
Wednesday 28 March 2012

#AtoZChallenge - BLOGGERS WERE CHILDREN TOO! - My theme for April.

We're all individuals, right? Right!

Here is my great reveal - for the A - Z Challenge in April I've contacted bloggers whose name/blog/surname/whatever, starts with the relevant letter of the day and have sent them questions to answer about their childhood, accompanied by a childhood picture.

This should be easy, right? Wrong! Overall, I only had a couple of refusals and a couple of ignores, but getting the answers/pics back was a matter of persistence. Getting the individual posts set up has taken me far more time than I'd imagined as I cropped and tweaked photos and posts. However, I want to pre-schedule them so I have more time to go around reading/commenting on your posts if you're in the challenge. AND I've just decided I'm entering RomanticFridayWriters in the challenge too - short, short flash fiction every day!  What about you? Are you in or not?

But hard work or not, folks, these posts here at L'Aussie Writing are going to be super intriguing. Some of my respondents were so honest and generous with their information they made me quite emotional. I know I'm a softie, but they really tore at my heartstrings. We didn't all grow up in an ideal situation that's for sure, but it is often those trials and tribulations at an early age that mould us into the person we become. Maybe it gives us an edge, makes us fight harder, makes us overcome early obstacles and succeed in whatever path we choose in our lives.

So, do follow my posts when you have a moment. I know there's going to be over 1,000+ other posts to peruse and you can't read them all. But if you call in here, you'll love reading the stories, seeing the pictures and getting to know some things about bloggers' experiences that will make you wonder...and make you appreciate them even more...

Click on the badge if you've just decided to join the challenge, or to check out who else will be posting!

So, are you doing the A - Z Challenge? If so, what is your theme?


  1. Hi,

    Nope! Not in the A-Z. It killed my inspiration last time around, and took me weeks to recover from the shock of no characters pleading for attention!

    I'm all out on publishing new books and re-publishing previously pubbed books to Kindle at present. Although Amazon rankings in the US seem low it doesn't equate to sales, which are better than good. Needless to say the books are going well in Europe and UK, but then historical novels have a huge following.

    Good luck with A-Z: did you remember my stuff for F or W was posted to fun-writer blog under ME page?

  2. Hee hee. I hope I got all the stuff you meant me to! I'm so glad your novels are attracting such a huge following. The more titles you get out there the better! D.

  3. What a fascinating idea for a post. I think you are doing so much work for it. I will be sure to check out your posts each day.

  4. Denise, it is a wonderful idea and I feel like a heel. Talk to you on email.

  5. BTW - that's a colourful and inneresting outfit. :)

  6. Denise, that is a really creative idea!

  7. I look forward to reading your April posts, Denise :-)

    1. I hope you pop by Iris, especially on your special day. D.

  8. What a fun idea. Can't wait to learn more about the people you've chosen.

    1k people--crazy, right?

  9. What an inspired idea for a theme! Bet it took a lot of work to track down and co-opt all those bloggers.

    1. You're telling me Botanist. I'd make a good cop!


  10. This sounds like it could be very interesting. I'm announcing this on the A to Z Blog Summary which will post on Saturday.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

  11. I'm just pleased I could help you out, Denise. At least the elusive letter Z is covered. I can't wait to see what everyone else has to share. ; )

    1. You were wonderful and trouble free Zen. Thank you! It's going to be great to see the reactions. D.

  12. Love your theme, Denise! Looking forward to it :-)
    I haven't revealed my theme yet... Let's see if I can keep the secret for a few more days...

    1. Oh, mysterious one. Something Middle Ages? Guessing? D.

  13. I swear that is the most interesting outfit I've seen in a long time! I can't wait to see the results of all your hard work.

  14. That's such a great theme, Denise. I'm looking forward to your posts!

  15. Wonderful idea! I look forward to your posts.

  16. Gosh I'd forgotten about your theme for the challenge. Looks like a great one and fun too. Can't wait to see who else you've featured.

  17. Hi Denise .. great idea - what a brilliant thought - I'll be over .. especially if all the photos are like that one! Cheers and see you during the A - Z .. Hilary

  18. I really am amazed by all of you participating in this challenge. So many blogs! This is going to be fun.

  19. I am totally amazed by all of the bloggers participating in this. I'm not one of them, but I'll try to visit.

  20. I'm in! I'm stopping by from today's A-Z challenge post. It's almost time! I'm following :)

  21. This is going to be such a lovely theme :). Look forward to your posts!

    ---Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  22. Thanks Damyanti. Looking forward to yours too. D.

  23. I'm doing the challenge Denise and have started! Waiting for you :)

  24. Hee hee Ocean girl. I'd better get this thaang posted then! D.

  25. Dunno with the way I blog, that I could follow your A-Z theme, but it is an interesting concept. Maybe I could try recipes beginning with the appropriate letter. Would be a bit late starting though. Will have to think about it.


I love hearing from you! Hit me with your wisdom!