download India's book now from Amazon USA andAmazon UK  

Click to buy
I also caught an interview with Linda Gillard on Talli's blog. I instantly bought her book, The Glass Guardian. It's a romantic ghost story. Very intriguing. I loved it. It has some similarities to a romantic ghost story I've been writing to submit to Entangled Publishing. Can ghosts love? Good question.

Another romantic ghost story I read was a free ebook A Romantic Ghost Story by Jason W Chan. An entertaining read about a grandmother who's dying, but has died before. Now she's going to meet her love, who many years ago, died that she might live again.

Click to buy from Amazon
Then there's Love Knows No Bounds. A great anthology of novellas from Enchanted Publishing
I came across this anthology when I was checking out writing opportunities at Enchanted. Love Knows No Bounds is EP's current Featured Release. This is a fabulous anthology in their Flirts Category. Strong on romance, but full of quirky intrigue. It contains 3 stories:  TWEET by Boone BruxBITTERSWEET by Brooke Moss and REMEMBER ME by Nina Croft. 100% of profits benefits the charity Autism Speaks.

Speaking of EP did you catch the fabulous Pitch contest over at Brenda Drake's? Several EP editiors will be on board to take their pick from several Pitches.The contest closes when the magic 200 pitches is reached. Just checked - they have 191, so closing soon!

So that's my reading for the fantasy/paranormal genres. I've been reading heaps more. I'll talk about them some time soon.

Nobody asked me to read or review these books. I bought them myself and thoroughly enjoyed them all.

  • What have you been reading lately?
  • Have you read any of the books I've mentioned?
  • Did you enter the Enchanted Publishing Pitch Contest?


  1. And you've picked a great location in which to read those books!
    Finished Nancy Thompson's upcoming book The Mistaken (awesome) and haven't started a new one just yet. (Busy writing.)

  2. Hi, Denise, you're a woman after my own heart. I like shaking up my blog now and then, but haven't done it much lately. Love this new look, lovely masthead!

    I don't read a lot of fantasy, but I do have India Drummond's book on my Kindle. Haven't to got it yet. So much to read. Right now I'm reading Medeia Sharif's Bestest.Ramadan.Ever. Have a couple others going too, but I'm trying to finish this one this week.

    Have fun!

    1. I like that many of us are reading bloggers' books. Yes, I get so bored with my blog look. I have to fiddle. One day I'll get it the way I want. I still need a bit of tweaking here...D

  3. Fiji. What a lovely place to read and sight-see. I envy you. May this trip be your best yet. Envious Roland

    1. Thanks Roland. It's certainly the best writing time I've ever had! None of your books on this list, but I have a lot more to talk about yet. You can see I'm a voracious reader. D

  4. What a great list of books to read in a great location! I really enjoyed India's series and seeing that ghost story on Talli's blog intrigued me too. It's in my TBR pile :)

    1. I can't recommend The Glass Guardian enough! D

    2. Thank you so much, Denise. (I'm the author of THE GLASS GUARDIAN and I found your blog thanks to Google Alerts.) I was so pleased to hear you'd enjoyed TGG. It was a new departure for me - my first attempt at a paranormal romance after 5 contemporary fiction novels. TGG doesn't really conform to the genre, so I wasn't sure how it would go down with readers, but they seem to have liked it. :-)

    3. Thank you so much, Denise. (I'm the author of THE GLASS GUARDIAN and I found your blog thanks to Google Alerts.) I was so pleased to hear you'd enjoyed TGG. It was a new departure for me - my first attempt at a paranormal romance after 5 contemporary fiction novels. TGG doesn't really conform to the genre, so I wasn't sure how it would go down with readers, but they seem to have liked it. :-)

    4. Thanks for visiting Linda. I loved your book as you can see. I'm honoured that you came by and thanked me for the mention. D

  5. Lots of great info! I've been reading Dean Koontz a lot lately. I love to be scared. :)

    1. I adore Koontz but I'm working my way through my Kindle and keep downloading more. Left all my print books at home. But I have lots of Nas' M&B to keep that print in my hand. D

  6. Wow, what a great beach and fantastic-sounding vacation! I just finished Entangled Pub's YA book Pretty Amy and finally got around to Ally Condie's Matched. Now I think it's time for me to write (I've been taking a grad class that sapped all the fiction out of me, but it's over, yay!)

    1. I know how you feel. I hope you get in the writing groove again! EP have some great books! D

  7. Your flash fantasy piece won! That's great, Sis!!

    I've never been into fantasy, at all, so that would probably stretch my brain more than I think I could handle right now. But this is all SO fascinating. World building. Never thought of it that way. (I WILL read YOUR fantasy novel :o)

    Your South Sea Island photograph takes me back to the year my first husband, 4 children, and I lived in Laie. This looks so much like a scene from OUR past in the islands. So beautiful. So relaxing.

    1. Our fantasy novel is going to be awesome. We have a couple of guys in our group who are absolutely genius writers.
      Ah, cruising these Fiji islands makes me want to build a shack and write forever!
      (((hugs)))) to you and Jen!

  8. My sweet and precious Denise,
    Love your new header...but then you knew that already since it's one of my favorite snaps of yours (smile).
    The revamp is looking tres chic too.

    I don't read much, but you've certainly got a varied selection of material to keep you busy, in between sipping and sampling the local fare. Seems like you are having way too much fun! Enjoy your time & safe and happy travels.

    1. Now Andy, I imagined you sitting under the trees with a copy of Wordsworth in your hands, reading love poetry. Or maybe you're too busy writing your own!
      Glad you like my new look. The photo is a smasher isn't it?
      Fiji is a great place to relax and write (and read, obviously). D

  9. I love Tamora Pierce! And these other books look intriguing as well. I'll definitely put htem on my list:)

    1. I can't remember having read Tamora Pierce before but obviously I've seen her books at the library. I'm going to read more of hers. D

  10. Fiji sounds nice. I'm in Houston, Texas right now visiting a daughter. After 3 days of driving I've spent today inside enjoying the AC and catching up with some blog activity.
    I brought a number of books and am slowly making my way through the first one, a 1974 book about Bible prophecy called Armageddon: Oil and the Mid-east Crisis. It's amazing how topical the book still seems--it could almost have been written this year.

    I forget what other books I brought. I just through a bunch in my suitcase. No, I don't have an e-reader yet.

    Wrote By Rote

    1. Hi Arlee. It's amazing how spot on so much Bible prophecy is! Helps explain some of the craziness in our world today.
      It's when you're travelling a lot that you appreciate an ereader over lugging print books around. I still prefer print at home, which is why my Kindle is so full of ebooks yet to be read!

      Thanks for taking the time out of your holiday to visit. Enjoy your time in Houston.


  11. I've been reading blogs, and my own writing.

    I've read a couple of those, liked them too :) I have some reviews of my own I need to write and post.

    I'm pretty sure I missed the pitch contest. I'll catch the next one I'm sure. Keep having a good time Denise; you gotta take one for those of us who can't get away right now . .


  12. Wow, you've been busy! I love India's writing; so evocative. And Linda Gillard is a master (mistress? madam? you get the picture!) :)

  13. I haven't read these books. Thanks for the info!

  14. boy, you have been catching up on your reading! I'm reading Fire, by Kristen Cashore right now. A nice fantasy. I really liked Graceling, too.

  15. That's a ton of books! Thanks for the reviews. I have to get around to reading Alanna sometime; I love Pierce's writing and her characters.

  16. My dear Denise,
    First let me say the blue waters reminded me of Trinidad. Then again, all the Islands are the same in one way or another. I can tell you are having fun and so you should!! I am not a book reader, but Barbara is (my beautiful wife). Last but not least, thank you for evening my dear and sweet friend. Continue to have fun for all of us...

  17. I never got past the word Fiji. We are planning Disney cruises to the Cayman Islands and to Mexico. We have exotic waters and sandy beaches on our minds.

    1. That sounds wonderful Stephen. Yeah, I go all gooey about cruising islands, lol! Have a great time in the Caymans and Mexico. Sounds gorgeous.

  18. You have been reading a lot of fantasy. I love the idea of a collaborative project in your writing group. Sounds like lots of fun. Fiji sounds like even more fun! ;)

    1. Yes, the collaborative project is awesome. Have some clever writers in our WG, including Charmaine of course. Fiji is great fun. D

  19. Wow what a lot of intriguing stories. I haven't read any yet. I'm reading the 2nd in Shadowmagic: The Prince of Hazel & Oak at the moment.

    1. Glad you're finding some time to read amongst all the book launch hoopla.

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