
Wednesday 2 February 2011

Important notices - CassaStar book review, Wido Submission Contest and more...

Before I launch into this week's Publication Party I'll just catch you up on a few things:
  • If you'd like to read my book review of CassaStar, Alex J Cavanaugh's debut novel go to Reading at Dawn. Alex was the speaker at my previous Publication Party.
  • If you have a mss  that you'd like to see published, enter Wido's Submission contest. Your mss must be 50,000 words (how's your NaNo novel looking?) They don't want it all right away! Allie, the acquisitions editor, will review each submission and email you a paragraph or two feedback on both your query and your sample chapters. Each entry will receive her critique. Contest closes 1 March. Further details go here.
  • If you'd like to enter the Broken Hearts Blogfest, it is on AFTER Valentines Day (ha ha) the 13 - 15 March. Hosted by Dawn Embers. Go here for Mr Linky.
  • I am a finalist in Dominic de Mattoss' No Fear Blogfest. You can read my story here. Voting is taking place here, but read all the finalists' entries before voting.
  • If you missed my previous post, please read it! A search engine for writers is not announced every day!
  • I knew there was something else! See in my sidebar - I've read 13 books for January, on track for my 100+ challenge for the year.
I'll be back soon as your host for the Publication Party with short story writer Helen M Hunt. Don't miss it!

Denise :)


  1. I have a manuscript I'd like to see get written! Preferrably without my involvement. That's bad, isn't it?

  2. Hooray for all this great stuff happening and to you for letting everyone know!

  3. Hi, Denise,

    Congrats on all the good news. And also for the news about Karen G. What a great way to start this week...

    We are in a blizzard today. The first in 30 years. Pray that I don't loose my internet ... I will freak without it! lol


  4. wow, that's a lot of info in one post! Awesome info too. Huge thanks

  5. I was just telling NR Williams I need to take a speed reading class. I feel like the tortuous here in blog world. :)

    Thanks for all the info
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  6. The WIDO contest is a lovely contest to enter!

  7. L Diane Wolfe: You too?

    KarenG: What a great contest!

    gideon86: I heard about the mega snow storm - 30 states! In a few hours we're going to be hit with a mega cyclone - north of me but where Ihave loved ones. I lost the net at times in the floods. Scary.

    Alex: Look out, you'll convince me!

    Lynda: I'm getting good at these bits and pieces!

    Jules: Yep I did take a speed reading course a long time ago. It still works!

    Clarissa: That's good to hear.

  8. Great links, I did go look at that writers search engine- seems interesting I'll play with it some more. Congrats on being a finalist!

  9. Good luck on the No Fear Blogfest. And I'll check out Wido's Submission contest. Thanks for the link!


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